MiG-29 with R73 and R27R instead of the R27ER

It’s still MiG-29 9.12A with minor changes in electronics like western IFF. They should removed it as well

I absolutely agree with that. However, I think that from the point of view of balance it would probably not be very good for Germany. At least not now.

Absolutely agree with everything in the post

actually the weapons computer was updated to be able to use R-27ER/ET, Germany simply never bought them

The problem is they are waiting for EF2000 which probably will be added in december or even earlier maybe than MiG-29G can be rework

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It was?

Yep, need to find where I read that but I am quite certain about it… not 100% sure thought


It wasn’t able to use them

no lol
Here u have 2 lists what was changed in G model

Non of those allows to use new R-27ER/ET

The aircraft weapon’s computer recognised the missile

To be fair the mig29a which Germany has shouldn’t have been added and instead only the G variant.
That’s because the A and the G are practically the same, the G was a NATO compatibility upgrade which had minor changes such as in the HUD (not in-game but in real life) the speed is shows in MPH I think or KTS, one of those, the switches and all Indicators were translated to German too and a small engine upgrade? (don’t quote me on that), but no actual weapon changes, it used everything that the A used.

Was only an avionics upgrade with stuff that war thunder doesn’t model in (like way points)

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It simulates it, that weapon computer wasn’t design to cooperate with ER

The MiG29-A can shoot the R-27ER as it had the same seeker head as the standard R-27R, its just that the pylons didn’t support the weight, it was too heavy? or some other compatibility issue

Exactly this

So I think that’s cleared up. :D

But MiG-29 (9-12A) & MiG-29 (9-12B) from east germany abd hungary armed R-60 or R-60MK ?

Never armed and never launched in service

So I don’t worry MiG-29 (9-12A) and MiG-29G without R-27ER1 & R-27ET1 in next major update

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Weight wasn’t a problem but weapon computer RLPK-29 and C-101M comptuer with allows to use ER and R-77.

I will search for it. If i remember there was some differences with fuse etc

But MiG-29 (9-12A) & MiG-29 (9-12B) from east germany abd hungary armed R-60 or R-60MK ?

They never bought the R73s which is why. I think because USSR collapsed, or some sort of disagreement they never completed contract if there was one

No, only the motor and some other differences like fuel capacity? but overall the seeker head is the same, even in the game.

The “E” in the “ER” is for “енергетичиская” (energetic) upgrade