Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I am starting to think they may never because in the Dev English dev stream the host were telling us the way to defeat the radar missiles is flying low. It appeared (to me at least) that they are fully embracing it as a game mechanic. Hopefully I am wrong.

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R-27EA was never mass produced nor put into service.

He meant give 9-12 & 9-13 R73s & remove the ER (as they were initially designed to come to WT) to open up the lower tier Mig-29s.

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Missile in that 3D modelling is R-27EA, not ER.

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they are so similar

Oh, I had no clue, I thought it was an ER myself.

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Its normal if you never saw the R-27EA design before.

I did not even give it a glance because I knew what he was referring too.

Fair enough, im tired so didnt realized he was reffering to 27ER.

Tbh 3D modelling could be even R-27ER, you can understand how tired i am.


Me too, I never get sleep when its dev server season.

Going to run test flights to see if anything changed in the Mig29s that might not have been caught in datamine.

Hopefully any FM improvement. The SMT seems a little better, but I think its because I have R-77s lol. Lighter now it does not have to rely on R-27ERs

sigh, alert for 20 new comments, but its just full of people arguing yet again - always the way on mig29 thread i swear

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Good luck on that, personally i’m just gonna sit back and let the professionals to do the job.

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SMT without humpback version would’ve been much better, although i dont know if that plane has access to same armament and FCS.

from what i could tell the SMT was the exact same when i was flying it in dev a few hours ago.
But idk if i will let go of the r27’s for a long while yet - the ER is still really handy for takin the first long range shots, like 40km+ where it has a massive energy advantage, and you still have plenty of time to evade any income fox3’s fired in retaliation. the new radar UI for datalink missiles makes sneaky INS shots with the ER even easier too which is cool.

And the ET, flankly i dont think i’ll ever drop - that things just immensely useful at all times.

So rn my SMT loadout is looking like 1x ET, 1x ER, 2x r77, 2x r73

we all are

That is one helluva cursed loadout.

Time to sleep then.

Well, it’s still modelled to be a bus even if I lower the fuel to 20 min internal.

Mig-29 performance does not come alive until 8 minutes. Its lame it should be higher imo. Thats what I have been trying to get the community to come to a consensus on.

The engines are massively powerful. The Mig-29 should be tossed around like a toy with that thrust to weight imo.

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Well hopefully Gaijin adds 9.15 with proper Fm and loadout, that thing will be beast compare to this bus.


lmao - im used to changing between missiles frequently tbh. I run mixed utility loadouts on most things where i can, and with migs i was running 1/1/4 since forever - adding in the extra r77’s not a big deal, and is nice cause frankly your not gonna be doing as much dogfighting to use up 4 r73’s with smt anyway so the extra 2 were just wasted space.

I tried that on SMT and it didnt worked out for me, surprisingly i’m used to switch between loadouts when i’m using Su-27, guess im weird.

Personally im gonna use 4 R-77+2 R-73 or 5 R-77+1 R-73 loadout on my SMT, it will be much better for my playstyle.

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