Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

good to know I’m assuming that’s why the missile feels so much more maneuverable faster

isn’t there is the possibility of having the same CM pods as the Harrier GR.7 with the BOL pods ?

Probably not BOL hasen’t been integrated to Mirage 2000 at all and i don’t even know if it would be possible

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No. Althugh if eclair m is gonna be implemented its gonna be 2x or 3x the cm we have right now

2000 5F getting improvements to its radar, being the most powerful in-game.
Magic 2 4x missile loadout passed to devs.
IRCCM information gathered & in development.
Already one of the 3 strongest airframes in WT.
Possible HMD for 2000 5F.

Mirage 2000 looking good.


Where didya get these info on the accurate radar i mean because last iteration of devs serv the radar was unchanged

Radar from dev server & live server. I forgot what minor changes occurred tho.
M2 missile count from passed to devs historical report posted here previously.
IRCCM historical report posted here previously.
Airframe from personal experience.
HMD also a historical report posted here previously.

RDY didn’t have All aspect TWS last time i checked

Thank you


did dev change?

I don’t think so still on and its closed

Looks like Super 530D overleads SIGNIFICANTLY less now on dev server. It has a much more strict guidance making it so it doesn’t lose speed as rapidly as it is now on live server. This might be why some of you thought the 530D was faster.

Thanks to @JohnWick9 for modeling this for me.

Old guidance:


New guidance:



Looks nice finally

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Damn I can’t wait. Really hope it flies like the ER now, its guidance is insanely satisfying to me
@JohnWick9 Do you have the R27ER modeled on this kind of chart as well?

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Anyone with Google sheets can plug the numbers in and make a similar chart.

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The R-27ER uses same guidance as R-27R, so its the same.

The R-27ER though will be hard to compete with unless they fix the speed issue. So you can think of Super 530D similar as an AIM-7M at longer ranges now.

I don’t know that a buffed Super 530D will ever be equivalent of the R-27ER

Right obviously the 530D isn’t quite as good as the ER, I’m just talking about how efficient the flight path is, remaining mostly straight during motor burn. Didn’t know R27R had the same guidance.

Quick question where can we fin the patchnotes details i know someone published a link once to a google drive/sheet froma dataminer that spread what changes were made but it isn’t accessible anymore so i wonderted if there was another way to see the “silent” changes of the not “it’s fixed” patches

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Check out MiG23M player made a Datamine, i don’t know where to access it though,… maybe it’s own discord?

And i agree with you,… Current posts of Changes are only showing us the most easy to see changes, but all hidden ones are often as important.