Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

What else could fill the capability gap? The only other thing I was able to find would be the Mirage G8-02 which was passed on the old forums. It looks like it would have an identical weapons suite to the F1, with better (?) flight performance.


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Im down for the G8. We do have this aircraft like the Yak-141 too. Nothing is impossible

There are very interesting exports. That do not quite need to be in French service. We have lots. Then again. I have not looked to much into weapons.

Iduno. Im disappointed in them bringing the S4.
Should have been the S3…
They would have made a killing in sales if they had a lower BR 2000. With less performance and older super 5s.
Instead, they just made the S5 less special and now have two jets with a BR issue.

Anyway you guys bring up some good points.

The Magic 2 has 4 moving control surfaces, the tail rotates freely around the body to avoid roll interference. The AAM-3 is coded correctly, the single plane pull is 40G’s. The missile does bank-to-turn steering IRL which is not properly modeled in-game, which would further enhance the maneuverability of the missile if it could be proven that it should pull in combined plane… which would be ~56G.

Not the same thing, bank to turn can be done in single or dual plane. Bank to turn means the missiles’ roll is stabilized, though… so if it maneuvers in “X” configuration it must do so at all times with a certain point always being up in relation to target vector rather than the methods used by the magic 2… where any intersection between the canards can be used as the pitch point towards target vector. Think Meteor, it can only pitch “up” from the top of the missile otherwise the intakes are not oriented properly and instability causes oscillations which can lead to a near-miss if not managed properly.

No, both have free rotating tail sections. The magic 2 incorporates new sensors in the guidance head for maintaining 45 degrees between control surfaces towards target vector (combined plane). This simply modification allowed an enhancement in maneuverability without seriously modifying the missile control scheme.


The Phoenix, Magic 2, AAM-3 would all benefit from dual plane and have been proven to operate with such a control scheme as far as I am concerned. Gaijin needs more convincing.

The Bank-To-Turn method is employed by the AAM-3 according to some sources, but is negligible as to how much it matters in-game as long as the overload is correct. Missiles such as the Meteor require this to maintain the position of the intakes in relation to the maneuvering vector of the target as to avoid instabilities that cause oscillations, loss of control, and whatnot.


They really don’t, they just can’t be bothered to model it

more like : “oh no, US mains are gonna ask AIM-9X to counter that”

As a US main, the only thing I want are BVR missiles you can’t defeat by rolling. It really is that simple

LMAO anybody who doesn’t have the R27s wishes that lol. All SARH besides R27 are bugged as fuck lately

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Yes i agree with the fact that it would be a sort of copy paste, but the question was about what can fill a gap between a 12.0 Mirage 2000C-S5 and a 11.3 Mirage F1.
Either Mirage IIING or EX are at best 11.3 material if they get Magic 2/Super 530F, 11.7 would be too high for them. If they are not getting the Magic 2 however, they can go to 10.7-11.0 to fill the gap the french tree have between the 10.3 Mirage III and 11.3 Mirage F1.
Another candidate for that can also be the Mirage 50, basically the same engine and weaponry than the other two, but without canards because it’s an earlier iteration

For the Mirage G.8, given the fact it was abandonned in the early 70’s, it would be able to use only two Magic 1 and two R530 ( maybe the Super 530F at best, it’s arguable ). With no informations about flares/chaffs and RWR it would need a Yak 141/Mirage 4000 treatment : probably Mirage F1 RWR as placeholder, like the Mirage 4000 that got the RWR of the Mirage 2000, but for the flares this is more tricky, maybe the Mirage IIIE flares.

With this in mind, i think the G.8 would be able to sit between 10.7 and 11.0, but not 11.3, it seems too high for me given the worse weaponry than the Mirage F1.
So i think the Mirage G.8 would also be great to fill the gap in the tree between the 10.3 Mirage III and 11.3 Mirage F1.

