kinda weird to check on a MiG-15 (1948) for modern missiles such as Magic-2 (1986).
despite having 45x MiG-15(of various variants) still in service within KPAF (North Korea), it is clearly outdated,…
kinda weird to check on a MiG-15 (1948) for modern missiles such as Magic-2 (1986).
despite having 45x MiG-15(of various variants) still in service within KPAF (North Korea), it is clearly outdated,…
It was like this ever since supersonic jets + AAM Missiles were added.
At the time (December 2018) it was just AIM-9B’s and R-3S’ mounted on the F-100 and MiG-19 respectively. So it made more sense.
(This was before afterburners actually had an effect on the aircraft’s heat signatures, this feature was added around when the MiG-21MF/SMT were added)
I suppose they just didn’t decide to change it after more than half a decade.
I guess thats the baseline of which they chose to compare and measure the performance of the seekers ever since.
Just remembering this makes me feel old.
Edit: Upon further contemplation, they could’ve chosen the MiG-17, F-86, Hunter, CL-13 or any other jet at the time. I guess they spun a wheel or for some reason, chose the MiG-15 in those specific flight conditions.
They still model the missiles based on known detection ranges of various targets, but the stat card is displayed for MiG-15 type as that is still used for test flight targets.
The R-23/24T for example was fixed when F-16s were added to be able to lock them at the correct ranges.
What’s there not to hate about that horrendous aircraft tho
It’s not chinese.
This amount of heresy might just require Mirage IV to deliver a ‘‘strategic’’ loadout.
Assuming the delinquent does not convert rather quickly.
Also very glorious even if you got the name wrong. ;)
Maybe Rafale would take the place of Mirage IV in defending the good name of Eurofighter, hm?
Ah yes, the new F.4.1 ^^
Amen :P
You can’t tell me this is a glorious aircraft. Look at this :
I mean I personally like the functional design of it.
Everything seems to be placed exactly where it needs to be without any consideration of aesthetics.
But I can see why others don’t like that. I personally think the Eurofighter looks more menacing than the Rafale. But that’s just my personal opinion and I can see why others like the Rafale design more. It looks more refined and more blended in together as a whole.
Rafale looks beautifully dangerous where Eurofighter looks beautifully aggressive.
Well just a quick reminder chihuahua are agressive but don’t deal any damage. Pitbulls are dangerous and lethal.
So EF = Lot of barking no action
Rafale = Quiet yet deadly
Eurofighter is a honey badger. Eurofighter don’t give a sh*t.
Honey badgers are dangerous and agressive so it’s the depiction of an F22 not an EF nor a Rafale.
F-22 is to shy to be a honey badger. It’s more of a snake, scorpion or spider.
Eurofighter would be flown much more aggressively as well.