Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

He’s saying we can just put a French name over Morocco jet for simplification. It was a French prototype afterall

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Hey @directsupport thanks for the bug report. Hope it will fixed soon.

Want to ask if any of you have experimented this lately. Now S530D is pretty unrelable even a short range, Front lock, PD (HDN and without) mode. For me it one patch to another, the radar is badly working or the missile not working as intended. it getting worse patch after patch.

If people can explain what is wrong here. Most of the clip are either PD HDN or PD mode.
Targets don’t or barely defend, they dont notch, and they are still able to defeat the missile easily.


On these clip, i think it is “maybe” the guidance table kick in too late in head on, which leads the missile to miss. But that just my assumption.

At this point, I lead, not lead missile, barely loft, no loft, i shoot from front, side, rear aspect, long or short range it doesn’t change.

Here from another view point (i’m the one defending)
At any moment i was in danger even if i defend badly. 2 S530D fired at me
I barely move to the side (i can’t even call this a notch) the first missile miss, i reposition in front of the missile, the 2nd missile S530D miss.

Bonus rear aspect: i expect nothing, i know it should be more difficult from rear. Just want to see how the missile will react. Just embarrassing how the missile is not even trying.
https://streamable.com/r2hpqx (2nd,4th and 5th are S530D)


i don’t think the radar is to blame, that would be more of a guidance or overload problem.

i noticed the 530D doesn’t like being fired up close (5km or less), which is a bit ironic considering its max range isn’t exactly great…

it might have to do with the variable PID depending on distance to target. At least i noticed the missile would fail more after this change, but that’s just personal experience, so take it with a grain of salt.

Funnily enough, certain missiles (which aren’t small by any means) and with a similar overload can sometimes hit even fired less than 2km in front aspect (looking at you R27…)

From personal experience, it feels like the PID. After the PID update (was DirectSupport’s issue report I think), I found I hate the 530D. Feels almost tight/slow to respond with how restrictive it is. Performs worse at closer range as a result

Just my 2 cents


I remember when 530F was introduced with Mirage F1, it was an incredible missile, realiable, never miss target, no radar notch.

Yeah as it isn’t doppler and can be one chaffed

i never seen S.530F to be whatsoever useful, let alone reliable,…


ok thats just coping

So Gaijin decided to not increase the BR of Mirage 2000C, we’re probably wouldn’t get the 4 Magic 2 Loadout because of this. But at least, now I think Mirage 2000C sitting at sweetspot and will probably get more downtier in the coming implementation of BR Changes.

Before F14s, back when you could climb, diving straight down on the target wouldnt trigger their RWR, it was definitely usable.

rwrs were different back then

which never was a thing,… so Gaijin never was going to add it,… the only Mirage 2000C that had it is Greek.

American f5cs never had flares its possible to add

that’s gaijin not willing to have F-5C at 9.3 because of bad are US players,…

I’ve only played the event mirage. Not touched a single other French aircraft.

It is by far my best performing aircraft I have flown in the game. Although it lacked the staying power due to its limited armament, its easily able to go toe to toe with all current 12.3 aircraft.

The only planes I remotely would have any trouble with dealing with in a dogfight are the F16 and Gripen, but even then most of those pilots are absolute ass and i have no trouble killing them. It is able to completely dominate all other aircraft in the game with a well managed energy state.

I think my most favourite ability is to snap the nose in any direction to get extremely clutch gunshots in a nose to nose fight. The AOA it can pull is extremely good, but is still no slouch in well managed rate fight. (Stay above 750 km/h ias if your life depends on it, don’t be greedy and pull lead unless you can get a kill shot)

Most of the time I die to Mig23 r24R missiles which are for some reason completely un-notchable??? The mig23 radar should be garbage but damn those missiles are more broken than the R27ER.

If I could have this plane and have 6 or 8 missiles it would be absolutely insane, but then probably be too heavy because of it lol.

Not being part of the BR change… if anything its going to make it see top tier less often, when it (in my oppinion) is perfectly capable of fighting against them. Its only issue is the quantity of missiles.

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Indeed the radar was not the problem on theses clips. I just mentionned it, because reliability mess up between missile, radar or both at same time, depending of patchs.
Problem you don’t even know why it mess up (+ the fact you lose a precious missile)

For exemple, clips taken yesterday to show how radar RDY can be unreliable:
On these context, why the radar start to break the lock?
once again and like the previous post, most targets dont defend, barely move


(on the 3rd video: The F-16 start to move to the right at ~2.00km, the radar break the lock as soon as 1.73Km… Guys this is not notching at this point. or F-16 is pure UFO to go notching in 300 meter while he’s just spawning - so he was over 1050/1150 kph/kmh, fast closing at 550 m/s)


(On this one (the 6th video): surprised that the S530D hitted, but still same behavior as the 3rd one, as soon as the F-16 go left, it brake the lock. F-16 brake on left at 3.00 km, Radar break the lock at 2.50, 0.3/0.5 seconds to brake the lock, F-16 fast closing on my direction at 650 m/s. Once again this is not notching. but thank for once S530D relocked to the target)


Another exemple, this time about missile behaviour (Not tied on PID here)

(on the first video, none S530D hit the target, first we dont know where it is, the second missile, the video speak for itself)
(2nd video: no hit for an easy target going in straight line with no defensive maneuver, the missile was still be able to miss this…)
(3rd video: same behavior as the first one, first one not capable to hit an easy going straight line head on path, second one going wild)
the last video speak for itself

I mean, 7 months ago (M2K-5F was introduced), we were with this powerful radar with a pretty good missile. Not as strong as R-27ER, but still very dangerous.

(Timestamp for S530D : 1:10 / 2:27 / 3:10 / 4:30 the second missile). So since the 0.68 update radar and/or missile are not getting better.
now we are at this: you accumulate, radar reliability issue, Missile behavior going wild for no reason, Missile PID/Guidance table mess up at short distance and fast closing target.
And while yes it lose less energy on long distance target, the problem is, it is so easy to break the lock, it useless sadly.
There is no in between.
Atm i just use only one S530D to force the target to go on defensive flight, i expect nothing more.

@Gunjob Do you know anything about this? or any report about this problem?


Not true. We have a photo of French Mirage 2000C using it as well as documentary video of a French Mirage 2000C.

Unfortunately it’s only temporary (postponed) until they “evaluate it more”.

Mirage 2000C-S5, F-5E and F-5E (China) — these aircraft are highly efficient, but after reading your feedback and comparing the changes to other top aircraft, we’ve decided to postpone this change, and will look at their efficiency when the max Battle Rating for aircraft increases.

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Time to crash the stats in it by letting my gf fly for 300 games. Don’t worry guys, I got you covered.


Looks like they made the already ridiculously bad 530D seeker even less sensitive as a new way to handicap FR players, so now even 10% or 20% notch is enough for the missile to go completely blind

You could counter that before by firing from closer up as missiles are harder to notch at close range, but now

  • the radar mysteriously loses lock on blue sky targets more often even at point blank
  • the guidance table for the 530D causes it to turn in too late in jousts below 10km

Genuinely hilarious. Monkey’s paw for the 4 magic and the 530d self destruct delay buff?