Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I’m tired of explaining it to people. Light tanks are big gun things, they are effective. IFVs are doomed to be worse because of the useless troop compartment.

Bmpts are 10.0-10.3 at most. The best russia can have is the kurganets and t-15. But that’s hardly 11.3.

I would still prefer a missile carrier with unmanned turret over a wheeled tank

I don’t think they are needed if they have other stuff that can counter them despite being different types of vehicles. it’s important to avoid these tech mix to make other TTs exclusive, many ppl are interested in Italy because of its wheeled tanks, for example.

And what unique thing will the ssr have if t-80u, mi-28a and t-90s have already been taken away, and t-90ms and a bunch of su-27/35s from india also want to be taken away?

Classic hypocrisy

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It’s no use. Armor KE is growing and will continue to do so, many tanks already have Active protection and there will be more. At missile will be weaker further and further away

It’s a very limited number of variants when compared to what the russian/soviet TT got at its disposal lmao, it’s not even close. Not to mention that these are “secondary” countries that needed stuff to maintain them competitive, i’m not against mixing tech but IMO it should be avoided and done only when absolute necessary, which is not the case of USA and USSR.


I’m talking about exactly one light tank, of which the USSR has no analog. If they had - I didn’t say so. I am not talking about puma, kf-41 or any other IFV, since the ssr has them.

Centauro I consider a fair payment for the 3 vehicles that were withdrawn from ussr tree. Mi-28A has no counterpart, T-90S is on preferential BR and much better than Soviet 10.0 which makes it OP, Swedish T-80U was on 10.7 for many months where it humiliated 10.0-10.3, now it is in balance.

I consider getting 1 tank to be ok. That said, only when Italy will have the Centauro 2 so you can’t think the USSR was given the “top” away

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I need explain this:
I was locked on that F-4S whole time.

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Missile seeker lost lock… a bit weird considering that R-27s usually track in this situation but this sometimes also happens to me.
The reason why it didn’t just go straight but turned a bit is because R-27ER has inertial navigation and datalink

maybe he chaff the missile and the game just didn’t render the countermeasures, it happens sometimes

Chaffs should not affect PD if I know. In addition, I can easily answer you whether he released any countermeasures.
State before R-27R launch (26 flares / 26 chaffs):

State after R-27R launch (same):

And it’s not the first time. Too often R-27R absolutely doesn’t work for me. The same cannot be said about the R-24R, which runs like clockwork.

The missile doesnt know where it is and where it isnt.

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Chaff doesn’t affect your aircraft’s PD radar sure, but it definitely can interfere with the missile’s seeker.

But we already know that the chaff was not used.

I was saying in general, but even still, if the target isn’t the brightest thing to be seen in the missile’s seeker, it will go bonkers on something else.

I don’t know how well CW illumination is modelled in WT but reflections from ground clutter can also throw off it’s homing ability.

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Will this aircraft ever get the targeting pod that was passed to suggestions?

It’s nearly outclassed by every other multiroles at the same BR in both air to air role and air to ground role with a multirole loadout, I don’t think it’d be a stretch to get it at this point.


I certainly hope so, gaijin’s reluctance to add them is getting pretty long in the tooth - especially when russian supersonic cas is much more limited in available ordinance as well. The SMT needs its pods, ground targeting radar modes and laser guided ordinance too, its capability in game is pretty hamstrung compared to what it should be. Despite what people like to believe russian ground forces arent at all op, they have had the second worst top tier winrate for quite a while - so some upgraded cas capability at top br’s would be pretty nice when u consider what every other nation has to work with.


Literally just wait for the Su-24(M) or Tu-160 that will inevitably turn up alongside the F-111F at some point soon.

The same way the US air tree has and is being arbitrarily, but deliberately restricted from access to Strike Aircraft, let alone Fighters with access to Targeting pods / LGB’s for a significant number of updates(Ixwa Strike(Su-17M2) ~ Apex Predators(A-6E TRAM), 10 whole updates, 651 days [1 year, 9 months, 11 days]), and yet longer for access to them in the Tech Tree(F-14B) with La Royale (12 updates [ 827 days, 2 years, 3 months, 5 days ] ), and we’re still waiting on a Attacker equipt with one, (the F/A-18A won’t get one either, only the AN/AAS-36B has a Designator) even though a number of airframes could have received them, and even today are still arbitrarily missing them for no apparent reason.

Compare the US & ISR F-4E for example, they should both have access to The TISEO (even though its not modeled properly), and Pave Spike Targeting pod(Technically it would be anachronistic for the US airframe due to its ordnance, since by then (1983) it would have been replaced with the Pave Tack but that is splitting hairs since Gaijin haven’t specified a block, or added an early / late duplication of the F-4E yet so it would be the least of its inaccuracies. and the Pave Tack TGP would be equipt by the F-111F, so it will be added at some point since I doubt they will jump straight to the F-15E /F-16XL from the F-111A)

The systems in question are in game, it has been acknowledged but has yet to be acted on for whatever reason.

  • The AV-8B(Night Attack) [Harrier GR.7], and AV-8B+ did not get duplicated when added to their respective trees (UK and later Italian).
  • The A-10A(Late) is missing its trialed / carried LITENING pod.

There are various potential early systems that were overlooked

  • B-57G Tropic Moon III (the First Self-designation capable aircraft that was deployed)
  • F-4D (The F-4C could get this as a module or something since it would also add CM capability and so solve that issue, assuming that the AN/AAQ-8 (podded IR Jammer) was not to be implemented.) Used either the Pave Light or Pave Knife Laser Designator
  • OV-10A(PAVE Nail) / -10D
  • The A-10C was overlooked when the Su-25T / Su-39 was added.
  • Tech Tree A-6 that was mentioned way back.

You can add the ARBS tv tracker to that list of missing early system options as well, made for the A4M & AV-8B - same one as the AV-8B has in game rn. The current Israeli A4N Ayit should have access as an option replacing the radar in the nose, a pylon mounted module of the same system was also made available for phantoms, and of course the primary user of the ARBS - A4M has been missing from the US TT for ages.

Old huges marketing video explaining the ARBS unit:
Hughes Angle Rate Bombing Set (ARBS) (youtube.com)

But yes, there are a ton of cas aircraft, armaments and functionality missing through the game rn that could be added easily. I’m certainly looking forward to when gaijin ever decides to actually add the A10C, that will make it much more viable to use in ground rb. Again tho, SMT still needs its proper capabilities to fulfill its role as a full multi-role capable mig29 - and adding them would only increase its performance up to a level which other nations multirole fighters at top br’s already enjoy. I’d love to see the su24 and tu160 come to the game too but it wouldn’t address that discrepancy - they would function more as a continuation of the su27 cas style as dedicated supersonic strike aircraft rather then actual multi-role fighters.


Is there any correct information about MiG-29M 9.15 Air-to-ground capabilities. I mean how many bombs and guided weaponary it can take. Here i saw 6xKh-29T etc, but some sources claim that 9.15 cannot take as many heavy missiles also there are not photos of 6 Kh-29T on MiG. And can it take any targeting pod or something? I am really sorry if that question was given, maybe i didn’t notice.