There is also the Mirage F1 M53, basically a Mirage F1 with a M53-2 engine, but the issue here are similar to thoses of the Mirage G.8 : being a 70’s prototype, it can only use Magic 1 instead of Magic 2.
The Mirage F1MF2000 is also an option once the MICA will be released, but it would be at least 12.0 if not higher.

all of this to tell one thing : the Mirage 2000 was the backbone of the French air force until the Rafale replaced it, so until the Rafale, and outside of the F1 MF2000, multiples variants of the Mirage 2000 is all we can get beyond 11.3

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Oh believe me, you aren’t special enough for that. It’s your own fault that you decide to stick yourself out in every thread on the forums.

Says the person that has screenshots of my post and has them saved in a folder on his desktop…

Who wakes up every morning and does a 5 min monologue dedicated to me…
These are not my words. These are yours…

ok, sure… Run along kiddo.

Well yeah that’s why I agreed the S3 would have been cool, but GJ burned their chance for a copy paste 2000 at a lower BR and gave us an exact copy of the S5 further oversaturating the BR. Now they have complaints it’s too powerful.
Then GJ wonders why the S4 cost $25 instead of a lower BR 2000 which would be at the very least a $100+.

If they were to add the S3 it would personally piss me off, take the place of potential unique Mirages and not be exciting at all. I highly doubt anyone will be like “France is getting the S3! Its exactly like the S5/S4, but weaker engines! Hell yeah!”

You know what I am saying?
I think you had great suggestion, but GJ should have run with that in the event instead of the S4.


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Yes, it’s called comedy relief. I look at them when I feel about about myself, and for some reason I start to feel better.

You don’t seem to understand humor.

Oh, there is truth to it. You follow me around the forum like a puppy and have nothing productive to add. Except attempt to undermine anything I have to say without bringing anything to the conversation.

You have some really deep-seated issues if following someone around on a forum makes you feel better about yourself.

So, with that said, do you have anything to share with the team regarding the Mirage 2000? Its potential BR increase?

As I said, it isn’t following when you insert yourself everywhere.


Keep saying that, it still won’t be true.

I already have

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By how Gaijin didn’t give the Super Etendard Magic 2 for balancing reason. Couldn’t that logic be applied to MF1 2000?

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The whole point of the 2000C-S3 is to have it at a lower BR than the S5, of course it will not shine a lot because it would be a filler.

The main issue with the 2000C-S3 is that at which BR would you put it ? Currently the 2000C-S5 is still 11.7, so the S3 still make no sense because there is no space for it between the 2000C-S5 and the F1C, at 11.3 it will powercreep the Mirage F1, while at 11.7 it will be useless because of the S5.

The 2000C-S3 will make sense only if one of theses move up or down, there is still a possibility that the 2000C-S5 move up to 12.0 but they gave them more time to see if it should move up after the feedbacks of the january BR changes, so we have to wait and see.

Until the S5 move up (if it will someday) there will be no space for the S3, that’s why they’ve chosen the S4 for the winter event.

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What make the Mirage F1 MF2000 12.0 material at bare minimum is not the Magic 2 but the two MICA it carry, i dont think you want to fight a 80km Fox 3 thrust vectoring missile with a Mig 21bis.

I mean, they also give the Super 530D for the 5F, wouldn’t they also give MF2000 a pair of Super 530D instead of MICA for the sake of balancing? From what I read before in this thread, M2K5F can carry Super 530D.

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Gaijin’s logic for giving S530D to Mirage 2000-5F is pretty spotty. They say it was mounted to an export model at an airshow and they’ve got photos… but the only photos they have produced as evidence have been of different aircraft that aren’t Mirage 2000-5F.

If S530D wasn’t so slow and had such spotty performance, I’d be less annoyed at the inclusion.

I’d be okay with the inclusion if they admit it was for game balance and promise MICA EM and IR will come to the aircraft in future.

As usual, Gaijin will pull as many stops as possible to hide behind “realism and accuracy” before admitting something was changed for the sake of balance.


I don’t know what you’re talking about… the missile is great and has good maneuverability

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