Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 'FLOGGER' - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I did not make a report buffing the AoA, I made a report on the MiG-23MLD underperforming AoA and Gaijin rejected it. When inquiring in the past I was told the performance charts were for a specific loadout, tested that loadout, and it was correct.

RideR2 and I investigated further, he did his own testing and we realized the data was for a different loadout. When he had proved this to Gaijin they amended the overperformance.

The two specific ones you listed it cannot beat in a rate fight.

Since people are trying to witch hunt me again for this stuff - please acknowledge that I also tested and buffed the F-14, F-15 and nerfed engine temps for all MiG-21 and MiG-23 series. Quit trying to find bias where there is none.


potato potatoe…

All right, fair enough

Did not mean to witch-hunt. Thought I asked in a decent manner.

I’m just genuinely surprised since a 30% difference in performance is quite large for the mig23, and you didn’t make a bug report about it or inquire further with such a big discrepancy, whilst being relentless when it comes to jets like Gripen pumping out 9 different bug reports on that one alone often without primary sources.

And now with massive discrepancies on the mig 21, 19 and 17/22 being unveiled, I’ve always thought of you as someone very knowledgable with Russian jets, being part of that eastern-discord and being active in all those threads…


I almost exclusively relied on RideR2’s testing in regards to sustained turn rates in the past. He has chosen now to do his own reports and so I left it up to him.


Will the large calibre pod stay the same once the flare/chaff rework arrives?

MiG-23 got a buff to the Oswald efficiency today, will hold energy better than before

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New loadout

This model predates the MiG-23M, none in-game can mount 4x R-23.


@MiG_23M do you know if the nerfs to mig-23 were historical?

They were.

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I wonder when we will get the historical nerfs to F-16, more than 1 year since they acknowledged Mig-23s report. Only when it’s Russian

Alright then, as long as it’s historical I won’t complain, when the BR is adjusted accordingly. (And it was, it’s 11.7 now lower than F-4S)

But the MTİ auto change really sucks.

Whine more. The flight model changes to the F-16 will come when they rewrite the FMs to account for unstable and relaxed stability designs, same as every other FM that falls in those catagories.

it’s always mechanics that benefit russian jets and hurt american jets that are not in game.

oh we cant add that thing that nerfs f-16
oh we cant add that thing that makes mig-29/su-27 have better energy retention
oh we can’t add variable drag to r-77 that would make it better than aim-120 at supersonic launch

Thats rich coming from you.

When F-16 was stuck to 8-9G’s you werent complaining.

When Mig-29’s Fm was the best with R27ER you werent complaining.

When Mig-23’s overperformed flight model was absolutely stomping everything in 1vs1 you werent complaining, but as soon as your favourite Soviet toys became balanced you started to complain a lot.



BECAUSE the F-16 still pulled İNSANELY WELL below 1000KPH, but American mains don’t even know how to use airbrakes.

İt’s how I still win countless dogfights Vs F-16Cs in ground RB in my su-25sm3. They love to overshoot and keep AB on.

Go watch videos from defyn before the FM changes.

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Oh look another excuses.

Mig-29 was also pulling good under 1000km but was also able to pull really good above 1000km.

But your favorite nation must always be best right?

Bruh, USA stuff destroys everything in the game

The amount of BS excuses is insane

Unlike you, I’m an aircraft enthusiast and play literally every nation except Italy.

I dare anyone to call me a Russian main 1 more time while all that most of you have is F-4S/F-5C and F-16C

You’re so clueless that you didnt even bother to check my Service record buddy.

I also play every nation except copy paste China/italy, even so that when you didnt even know this game was active i was grinding multiple nations.

I advice try not to be so clueless next time.

Casually ignoring Mig-21SMT/Bis,Mig-23MLD and Mig-29 clubbing.

Not gonna even talk about UFO Yak’s and La series that were clubbing props in the past.

While you were playing other games i was playing with multiple nations with multiple vehicles.

I specifically didn’t say YOU, i said most of you all. I know for 5-6 months now that you have more than 1 nation because we talked about YOU months ago, the arrogance, my god.