Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

I think you misread my first sentence then, I was saying the MICA should come alongside other Fox 3s.
Although TBH at this point I’m half-expecting them not to give it to us because they still think it would be OP, as usual really…
They would be kinda right if they were capable of implementing a French top tier right on the first try but we all know how this usually goes.

OFC I get that Gaijin won’t implement things that are not realistic, all I was doing here is pointing out they had options if they really wanted to make the 5F worthwhile.

As for the rest of your response, well I have to say I disagree.
Pretty much no amount of fixing the radar and the Super 530D will make it perform anywhere close to the Mig-29 with R-27ER, let alone compensate the fact we only have 4 missiles total.

As for the Magic 2, we both know it would be way too OP if it was completely fixed and so Gaijin just won’t do that or delay it so much it won’t be relevant.
It’s the exact same reason they nerfed the AIM-9L.
Magic 2’s main limit is its range anyway, but it’s only missing .2 seconds of burntime so nothing we can really do about that.

Actually that’s more like the point I was trying to make : There is pretty much nothing we as players can do to bring the Mirage 2000-5F up to par.

We can get quality of life improvements, which is good, but it’s not going to fix its real, battle performance limiting flaws.
The fact is that people now know how to defeat SARH missiles very well.
You either need a good number of them to compensate for the loss of one or two, or you need them to perform so well they can catch your target off-guard.
None of which is happening with the 530D at top tier IMO, even if fixed.
It doesn’t have the range or the speed or the lock after launch or the datalink or nothing.

From my point of view, all the good fixes would require Gaijin to move its line and make the decision.
Then again I would love to be wrong and for the 530D to actually be massively underperforming.

That would be awesome as it would mean both had been massively underperforming but given we haven’t had any sign of such a thing coming I won’t get my hopes up.
Also I hope this won’t become an excuse not to implement MICA down the line.

Can you not summarize your point better?

You want MICA to come along comparable missiles, French top tier is implemented no differently (or more / less accurately) than other nations’ top tiers…

That is incorrect… a helmet mounted sight and 2x 50G missiles with superior IRCCM to the R-73 along with “fixed” Super 530D would be quite worthwhile for the Mirage 2000. It’s also underperforming in flight performance, and is the only aircraft comparable to the MiG-29 in supersonic acceleration currently.
Having less ordinance overall was the only valid point there.
(But I don’t know if I’d prefer 2x Super 530D and 2x GOOD IR missiles or 4x R-60 tbh… I find this quite comparable…)

We as players (I specifically) have put in the above mentioned “buffs” as bug reports with proper sources. Up to Gaijin now though, you’re right about that.

of course the r27er is one of the fastest air to air missiles but the f14 has the advantage of being able to defend but as much as people hate it i would say increase the map size just for the health of current and future top tier duels

When the Phoenix is buffed it might be comparable but even at the longest range of the Phoenix it’s easy to defend it, close the distance, smoke the F-14 with an R-27ER… F-14’s only advantage against MiG-29 as it currently sits is a dogfight imo.

im also very worried about these map sizes because assuming they get rid of ground interference the fox 3 spam is already bad enough with how few f14s are on teams its going to start changing to the whole team and i just dont think the size of the map is fit for that high concertation of missiles im hoping we see more major changes to the way air rb works

I was trying to point out the fact people in this thread have made many suggestions but Gaijin didn’t show interest in getting the Mirage 2000-5F up to par.

I guess I’m mainly pissed at the fact they deliberately chose to implement it .3 BR higher than the 2000C without MICA yet didn’t bother to try and make it perform to the level of other 12.0 jets.
In comparison, we saw a genuine effort from them when we tried to get the 530F working on the F1.
I would seriously apreciate more communication from their part on this.

I think fully fixing the Magic 2 would make it OP.
I can somewhat see the 50G and + .2 seconds burn time coming and not making it OP, but the IRCCM on top of that would make it pretty much impossible to avoid at short range (same reason they nerfed the 9L and still refuse to give back its IRCCM).

IMO apart from the number of missiles (only Gaijin can decide to do something about that), the second worst shortcoming of the Mirage 2000 is the lack of range and reliability of the 530D as a weapon system.

I don’t think I have seen any bug report or source that could help increase its range significantly so that’s an L.
The self destruct when the lock is lost is waaaay too quick and makes it incredibly easy to defeat, but to me this seems like an incredibly specific value that’s probably impossible to find in unrestricted documents.

So yeah basically IMO the plane is screwed unless Gaijin changes their stance on IRCCM or their stance on placeholder missiles.

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We do have a primary Super 530D missile performance sheet that helps.

Theres three reports open at the moment. One showing that the Super 530D should be faster by about 11% at a target 20km away, which would translate to 22-25% at a target 40km away.

Another report showing that the Super 530D should have a lock range of 47km against a fighter sized target, much further beyond any other SARH missile in the game.

A third report is open showing that the Super 530D bleeds too much speed while manuevering.

A 4th report should be open next week showing that the Super 530D should have better guidance against targets with high altitude differences.

These changes should be here by next major, they never usually stay open more for more than 2 major patches.


AIM-9L has no IRCCM. The 200-5F is 12.0 due to ground ordinance to ensure it fights 11.0+ SAMs. If you want to do solely air to air I’d recommend the 2000C S5.

F-16s have a somewhat comparable situation.

Mirage 2000D is at 11.3. I don’t really see how 2000-5F warrants 12.0 BR just because it has an extra GBU and better targeting pod. That would be more at 11.7 capability.

I think the reason they put it at 12.0 was because it was supposed to come with MAWS which would alert the pilot whenever a SAM opened fire on it but they delayed it as a developer said on the Russian forums due to bugs.


2000-D has no gun built in…

Also, I suspect having a radar and radar missiles + ground ordinance is important too.

Good point that it has a built in gun. But I never run the radar missiles. There’s no point in doing so, 2 Magic 2s is nice enough. You wont find any youtuber equipping radar missiles on it in ground RB, because you can take the AS-30Ls instead. And youre there to bomb SAMs/tanks, not focusing on planes too much since you have Magics/gun for that.

But as long as Pantsir isn’t 12.0, it should be 11.7 with it. I tested Pantsir vs M2K-5F and if they’re both competent, neither one will die to each other.


It will face people who are up tiered from 10.7 if it’s reduced to 11.7.

Pantsir shouldn’t be able to get a downtier and bully 10.7 planes without also facing some risk from the best CAS in the game.

Tank top tier is limited to 11.7 unfortunately but I agree.
Pantsir deserves 12.0

So far the only attempts to show the 530D wouldn’t fit on the ventral hardpoints have been with a bomb pylon, not the bigger 530D pylon

Have you tried toss bomb methode ?

Using M2K-5F against Pantsirs works 95% of the time in Ground RB but you have the rare ones that tossed bombs and etc. don’t work on.

I tested with this Pantsir guy in the video. Even did 1 AS-30L and 1 GBU at the same time against him, and he got both shot down.

I reckon if I launched all my laser guided weapons, I would have killed him, but that’s wasting my whole bombload against one player.

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I’ve found that two Kh-29T is sufficient if you stagger them and fire from different trajectories.

Try that with the guy, I already tried 2 AS-30L staggering it and different trajectories. He shot both down, and AS-30L is faster than Kh-29T. He’s on discord.