Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 'FLOGGER' - History, Design, Performance & Dissection


They closed the report, but here it mentions that the MiG-23MLs also had a doppler filter when tracking

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The report is still open. They requested the full document from the author, but he did not provide it. the rest of these reports are being closed, as they are duplicates of an existing report, but the original report still hung on the request to provide a document.
in general, it turned out to be a recursion))
Support service in the best traditions of Yandex.

For some reason the owners of some MiG-23 documents are being very stingy about uploading them. To include the ML manual with the MLD appendix.

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Is there a big difference between the MiG-23ML and MLA? Not in game, since I think the game ML is an ML(A), but IRL

There are a large number of modernizations and improvements over the earlier variant.
-Improved radar
-Improved gunsight

Later models also saw some improvements only seen in the MLD minus the aerodynamic changes and the flight control system.

Does the MLA and MLD have differences? Both in real life and in game? Are they differences that matter much?

The main differences are 23-18 from 23-12A, in reality.

  1. Radar H008 (including radar modes)…
    3.Aerodynamic improvements of the airframe…
    4.Interference emission blocks-BVP-50 and PKVP pylon.
    5.33 degree wing with automatic slats…
    6.R-73 missiles…
    7.Helmet-mounted target designation system…

Here is my collection of documents on MiG-23. Here is everything I could get (except for the Polish instructions, I’m working on it now, as soon as I finish digitizing, I’ll upload it here).

I have already posted this on the *ru forum.

These are great, but none of them include the MLD (23-18) performance data.

You are missing these at least


The MiG-23M/MF is supposed to have the dual purpose PKWP-23 pylon for flares and an external fuel tank, but in game taking a fuel tank removes the flares (and by proxy, I think it changes the pylon). Even though the PKWP-23 could be used for both, as I understand it.

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MLD is only MiG-23 that should have flares. Others shouldn’t have anything at all. About using flare pod + fuel tank at same time gaijin already answered that this can’t be currently done technically in game.

This isn’t true.

Even MiG-23UB models carried countermeasures on the shoulders.


Some MiG-23’s mounted unique solutions, here is a MiG-23BN


“Even MiG-23UB carried” isn’t an argument. That doesn’t says other carried. Small amount of UBs were used for strike control in Afghanistan, so they were equiped with flares pods and probably it was field mod, not factory one.

And what Indian MiG-23BN is supposed to do with in game MiGs?

The precedent is that if an aircraft (not even of the exaxt same modification) has been equipped with CMs in some form of service, and is at a BR where CMs are necessary, then it will receive them in game.

It is, if the UB could be equipped that means it would work on every ML variant.
In fact, MLA (MLD exports?) had been equipped with the shoulder flares as well. At least, an iteration of them.

If it was equipped - it is something that can be used on any other nations aircraft. Gaijin has set the rules very loosely.


A good number of syrian 23s got dispensers added to them as well, both the normal shoulder pylon dispensers as well as modified mi24 dispensers as well.

Iraqi 23MLs were fitted with the top mounted dispensers as well but its a different modification than what either the Syirans or Russians did afaik


I don’t care about game rules, I just said how it should be if WT was proper in historical aspect game. Gaijin can do whatever they want. Historicy in WT was ruined very long time ago and they only trash it more and more.

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Iraqi(?) MLA with ASO-2

Actually looking into it Iraqi MLA was kinda interesting since they not only jerry righed CM dispensers onto them they also put SPO-15 and Remora on some as well.