Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

Correct, Tornado F3 “Late”, Which IRL wouldve been the AOP and later FSP used the 120B and then later on the C-5 i believe alongside ASRAAM.

At low speeds perhaps with the additional advantage at lower altitudes F-16 is also benefitting from but first you need to get that low and slow.

That’s not how that works

I assume Tornado F3 Late would be Tornado F3 AOP because refer to camouflage ZG757 / Demonstration camouflage with insignia of 43 Sqn. RAF 52 from gszabi99 post in part 4

Tornado F3 late or Tornado F3 AOP from dev server enabled AIM-120B but before integration AIM-120C-5 AMRAAM

Yeah, i imagine they named the F3 late the arbitrary “Late” title so that when they introduce 120-C5 they can just not have to bother changing its name from AOP to FSP.

You sure?^^


This weird report had been made without me noticing it. But, it has been updated with sources to show that MICA EM should have reduced beamwidth from 15 degrees currently in-game to 7.0 degrees beamwidth. This is less than half.

I suspect however that they will apply this beamwidth change to all ARH missiles, making them more likely to discriminate against chaff and other targets. Would be a nice buff.


All aircraft benefit from lower alts in regards to turn rate. Unless there are engine issues at higher alts - the outcome is similar.

Pansir is absolute garbage to use in sqrb. The jap sam thing is way more reliable.

In top thier sqrb you shouldn’t be using spaa at all preferably


Aside from random radar bs issues Pantsir works excellent and its the best Spaa platform in this game.

If it was nonsense me and others running in the top 10 squads would use it every time. The radar bugs out and gets overwhelmed too easily, which makes it almost useless in that environment. It is a better spaa compared to the rest in game but it still is ass in the grand scheme

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Seems like your problem.

Other Spaas also suffers from same issue, its not something special to Pantsir.

Then whats the issue? Its proven to be that best spaa in every category.

Yes its my problem no one is running this overestimate vehicle. That makes sense

Not really. This is exclusive to TWS having radars.

Being better than the others doesn’t necessarily mean its overall great

It good news, even if Mica is already strong, they have enough information and bug report to fix most of the issues. Hopefully it won’t take as much time that it took to magic 2 to be fixed. Magic 2 that still need some fixed at this time.

MICA on devs server was pretty weird. Even on test flight against a notching Mig-15 . The Mica was able lose the lock without any chaff, and unable to relock afterward, even on a simple MiG-15. I still have some videos if needed.

Is that the reason why i see 3 to 5 Pantsir in every game? At least be honest.

Not really, ITO,Flarakrad also suffers from similiar problems.

What do you want? No fly zone capable machine? Sorry Pantsir is already best aa platform, you’re gonna have to deal with it.

I’m not sure what you’re even arguing about. I’m talking about it’s presence in sqrb, a more coordinated environment. Everyone who knows about it’s characteristics well Does NOT use it there. In ground rb normal if you fly in a straight line or just do loops above the battlefield and expect to farm everyone (like many f16c retards do) of course it will kill you. Do you expect to head on it and come out as a victor, I honestly don’t know. After dying to them a few times I figured out how easy they are to deal with. Arguably the ItO with the VT1 within 8km is way better as you can’t dodge those missiles as easily. Pansir is the best spaa in the game but it’s not as insane as you make it sound.

Cas will always be stronger then Anti Air, if thats what you’re trying to say.

Both in game and irl Cas stronger due to nature of vehicles, shit will only gets better for Cas players when Gaijin introduce Anti Radiation Missiles.

I tried to made a post on anti radiation missile but somehow I can’t make one in suggestions.

am suprised to see no one here talking about how the mirage will be worse when the update comes up