Yes it appears the magic 2 has a 4x loadouts possibility for the mirage 2000-5F now.
Does it replaces the Super 530D when selected ?
If you want all 4, yes
yeah IRCCM is a .75 gatewidth so same resistance as an R-73 currently
Technically, yes, and this is wrong. I’ll try to keep my report open until they fix it.
It was clear in most of my sources that the magic 2 IRCCM is superior to that of the R-73.
That just means it has the gateWidth we were discussing iirc. Wonder if the AIM-9M also says that since it relies on a different form?
FYI, don’t loft the Super 530D too high, just a tad bit is enough. A high manual loft will make it climb into space with the new guidance mechanism.
Nothing wrong with turning your 530d into an icbm
But the magic 2 also has the IRCCM tech of the aim9L as well, no ? would not that mean that combined with the FOV of the r73 would make it a better IRCCM ?
I’m french, and mainly playing french airplanes, i also work in the aeronautic and i can just say a BIG THANKS to the whole persons who have made things changed in the good way for french aircraft. Lot of data are still classified but several aren’t anymore. Good to see that the Matra 530D path/speed/TimeToHit have been corrected.
more than the available data, available pictures are also there to push the correct missile configuration available for that aircraft. So sad to see gaijin not taking into account just with pictures. (approved ones)
Can’t wait to see MICA RF in the game and the RDY radar correctly designed :)
No it doesn’t. It only has the reduced fov.
The AIM-9M has “bandMaskToReject” line. Magic 2 does not.
Magic 2 just has “gateWidth” which reduces fov to 0.75 (same as R-73). This is incorrect, as my report showed it should be superior to the R-73.
Dang it ! It should also be able to lock a target through the sun, so it definitely should have some bandMaskToReject as well. Welp, we’ll see… Thanks for the clarification, I am not confortable enough to look through the GitHub myself
Now give us that 50g, 2 plane max pull and we’re cookin’
Well your on for a new ride lol but do you think it is still possible they will add bandtoreject to R73 and Magic 2 before the update?
Do you know if it should have bandMaskToReject as well or?
Yes, it is still underperforming.
Not necessarily the same way as the AIM-9M. Instead, the IR sources in the seeker should just be able to narrow down the targets actual IR signature a bit more as to reduce chance of catching onto the wrong IR source (countermeasure). I’m not certain I understand that 100%, but that’s what I’m understanding. Instead of suspending guidance, should just be immune to the sun and not be blinded by the flare as badly. If this can’t be modeled, a reduction in fov and removing the angles at which it locks the sun should do essentially the same thing.
Got it, maybe they will fix it later not really sure. We have any info on that?
I’ll put it up on my report that it was partially actioned.
(In my original report I included sources showing the magic 2 can lock targets silhouetted by the sun).