Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

poor guy , I wonder how having a bounty on your head feels , lol.

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Dunno if the 530D got nerfed but I took a break for a week and now I can’t hit anything with them anymore.
Obviously they still blow up immediately if the target is cold or beams even a little bit regardless of the mode, but now it can’t even hit in head-on when that was its only strength, shit’s hilarious https://streamable.com/a9rkao
Not surprised though, obviously they were going to want to hit the Mirage hard after that FM buff
Meanwhile AIM7-M completely ignores chaffs in a perfect 90 degree notch lmaooo (not in the video above)

it is losing lock due to sharp maneuvers

Wow you’re right.
For some reason none of those bug reports tagged “aknowledged” were showing up for me yesterday…
The only thing left to improve is the self destruct then.

The Super 530D getting buffed in terms of speed would help prevent it from losing lock and self-exploding as much.

The faster speed would increase the closing velocity between the missile and the target which would help keep the missile’s lock strong.

AIM-7F/M doesn’t have IOG either but does tend to feel like it keeps lock better and I’d attribute it to the fact that it has a higher average closing velocity currently.


I don’t think the strength of the signal is the problem here.
I mean the 530D can track a target going cold better than the 7F.

With the 7F having 5 seconds to reacquire a lock before it self-destructs, if your target tries to notch you it will struggle to defeat it as it’s hard to perfectly hold a notch for that long.

The R-27ER doesn’t have any of those problems as it only self-destructs when it runs out of battery.

Meanwhile the 3 seconds the 530D gets is so short I have had many instances where the target barely entered a notch and the 530D almost immediately self-exploded.
It honestly feels a lot shorter than 3 seconds, and I think this is what makes it so easy to defeat when compared to its counterparts.

Then again maybe I’m wrong and a slightly stronger lock would still help against a notching target.

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To my understanding, a higher closing velocity reduces the notch sector. If the R27ER had a 3 second break lock time and no IOG, it would still stick like glue unless a target remains in a perfect beam.

To answer a lot of question and close many debates as one : Based on the info gaijin shared they want to introduce the PL12 relatively soon BUT the PL12(AD10) is basically a failed child born from the AIM-120C that has 100km of range and tracking and maneuvering capabilities located between AIM-120B and AIM-120C 4 so it means that if they introduce PL12 for china in the fox 3 update the game will not see AIM 120A and B and will jump straight to AIM 120C meaning the game will be open to MICA EM and R77 with no problems nor nerfs, theorically.

Or they’ll add the PL-12 in a nerfed state and drag their feet about “fixing” it until more appropriate missiles are added, because they have no qualms about doing stuff for “balancing” purposes (though they’ve been historically pretty horrible at balance looks at Russian vehicles)

Also, saying this means the MICA EM would have no problem being added with no nerfs when its an over the shoulder capable HOBS ARH missile is pretty cringe

They have the option of adding PL-11B, just copy paste PL-11 and turn it into active seeker and argue it on technicality.

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Why everyone seems so scared about MICA while R77 only medium range BVRAAM Fox3 of russia has almost the same performances and probly won’t be nerfed and also the add of MICA in game would be as fair for player base as the addition of Pantsir.

Different cockpit, has CAS capabilities.
It’s potentially missing upgraded countermeasures, but I closed my research tabs for that.

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Dude, you’re implying Soviet [NOT RUSSIAN] vehicles are intentionally held back by Gaijin… That’s a dumb take.
Gaijin has never once did weapon characteristics for balancing purposes, only ever with evidence.
Soviet [NOT RUSSIAN] vehicles aren’t inferior because Gaijin hates them, they’re inferior because real-life Soviet Union didn’t create thermal pods for Su-25s or any aircraft for that matter.
Commander thermals is only on T-90M & T-14.
And only their most modern helicopters get thermals, but still no laser guided missiles.

Oh right, Mirage 2000 thread. My bad, I’ll stop that there then. If you wish to talk further my DMs are open.
You shouldn’t have brought that up here to begin with.

bruh AGM-65 can not overpressure , spike can not lock after launch, even aim-54 is being held back ,not to mention missiles missing from helicopters like AH-1Z and AH-64 that makes them irl .

Thats not what I’m implying… at all. Im stating Russian vehicles have a habit of being unbalanced

I was talking about balancing regarding missiles like the MICA, you’re the one who went on a nutcase tangent about Russian vehicles in the Mirage thread. Stop accusing others for the derailing you are doing.

