Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

i think some of the modern ones can take a targeting pod

I know but i saw asking about 9.15 model

i don’t think so then

4x kh is confirmed by pictures, 6x is just stated on the sources with no pictures afaik

Yeah, in Gordons Yefim book was written that MiG-29M 9.15 was able to carry 6xKh but photos does not confirm that. Piotr Butowski in his book also claim that 9.15 can carry 6 of them. But it is only mistake made by them or someone? There is no picture and more modern MiG-29M 9.61 cannot carry 6 Kh-29. So l am a litte but confused about those 6 Kh-29.

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This is M2 variant, right? But still on this picture it has “only” 4 kh. Can it theoretically take 6?

Which variant?

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K variant,no only 4


MiG-29M 9.15

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btw ziggy, have you seen our suggestion?

My bad sorry

So 9.15 was the only one MiG-29 which could carry up to 6xKh-29?

No I did not! Ima look now!


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4 Kh-29,31,35 8 RVV-AE
6 Kh-29/31/35 only Sukhoi

Okey so claims of 6 kh-29 etc are just incorrect data. But why so many books, pages etc duplicates that mistake so there are no photo of any MiG-29 9.15 with 6 kh


Is there any photo? Maybe i missed it.

Perhaps there is, I have not met.But I saw the mention of 6 X-25

Hm maybe it is truth. I found something in Yefims Gordon book but it doesn’t seems to help