Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

you can compare mishap rates for fighter aircraft here, F-35 is lower than F-15 and F-16

The models are very bad.They have poor quality.Bad geometry

they line up almost exactly with sukhoi’s patents, the Su-57 just has RCS more similar to LO 4th gens like super hornet than true 5th gens

Sukhoi’s patent is not an approving document.This is a document for an abstract plane.All RCS are kept in the strictest confidence.And morons like you compare the minimum hornet RCS with the average one listed in this patent

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that’s cope if I’ve ever heard it
when you repeat easily debunked myths like the F-35 being accident prone I have no reason to regard you as anything less than a blind propagandist (notice how you didn’t respond to the source I provided that easily proves this myth wrong)

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What is the source?This is shit, not a source
Or Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection - #5141 by AUSChalkWarrior ???
It doesn’t open

One way out of this situation…
Freedom Texas… Texas will be free!

if it doesn’t open that’s your issue, try a VPN
it’s the US air forces archive of accident data for all its aircraft, of the fighters listed the F-35 has the lowest rate of accidents

Lay off the krokodil and paint thinner, misha

Also the lowest mission readiness for the same time in service as older aircraft, so ?

But I’m really not going to argue in the F-35 vs XYZ thread, they’re going nowhere.

f35 is ugly su57 is pretty

end of discussion.


With the opening of the devserver we’ll be able to see if they’ll improve the fulcrum regarding its fm, instructor or missiles.

Chances are minimal but there’s always a glimpse of hope =)


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F-18 10^3 m2

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B-2 without RAM and with RAM

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they gave 9Ms to the french f16A, they’ll either remove them or add 9Ms for the other f16s. I’d say there’s a chance that the mig29 9.13 will recieve r73s


The MiG-29 does not fulfill the loop condition. At the bottom is the input speed, the vertical is the input height. Piloting with a constant angle of attack or G. The speed at the top point is less than 300 km / h, although it should not be


So you mean MiG-29 is underperforming right now FM wise ?

That’s interesting!

@BBRCF , @MiG_23M , @RideR2
in the very little time I had to play in the last I’ve noticed there might be something wrong with the Local Host “Ny” measurement (which should measure the normal overload of the plane).
This means that Ny should be equal to:
Ny = \sqrt{(\dfrac{V^2}{R g})^2 + 1} , but that often does not match with turn time results:

In this old gripen testing video by employing the same math shown above Ny should be 4.11 , but instead it is just 3.81.

This puts aircraft whose flight model was adjusted using turn time (like the MiG-29) at a disadvantage compared to aircraft that were tested by adjusting Ny.

Does anyone know if Ny is supposed to indicate something else? It’s not indicating just vertical acceleration as when flying at a constant altitude Ny is 1 and not 0, so if this is not a bug idk what it’s going on here