Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Your’re right. but neither does the F-4J have an actual hud display other than a crosshair.

Both irrelevant details.

The fact remains that the SMT just like the F-16C legitimately use helmet mounted radar targeting because their radars are planar arrays. It’s an array of antennas for precise beam directional control.

Even you & @Flame2512 theory of simply pointing a radar makes no sense, not only from a technological specification, but on game mechanics as well if you take the time to examine closely.

The Su-27 & Mig-29s of the Soviet Era are technologically incapable of magically using their IRST to do it for them. The maximum search zone of the Mig29 N019 radar dish is 50 degrees & 10 degrees for ACM. The radar dish is incapable looking beyond as modelled in the game.

However, with the fake Radar HMD it can reach as far as 71 degrees & offer precise HMS targeting the dish can never do in real life.

The Mig-29 & Su-27 HMS radar capability is completely fake & made up. Its undeniable.

I am sorry, I am a true Soviet aviation history buff, Fulcrum & Flanker fan. I acknowledge their strengths & weaknesses.
These models are intentionally overpowered, but in the worst areas. GJ rather turn our beloved aircraft into hybrid NATO doctrine, radar focused aircraft & disregard their true flight performances & true strengths. Such as world’s best OEPS HMS passive detection/tracking & top-class agility & supermaneuverable capable without the need of thrust vectoring.

The Mig-29 still suffers in flight model (agility), because GJ rather make it into something it’s not. A freak NATO radar reliant plane with R-27ERs.

GJ does not even believe the Soviet 9-13 & 9-12 deserves the R-73… But is totally cool with a missile it never carried & guided by a Radar HMS it never had???

That’s how delusional GJ has been recently & how illegitimate the Mig-29 is.
Mikoyan is rolling in his grave.

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Are you saying that the helmet can’t turn the radar dish?

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Yes and he is wrong.

His argument is “slow mechanical antenna” means 100% it’s not a thing. Another thing he made up. I wish there was a way to block users on the forum so I wouldn’t have to see it


you can mute or ignore him, go to his profile like this, for example:

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No that the dish can move. but is limited by its 1970 design. It was taken from the RP-23 Sapfir that is found in the Mig-23 ML. They are practically identical.

You cannot even tell which one belongs to what unless I told you.

The N019 radar

  1. Does not turn the dish to the speed and precision of a human head

  2. The radar dish does not have the ability to point as farther than its fixed search/scan zones can.

  3. the Cassegrain antenna does not have the capability to immediately focus & direct focus in many different angles precisely in different frequencies. Only planar array antennas that are found in aircraft like the Mig-29 SMT & F-16C can.

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A slow mechanical antenna is one thing yes. The obsolete dish also has an effect too lol.

Yeah, you should totally block me, because facts hurt your feelings. A technical disagreement is the equivalent of a physical attack on a man’s soul right?

@Ziggy1989 I think you are wrong, but will you proceed with your findings (file a bug report) or not?
Because I think Gajin will not listen to you so it is pointless to fill this thread with this (presumably) nonsense.

Is there a way to catch up what the topic is currently about without reading through all this non-sense

First of all, I am a Soviet main. I could care less if my beloved fighters overperform competitively.

Secondly, its none of your business what I decide to do.

I am well within my right to discuss technological capabilities on the forum. I can discuss technology without any intention of EVER filing a bug report.

If discussing technology limitations hurts your feelings for whatever reason. I am sorry, but that is your own problem not mine or anyone else.

You are trying to silence & discourage ANY discussion other than “the Mig-29 is perfect” therefore you are trying to police what is “non-sense” in a thread you don’t even participate in.

There is nothing to catch up on LMFAO.

The Mig-29 is modelled perfectly, so perfect in fact that GJ will not give it the R73.

There, run along.

Ziggy makes wild claim, gets proven wrong and then attacks the people who disprove it.

You’re not missing much.


You’re really good at socially isolating yourself. I think I’ll keep chatting here thanks.


Socially isolating myself? This isn’t high school kiddo. It’s a video forum in a technical discussion topic thread.

Yes, differing ideas & opinions that are not in line with the status quo are always met with resistance by the simple who blindly follow. Diversity of thought is a good thing.

You should try to revaluate your preconceptions once in a while. Thats what logical adults do.

If my positions are not true, nothing will come to pass :)

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I don’t care about what you’re talking about. Try to be less of a prick to people just asking questions unless you want most reasonable people to not interact with you.


You were not innocently asking questions. You were indirectly were trying to incite a flame war in a topic you do not participate in.

You asked how you can catch up without reading all the nonsense. whether it was about me or anyone else is irrelevant & not proper community etiquette.

You are indirectly insulting others without addressing their points (because you are not equipped). How can you broadly claim anything anyone says is nonsense without even addressing what you are referring to & offer your points to exactly why?

Seems rather cowardly, don’t you think?

Wild claim? like what?

The Soviet Union did not have any radars near advanced as the West in the 1980s because it was literally collapsing??? Only the RuF did??

That the radar dish found in the Mig29, even the new Su27SM is of a technology found in the F-4E & Mig-23ML? I can source these right now if you would like.

The R-27R & ER is not a hypersonic missile? lol it’s not. That was an easy misconception to obliterate.

None of my claims were disproven so people result to claiming they are being “attacked” because they have nothing to argue lol.

No, I asked what is the current topic that is relevant about without me needing to read as far back as it goes in this 4919 comment long. Don’t interject your personal feelings about what you think I’m doing.

Yeah I can just go back and read your posts and tell you you’re not abiding by any etiquette either pal.

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Also let me be clear here, you are not brave by typing on a keyboard lol.

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Don’t change up now lol this exactly what you said. You were referring to the conversations taking place right before your eyes.

What aboutism is a wonderful tool in the bag of someone who has nothing to say in return.

Anyway do you have any thoughts on the Mig29? Its lack of agility or perhaps Its lack of R73s? Or anything related?

give these and remove those:


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Yeah, but I am direct to those I disagree with & layout the conditions why.

That is more than you can say you are capable.