Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

I know this is old news, but holy hell the RMV being 12.7 is ARB is something deviously unwarranted. So much more painful than grinding the R1 way back when it was 11.3.

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yeah i finished getting everything on it but at times was getting 0 kills for few games, they should really have tried better ir missile on him if it’s for such a high br with a radar this trash, never had this much problem locking people with hmd on other planes especially compared to mirage 4000.


yeah i still dont understand why it is HIGHER br then the M2k C’s
Mirage 2000D RMV compared to C-s5 is:
-Has less kill potential (2 vs 4 missiles)
-1 Gun in the gunpod (opposed to 2 built in guns)
-has more CM
-Has HMD

i get why it would be 12.7 in sim (frankly i think its perfect br for it), it has scorpion hmsd which provides datalink about allied units, but in air rb its useless.

and let me not get started about 2000D R1 being the same br as C-S5 in ARB and technically same br as 2000D RMV in sim while trading the single side gunpod, HMSD, and GPS/F&F munitions for double middle gunpod making it lowkey impossible to take a cas loadout with a gun
a black cat is looking at the camera with the words the voices below it .


why do the micas on the fuselage pylons shake around so much

They crave for blood…

It’s just a visual bug that have been around for a few years already and is not limited to MICAs. We don’t know the trigger.


This might be off topic but regarding the Mirage 4000 : does anyone knows when we’ll get the extra chaff the counter measure pods should have?

Each pod carries the same spirale dispenser as the Mirage and Rafale, and the dev said before they’ll add it in once separate flare/chaff gets added to the game, but it’s been in game for some time now …


After playing a couple dozen more matches in this shit bucket, I am still in awe of people who enjoy flying this thing. It is one of the most miserable aircraft I have attempted to fly at top tier.

huh? which one + skill issue ngl


Yeah, vibrating bombs, rockets, missiles or whatever, that bug has been in the game for almost a decade now. I remember specifically noticing it back in 2016. Rockets in pods wiggling their way out of the pod when you pull G has also been a thing forever. Just how the game is, I guess.

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its not, its 20kg difference

you have 32 large flares + spirale if you are having troubles with that…

yes the br is kinda stupid but we dont have to make up stuff

Taiwanese one, and clearly yes since everyone glazes it so hard.

so why is the 4000 13.0 again?


I found it to feel heavier and more brickish than the M2KSC4.

I don’t think there’s any statistical analysis to back that up but yeah, I had such a great time with the SC4 that I was sorely disappointed when I got the Temu Mirage.

do you have the 5F to compare?

Very good aircraft.

It’s a VERY different plane to fly from anything in the Chinese tree, but in France you have the Mirage III line that kinda preps you for it, so that might be why. Not skill issue, not a bad plane, just a big change that throws anyone off


What do you think about keeping MICA IR from the Taiwanese Mirage in the future? It woudl help make 5F ane EI more distinct from each other.

I only have the Mirage 2000 5Ei and the SC4.

Looking at the WT Wiki (I know) it says that the 5Ei is actually lighter than the SC4 by 100kgs.

Well, they didn’t bought mica ir if i remember well, if so it would be normal that the taiwaneese mirage should not get mica ir.

If only that logic has ever been employed by Gaijin (it hasn’t)