Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

Yeah assuming the magic 2 are the short range missiles in the chart (as shown in several test flights and pictures in that very same configuration). I’d assume the advanced missiles to be the MICA. But then it doesn’t show the 8 layout that you mentioned.

but there is a visual evidence of a mirage 4k with that loadout…

Right I see! I am hopeful yet!
Lets see if they add some belly armament as well.
Thank you.

And then there’s also the possibility of 2 530s under the belly. Granted, they should have a different ignition sequence than on the other mirages, because they sit one behind the other, and the missiles currently ignite on the rail, which would cause either the missile in the front to burn the one in the back, or the one in the back would hit the one in the front, but, it’s in official Dassault documentation, so they should have had some idea about this I guess.

That possibility should not be used,…
The most probable solution used is displayed on 1987 charts → middle wing pylon recieves

more magics and a single extra 530


wait there is an option with 2 missiles and no fuel tank

hows there a posibility to carry 2 magics without fuel tank?


Maybe by having the fuel tanks but without fuel ?


live on the dev server ?

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It is

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Why are two 2500 liter tanks only ~4 mins of fuel

So 9 missiles huh. I am pretty happy with that. They change the pod, fix the other issues/bugs (countermeasures and fuel), and I think the plane will be good to go live

what’s wrong with the counter measures?

what makes the devs think the current 530s will be in any way useful? they are the AIM9Bs of radar missiles lol

The plane only has 96 (placeholder from the Mirage 200C) I just finished updating, so I did not check what has been corrected already

That’s a bug. When you select the 2 magic 2 without fuel tank, it actually show the fuel tank visually

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ooh so should it have more or less?

When it comes to the 400 countermeasures is it large caliber?