Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 'FLOGGER' - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Couldnt even care less about your excuses.

You were talking directly to me, which means you were adressing me.

Try not to hide behind your excuses next time.

LMAO couldnt find anything to say now calling people other game mains, LMAO, just bruh

Complains about Russia all the time, claims he’s not Russian main.

Lol,lmao even.

Just because you play more then one nation doesnt mean you love all nations equally.

Its obvious you have more feelings for Russian Tech tree and prefer to use Russian vehicles more often (which is compeletly fine btw).

Whats not fine is you always complain about every single one of them and claiming Gaijin is purposely making them bad compare to their irl counterparts.

Meanwhile you just casually ignore how most russian vehicles were actually overperforming for many years and adjusted after certain time.

You could say that other nations has also overperfoming vehicles and that would be absolutely true, but ignoring the fact that Russia also benefits from this is not acceptable.

The day you accept that Gaijin gives almost every nation to some unfair advantages the day you will be able to recieve more sympathy from other players.

The Su-27 already acts in such a manner. The issue isn’t really even the instability behavior, rather that it is far too stable at high angles of attack and low airspeeds. The total lack of wing rock and other natural phenomenon at high AoA makes it incredibly easy to pull AoA & shoot at things especially in sim. It’s almost impossible to fall out of the sky in a plane literally incapable of flying in those flight regimes even with a computer IRL.

That’s because it benefited the F-16 pilots, why would actually intelligent users complain?

It was never the best.

The F-14 was released shortly after and this was after a period of total US dominance. Stop skewing this into a tit for tat battle. This is the MiG-23 thread. Go to DM’s.

Cringe, stop this conversation or I’ll have the thread locked.

Again, move it to DM’s. Neither of you are even arguing something worth your time.


You mean unexperienced players? Couldnt care less about them.

It was.

Purposely answers one of my claims and tells me to move to DM, either dont get involved or move it to the Dm buddy.

You purposely ignored other guy’s sentences and claimed that i was the one who was cringe.


Move it to DM’s. Last time I’ll reply to this childishness without invoking moderation.
@Malekitth I’d appreciate if you didn’t entertain him any further.

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Yes, the changes were historical. The issue now is that they might have overdone it slightly but I need to check back with @RideR2 because I’m pretty sure they rolled it back slightly anyway (so it is still overperforming a bit).

Moderation it is, you just couldn’t stop. Quit being the antagonist.

How is this flagged as spam?

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I’m fine with any change as long as it is historical as I’ve stated before. As long as the BR is adjusted accordingly, instead of the reverse where they don’t change BR but make unhistorical changes.

And they did so, they moved most 11.3s to 12.0 but kept mig-23ml(d) at 11.7 which in my opinion is fair.

That’s sufficient for me, thanks for the answer

I wonder if they’ll consider R-73 for MiG-23MLD now


I’m that guy, pal

İn my opinion it can go to 12.0 with R-24R and 2 R-73. İt doesn’t have a proper PD radar (especially with the latest automatic radar mode change) so it shouldn’t be 12.3 with that.

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Maybe in your fantasy world pal, not in real one.

I suggest stop making additional comments and be on your way, i already said im not interested, we already ended this conversation hour ago.

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Stop baiting

I think it should stay at 11.7 until more data can be gathered about how good it is - devs can always adjust the BR if the efficiency is too high.

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Just give it any other all aspect than R-60M, I’ll even take Aim-9P4, less pull but the seeker is amazing in rear aspect.

I just hate R-60M, worst all aspect missile in my opinion

You’re the one who threw the first bait, very basic i must say.

Anyway you do you.

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Good old missile moth, always hungry for lamp


One last question about MIG-23ML(D) FM that i forgot to ask.

It turns worse now, but does it maintain energy better? (when you turn less of course it will maintain energy better, i mean when you pull the same amount before the FM changes)

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I don’t think it does, but it isn’t as big if a nerf as the raw STR.

When the MIG-23 was upgraded with R-73, did it receive HMS? Even if it was only for missiles and not radar?

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No, the only HMS that was tested if I recall correctly was used with the R-60M and was on a sole MiG-23M prototype.

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i can really see it being 11.7 or 12.0 with 2X R-73 then

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