Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

spawn cost for the pgm is too high,it only gets 3 of them, in the d variant u can get 2 nord l and 2 laser bombs and it costs 200 less

Smin simply said that it was under investigation still even though only takes 5 minutes to actually review it. I suspect we won’t see it until next major patch. They may have intended to give France a very strong CAS plane last patch and are not concerned with giving France anything stronger in terms of air to air capability.

The spawn cost of the PGM is indeed too high despite the missiles being trash and not easy to use.

The PGM keep having bugs, not usable through clouds, and are repeatedly shot down. The laser loadout is better anyway and can carry more of them.

Yep. PGM is just a useless gimmick.

  • too expensive
  • can’t carry mixed pgm and gbu
  • randomly blows up
  • too slow, very easy to shoot down
  • must be launched from high alt (long setup time + very vulnerable to CAP)
  • lock and render range still put you far into pantsir kill zone

Someone was worried about the pgm getting used against the most balanced AA in the game :)

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its unfortunate we cant switch the target only reason i hate tv guided weapons modeling we have in game currently

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I have to say I’m very disapointed with the Mirage 2000-5F’s performance…
After patch day it was holding a radar lock quite well, which was an improvement over the 2000C, but now it drops it just as easily.
Even if you don’t quite lose the lock the Super 530D self-destructs anyway.
There is literally no point in playing this thing at all.
Useless copy-paste.


its not a useless copy paste its just missing all of its features


For the oh so needed “balance purposes” otherwise the plane would be “too good” of course.

because an hmd would just make the mirage sooooo op

Welp i wouldn’t refer to that as HMD has been tested but never used but, just, you know, the normal features of the Mirage like Better lock capabilities and modes for the Radar and improvement of it’s weapons so that they match a little bit more their true efficiency. So far only excuse i’ve heard for the lack of so much features on the plane was something like(i reformulate based on what i recall): “The plane has these systems indeed but for now it won’t be useful nor balanced as it would make it better than the best actual jets”. In what honor and reasons this answer has been given idk but it sure is a gaijin like response to what doesn’t generate easy money for them even though LMAO but since M2KC, and now 5F adding, lot more Mirages F1C200 and Milan are seen in match but ok.

Honestly I don’t even care about the MICA as long as nobody else has high performance fox 3.

Most people me included knew that MICA was too advanced for the game.
The main reason me and I think most people were excited about the 2000-5 is that we were finally going to get as many missiles as LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE.

F-16 : 6 missiles
F-14 : 8 missiles
Mig-29 : 6 missiles
Tornado : 8 missiles
JA37D : 6 missiles

It’s not even like the Super 530D is good enouth to justify having only two of them…
Your radar lock slightly blinks and BOOM, you just lost a quarter of your firepower !

I recall someone suggesting putting Super 530D on the ventral pylons in place of the MICA.
This was a great idea ! Did we ever get an answer for why they didn’t want to do that ?
Someone pointed out the model would slightly clip into the airframe, then why not just use MICA’s 3D model as a placeholder ? It’s not like anyone cares what the missile looks like…

Also I’m sorry but the 2000-5’s weapon system is FULLY DIGITAL and uses DATA BUS for EVERYTHING, meaning there is NO REASON we can’t strap 6 Magic 2 to this thing if we want to.

In my eyes they just decided to lock us out of the 4 ventral pylons because SCREW US I guess !
There are MULTIPLE options available that could have served as a form or another of placeholder, but they didn’t give us ANYTHING to compensate !

The plane is such a frankenstein’s monster that them refusing to add the HMD would be SOOO petty.

Oh BTW the Magic 2 is STILL MISSING 0.2 seconds of burn time despite multiple sources pointing to a 10% increase in burn time over the Magic 1.
Gaijin response to that is that they don’t know if it means they have to buff Magic 2 or nerf Magic 1, which in turn implies they never ever knew the burn time of the Magic 1 !
No to mention the huge bug report about IRCCM which has been aknowledged but still not acted upon to this day (23 days and counting).