AGM-65s overpressure just fine for me.
However, this is Mirage 2000 thread.
AS-30Ls and guided bombs work flawlessly for me.
Aim-54 isn’t being held back at all, it’s implemented within the facts Gaijin knows and will be improved as they figure out more details & code those in.
AH-1Z & AH-64 have their correct missiles without being uncounterable.
ARHs are never coming to helicopters until there is a ground counter, for which there currently is none.
And the difference between AGM-112B & K isn’t enough to warrant complaints, especially since tandem isn’t simulated in WT currently.


PL-12 was already confirmed to be coming with equivalent missiles, which includes MICA RF, AMRAAM C, AAM-4 [which likely won’t come same patch as that’d be on an F-15 which would make it a higher BR than max on introduction], and R-77-1.

not going to argue with you here ]

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Yep, you can see the missile is just randomly oscillating like it can barely see the head-on F-14 even though it’s a sub 7km launch and I’m well within 3km when the 530D misses.

It used to never miss head-on even at super low altitude and medium range. It was even sometimes capable of hitting +/- 10 degrees notching targets with the -5F in TRK PD mode.

Now the 530D

  • blows up if it’s going after a cold target even in non PD with empty background no chaff
  • blows up if it’s going after any notching target in non PD with empty background no chaff
  • misses ideal head-on targets

Even if you manage to keep a good lock the entire time with the RDY. It’s clear to me that they gimped it.

I don’t think that matters at all, the target echo is blue-shifted because of its closing speed with the radar source, not the missile seeker. The blueshift is what makes it stand out. Target won’t be more obvious if the missile is going Mach 5 or 0.5 towards it because any clutter would also look like it’s equally “speeding” towards the seeker.

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They literally do not overpressure due to being modeled as a HEAT, not HE. even though their caliber and explosive mass are well clear of ordnance that should otherwise qualify.

from the wiki article on damage mechanics

For closed-up vehicles, this happens when explosion effect manages to penetrate the armour of the vehicle:
HEAT and HESH shells and ATGM can also create overpressure damage but are less effective at it compared to HE ammunition and seem to only affect vehicles when very thin parts of the hull or their critical weak spots are hit directly, with overall armour thickness of hit surface having to be below 15 mm RHA, since their explosive power is directed towards creating special effects (molten jet for HEAT and scabbing for HESH) instead of producing shockwaves. There are exceptions in HEAT ammunition, which can deal overpressure damage through 20 mm (select few powerful HEAT ATGM) or 30 mm RHA (most tandem missiles). Tanks with reasonable amount of armour will not take overpressure damage from HEAT, even if special effect penetrates them easily.
This mechanic affects vehicles with thin armour negatively, but, unlike with the hullbreak, any tank is potentially vulnerable to overpressure damage.

So even though it’s main charge is of similar mass to a Mk. 81 250lb bomb (which has a 5 meter destruction radius) it can only penetrate 30mm of RHA

I just stetted it. it has overpressure damage. But to trigger it, you have to break armor with HE damage, EFP jet won’t be able to cause overpressure damage.

and the report is closed with

EFP do not cause overpressure damage. Works as intended.

additionally the HEAT warhead magically has less penetration than the AGM-114 even though it is significantly larger and heavier.

The -54C definitely has been, as there are practically no differences between it and the -54A modeled, are three is certainly enough evidence to call into question a few of the changes that were made, let alone the fact that the seeker remains the same even though it should be significantly improved.

There are definitely options available (ATAS / AIM-9M , AGR-20 (M247), AGM-179) and the potentially unbalanced ordnance (AGM-114L/-N, etc.) they could be further restricted as needed (limited station availability, only able to be carried on dual rails, etc. ) to balance them since they don’t have to be provided in denominations at first.

Multispectral smoke configurations exist so it wouldn’t be entirely inaccurate, since with an INS, you should still need to combine deployment with movement to avoid being hit by a -114L, the same way one would against a PARS, or other F&F store.

The issue basically boils down to the fact that ERA remains effective against the -114B, since doesn’t have a tandem charge, so can occasionally cause issues, and considering the the AH-1Z remains in service its anachronistic for seemingly no reason when the AH-1W could have been chosen in its lace with practically no other loss of capability, for the most part.

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