MiG-29SMT and Su-34 need R-77-1

I’ll tell you why.

Airframe: Trash, It doesn’t let 29SMT dodge several missiles
Engines: Of course trash too.
R-77: One of the worst ARH for BVR

Comparing with F-16D Barak:
Airframe: not bad or good in 13.3
Engine: not bad or good in 13.3
ARH: Not good for BVR- But it’s launching platform is much better than 29SMT

So 29SMT needs at least 2~4 R-77-1s.


Airframe: Really trash
Engines: Good, But It doesn’t cover airframe’s disadvantage enough.
R-77: One of the worst ARH for BVR

And it’s br is 12.7 in ground RB- Su-34 suffers too much when it is fighting against Rafale and EF2K, But Gaijin must not buff Su-34’s br.
Rafale and EF2K can kill Su-34 easily- But Su-34 is having too big difficulty to kill them.
(Let’s not talking about buffing Su-34’s br in ground RB)
So Su-34 needs R-77-1s for less-suffering anti-air missions.

I know that Su-34 is mainly designed for CAS-
But unlike reality, My team doesn’t always guarantee the cover with fighter jets.

Of course, If Su-34 gets R-77-1s without limited amounts of pylons(NOT only getting 2~4 of 77-1s)- Then It’s air RB br must be 13.7.

When I use Su-34 in air RB, It’s R-77s force me depend on my team(Using them as frontline baits).
Maybe some people say that Su-34 can’t be happy in 13.7 with R-77-1s, But Rafale&EF2K, F-15E aren’t having 14.3~14.7 br right now.
And difference of 0.3~0.4 br is not having enough difference in near top tier br.

OOPS Sorry. I changed my opinion.
Because Su-34 with R-77-1s in 13.7 is will be painful.
I forgot that F-16AM is not good fighter jet in 13.7, And Su-34 is much more worse platform than F-16AM…


Su-30SM onwards is the only jet that carries R-77-1 though

I ask you why playing the Su-34 in air realistic battles? And by the way, the R-77 in the Su-34 is more than enough, no need of this unrealistic upgrade, same applies to the MiG-29SMT, which doesn’t have to recieve a battle rating increase to battle rating 14.0.

F-16D’s Derby is the worst ARH missile.

Feel like this is bait man…

Because the kh38…


I changed sentence for to focus on main point.

Is Su-34 not using R-77-1 in reality?

It can’t use any R-77 variant in reality

wow… Okay
I Didn’t know about that

Cant or just doesnt?
IDK if this is some testbed or something due to the lack of countermeasures, and the old nature of this photo.

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IMO Mig-29SMT is fine where it is, but Su-34 should get upgraded to the M variant and get R-77-1 along with it (especially if the M/NVO variant has HMD).

Personally I just use R-27ER over R-77 anyway, itd be nice to get something more useful than R-77.

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Some people just have to grind.

And no, lmao an R-77 is a dumpster fire vs a Aim-120B

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And they need to remove the sun visor that’s blocks upward views in sim.

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It literally can though.


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Mig 29 SMT 9.19 With 6800 Kg in engine XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD MIG 29 worse worse engines than those of a mig 21 to a mig 29 the very sad truth

Mockups on Su-34 in role of Su-32FN demonstrator