Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

We already went over the F1, bro.

Dassault abandoned the delta for a moment in history to stay relevant in the export market. The delta wing was severely limited against conventional designs without fly-by-wiring. The delta took enormous skill to master in combat (specifically dogfighting and ground attack operations). The F1 was better suited.

Once the advent of FBW came, Dassault was now able to tap into the performances that were otherwise impossible prior and returned to the beloved delta configuration. Hence, we got the 2000.

Am I the only one who actually reads up on the history and watches documentaries on Dassault or what?

Yet still called mirage → to surf on the Brandname, as is doing lots of wears brands

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Yeah, because the Mirage F1 was still based on the original Mirage. It literally has everything the same except wing pattern. Not enough for Dassault to give it an entirely new name without a variant designation like the Rafale. The gave its this variant designation F1.

The Rafale is the first of its kind, just like the original Mirage was called just the Mirage when it was the first of its kind.

It could have been called differently,… that’s not a reason to it,…

The Mirage F.1 is called Mirage, because the name itself is interesting,…

If you see a mirage IRL, then good luck to kill anything from it,… Mirage Name is MARKETING,… nothing related to any based off design,…


No, there is a base platform and the variant type. This goes for every Airforce.

Mirage III

Mirage IIIE

Mirage F1

Mirage 2000.


Rafale C

Rafale M

Rafale N

soon more variants will proceed as well.

Y’all do know he’s just trolling again, no need to keep feeding him.


There is even a strategic bomber variant of the Mirage platform called the Mirage IV.

Based off the original design.

Just like there is the Strike Eagle, Streak Eagle, Silent Eagle and F-15EX. Still all based off of original F-15 Eagle.

The F-22 Raptor though it was designed from same philosophies and research of the Eagle, it was designed and built entirely from scratch and that is why it’s called the Raptor.

Just like the Rafale though it was designed from same philosophies and research from the M2k, Mirage 5 and M4k it too was designed entirely from scratch and therefore given the new name Rafale.

These aircraft started on a completely blank canvas. The Mirage 2000 did not.

Jesus calm down, you are no less of a meme yourself. Something something glass houses


Calm down? I have not been negative in anyway and I was invited to talk about the mirage.

Lol no one made memes about me, I do not have tantrums get mad at mods and devs for giving us fighter jets.

He’s a meme because he’s realistic, call things what they are and don’t turn arround the pot and don’t care about people feelings. If being realistic is a meme then i’ll proudly be the biggest meme on earth just to see people raging when i reality check them.


But you are raging because the Mirage is called a Mirage no?

Like you are entirely offended because the Mirage 2000 is a based on the Mirage and called a Mirage.

He’s gonna keep posting inflammatory bait if y’all keep responding.


Well you can see it that way but i’ll just end it by the fact Mirage doesn’t come from a design or a role but from and idea and a family of French Aircraft no matter the version their naming isn’t due the the Mirage 3 at all.
Debate : OVER.
See ya’ll.


I mean, I know the history of the Mirage. But I am not going to lose sleep at night because you think its an entirely new design completely different and Dassault just could not think of a better name than 2000 or whatever.

Lets be real, since you are “realistic.” You are entirely offended by my opinion of the aircraft, no?

Why? Like I respect your opinion. But lets be real, you are offended. Highly offended of mine.



a family of french aircraft…

a family has a beginning, and it was the original Mirage… The end of that line was the 2000 and its subvariants…

Currently you omit pretty much everything around the history of Mirage,… i don’t know what kind of bullshit documentary you’ve seen,… but all in all you’re wrong on why the Mirage Family is called Mirage,…

You are offended. Highly offended. I can tell.

Why? I respect your opinion of the aircraft. Why cant you for mine?

Do you usually get this upset over the smallest things that have zero effect on you personally?

I’m despised more than offended, than an US guy from california is currently trying to tell me, a French guy who have worked in French Aeronautic Industries, that the reason is a Based-off bullshit,…

You’re making yourself a target aswell as a guy that try to impose fake views, or create myths,…(check for your preference).

You’re oblivious to most part of the origins for each Aircrafts of a family, but telling they’re all based off one plane is WRONG,… both industrially/technically/technologically.

The Name is a BRAND,… nothing more, nothing less.

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I know i shouldn’t be doing this but if people are offended it’s because through all your arguments you say the Mirage Aircraft series naming is due to one peculiar design created, tested and operated in the 60s. While the fact this plane is kinda the origin of the serie does not connect it at all with the fact all Mirages were based off this one even if the overall shape come from a Tube with F104 inlets all designs through the history of Mirages had unique features. What pissed people is that you are saying Mirage 3 made the Mirage Family by it’s design which, in the end, is wrong because through the years Mirage got many shapes, technologies and weapons and believe it or not none of the Mirage have common designs, they emerge from an idea for the most part which is Single Engine Delta Fighters. BUT all planes of the Mirage series, believe it or not are in no way linked to Mirage III except for their name. The Mirage name is founded on a period of time and a successfull design and what kept them being named Mirages is mostly the period of time than the design behind it.

Rafale had a different name because it truly made a leap in terms of design and tehcnology compared to all the other Mirages. Everything on this planes differs from most of Mirages : Delta(Only remaining feature), Onboard tech, flight perfs, missions goals, doctrine, air inlets, gun placement and number… Everything was new on this plane totally cutting the line with how the Mirage Family has been designed.

But still Mirages of any variant aren’t based of Mirage 3 they inherited it’s name but not it’s features.
Staying in line with major features doesn’t mean being designed from.



Apparently, the guy above is only mad because he is French.

That is like saying he cannot know more about US aviation history than me because he is French. No… He very well can know more than me. Nationality has nothing to do with it.

Actually, he should be flattered I even give a damn about French aviation history, Being just an ignorant “US guy from California”, right?

You agree… dude stop playing games. The Mirage 2000 is from the family of Mirages that originated from the Mirage, II and III.

Yes, and so did the Mirage 2000, that is why they called it the 2000. But it was not different enough to start its own line or “family” of fighters.

I gtg Ily guys. Great talk.