Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

I’ve been having my AGM-65s overpressuring targets for the last month, and re-verified my memory in a test drive.
They don’t do as much overpressure as HE cause HEAT fires a metal slug, but it does overpressure.

HEAT overpressure damage as a whole [not just AGM-65s] might need buffed, cause I know APFSDS overpressure damage needs buffed.

Gaijin doesn’t limit ordnance making your AGM-114 suggestions moot. Especially since the laser ones are already perfectly fine.
WT’s not ready for IRCCM missiles, which doesn’t bode well for the BR changes that will impact Magic 2 carriers when Magic 2 gets its IRCCM.
And AGM-179 is ARHs.
PARS can be defeated by smoke, radars yell through smoke.

And as I said, tandem isn’t modeled in WT. Tandem warheads in WT are just default warheads with more oomf currently.

i do think fixing the over/early leading will help it keep the seeker in fov

I think it’s a signal strength issue not a FOV one, if the missile can barely see a head on target that’s point blank from the Mirage it would also explain why the missile blows up so quickly when the target notches or goes cold.

That’s why the 530D seems to track intermittently, going in a straight line then sharply turning, straight line again then turning again, it’s always on the verge of losing lock even in ideal setups

They do, all over the place. For example look at the stations that can take Sidewinders on the various A-4’s.



Not with the way they currently are since they have dynamic guidance profile and are very slow and circuitous in flight so the launching aircraft must remain exposed for significantly longer than they should in order to reach targets especially those approaching maximum range, and the greater capability could be quite useful, and actually allow for the use of the Longbow(Radar) to its fullest capacity.

They already exists on helicopters(FIM-92A, Igla, Mistral, TY-90, etc.) so neither option would actually bring entirely new capabilities, and would only serve to bring the AH-1Z up to standard with counterparts at its BR.

its not like I’m suggesting the AIM-9X Block II+ or something, though that is an option, since its still in service.

it was more the option for the extending the range, should SAMs see further improvement time of flight is going to cause issues. The seeker is also multi-modal so it wouldn’t necessarily need to be modeled with the entire suite to begin with, but would be an option going forward.

again, Multi-Spectral smoke exists. Its not an issue. turning it into a F&F option would be more than enough to account for the performance even if it could be defeated to bring it into line going forward.

That is a photograph of an A-4G, which is not in War Thunder. And if added would likely go to Britain since it’s Australian. Zero A-4s in WT have artificially limited AAM pylons.

With laser munitions, I’ll use Mirage 2000 as an example alongside Tiger HAD.
Mirage 2000 can launch an AS-30L from 10km away hugging the deck, then climb right over the battlefield dodging missiles while guiding the missile into a target.
In the Tiger HAD’s case, launch a Hellfire, wait until the last 10 seconds, pop up, guide it into a target, pop back down.

Aim-9M will come when it’s ready. Be patient.
Multi-spectral smoke does not exist in WT, and if it gets added in the future, THEN we can start suggesting these things.

Just to verify, you know HEAT doesn’t fire a solid metal slug right?

You know, I almost thought I accidentally typed solid.
I can’t put HEAT into words perfectly yet. Most common explanations are unsatisfactory, including the one I gave.

Plasma super soaker

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That one has humor behind it. I like it.

The only reason I pointed it out is because people can often confuse HEAT for EFP (explosively formed projectiles) which are indeed a explosively formed metal slug.

İ dont know if they fixed it or not but last time i checked Mavericks wasnt overpressuring tanks, in fact there was a bug report on it.

Also Ah1-Z never used Aim9L in its service life.

İt should either use Aim9m or Aim9x models.

So your information about loadout is currently wrong.

Is there a reason it couldn’t use the AIM-9L? The pylon it uses supports it.
Pic of page

It states in here that it can use the AIM-9L also.

Bell’s website has a photo of what looks to be 9Ls on pylons for promotional.
Also that’s funny. The gun is in the locked position, but the lead helicopter is locked onto the photographer’s aircraft.

The AH-1Z didn’t downgrade the AH-1W’s capability of mounting AIM-9L’s, rather it just didn’t likely use AIM-9Ls in active service. It could totally carry them regardless, and reminds me of a similar situation where I saw an AIM-120A mounted on a Harrier-2… which wouldn’t be such a weird thing if it wasn’t for the fact that the thing was mounting it in 2022. It’s 100% possible the AH-1Z uses an AIM-9L from storage for a practice live fire or even in active service if that’s what is on hand.

I have a manual that says it can use 9L , it is a downgrade but i guess it is due to the fact that the stock was still there they could just use it for normal sorties as it is safer than dummy sidewinders.
The thing is they would not use it for oprations at all

Funny enough 9x is not officially cleared for use on viper , i read they are going to add it woth 9x block 2 .

Not couldnt but rather didnt.

Viper entered service in 2010, by the time it entered the service Usa already switched to M model sidewinders for active duties.

So if you’re looking from tehnical perspective, it can use L model sidewinder but this doesnt change the fact that current loadout for Ah1-z is wrong in this game.

The loadout isn’t wrong tho. We’re playing wargames, not historical battles.
After all, this isn’t like Mirage 2000 where the 5F is incorrectly limited to 2x Magic 2s when it should have its 4x Magic 2s.
That way when MICA RFs come next year, we can get an 8x total missile loadout with 2x or 4x Magic 2s as backups.

Actually we are playing historical game, its just developers loves to bend historical assets whenever they want.


No, we’re not. War Thunder did try history, but players didn’t like it, so it became a wargames simulator instead.
And no assets are “bent”.

Then why developers asking multiple historical resources for loadouts,vehicle performance chart and ect and ect.

This game based on historical assets but developers bending those assets (or rather rules) however they see fit.

For example can you show me a single Mirage2000F5 that used Super530F models?

Basically you cant but just because it can “technically” use they decided to add it in order to make it so called “balanced”.