There are options available to the devs that could help fix the damn thing but so far they haven’t been open about pretty much any suggestion that isn’t 100% historical and sourced (which is absolutely HILARIOUS when you think about the frankenstein shenanigans they did to it).

My main grief is Gaijin doesn’t even seem to care about fixing the issues.
They have not made a single suggestion of their own and they pretty much instantly shot down anything we threw at them without a second thought.


Well to reply to your very first sentence i DO care as PL12 that has said to be coming to the game at some point is litterally a copy pasted AIM120C which is a les maneuverable equivalent of MICA and R77 in terms of range and speed so MICA MUST come along Fox 3 for everyone otherwise this will just be fair confessing that gaijin only aims to screw France.
Otherwise i’ll have to repeat what many said but 4 ventral Missiles is not possible due to the fact NO PYLON has ever been invented that could be fitted on belly and carry Magic 2 or 530D. Even if they immagined and used pure theory to build Mirage 2000 5F loadouts they still are more or less “realistic” while 530D on central pylons are really fully immaginary. WHAT ISN’T immaginary tho are real performances of missile and RDY and if instead of putting your rage in trying to argue belly missiles should be possible, you argued that Magic 2 should be coded using 2 plane maneuverability system and 530D should have way more performant systems and radar better lock and track modes the lack of missile would be very well compensated by the armament and systems effectiveness.

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You kinda answered your own question here. It was impossible IRL to carry 4 530Ds, as there wasn’t any physical space for it. And the proof is that trying to model it in-game shows the missile would clip into the airframe.


i feel like they might just be working on a mirage rework you could say especially with how many radar modes they might be adding as well as some flight performance changes, cm dispenser model not to mention all of the many many magic and 530 changes i think they are waiting till the next update to put in all of these changes instead of hot fixing them

Bug reports not getting acted upon is not some sort of rare thing in this game m8. Thr Begleitpanzer was missing a stabilizer for like 2+ years despite every source saying it had it. The Puma IFV has brrn so badly modelled, gaijin themselves admitted there are still over 20 MAJOR bug reports regarding the vehicle that theyve acknoledged but havent acted upon. The AIM-9L is SEVERILY underperforming in flare resistance following its nerf and gaijin themselves have stated this but done nothing about it. The AIM-54C is for all intents and purposes a copy paste of the AIM-54A despite having a completely new guidance section and motor. The AIM-54 (in general) is missing 8G’s of max overload which manufacturer sources state it has, and gaijin themselves had initially modelled. The AGM-65 does less damage to armored targets than something like an S-24, despite having similar HE content and actually penetrating the vehicle, with mulyiple bug reports and evidence proving the thing is MASSIVELY underperfoeming.

All bugs stated above have been openly ackowledged for months, or even years in some cases. If you think missing IRCCM on what is the (second?) most flare resistant fixed wing aircraft missile ingame after being reported for 23 days is the most important bug ingame, or the most pressing matter on their hands, you’re just outright delusional.

Also, this’ll be a “fun” thread to come back to when the MICA is added, nerfed hard (because obviously it will be the thing would be much too OP) and the French players will once again be crying bloody murder

They should add both the AIM-120A and MICA EM together modeled correctly since they’re both from roughly same time period. I’m sure because the US has the largest military budget and so many countries bought the AIM-120A over the MICA EM, the AIM-120A will do just fine wink-wink.

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didn’t they intentionally nerf the aim54 g limit on the dev server when it came out because it was so strong its been a year so not sure

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i doubt it will be reason missiles like the phoenix were nerfed is because there was no counterpart i would also assume the same reason the r27er wasn’t is because the phoenix was its bvr counter part yet tbh the r27er drastically out classing the phoenix in the bvr instead of just taking the russian bias stance like everyone does

R-27ER time to target and map size means Phoenix is practically useless in comparison.
The AIM-120A will not mitigate that issue. R-27ER is a powerhouse.