MiG-29 with R73 and R27R instead of the R27ER

But as far i know Hungary didn’t buy ET variant of R-27. And why 9.12B should be identical to G which has inaccurate weapons?


It’s sad watching two posters derail this topic with pointless discussion all because I and a few others posted productive statements.

Historical accuracy doesn’t change no matter what correct weapons are on an aircraft.


I think that not only MiG-29 9.12/9.13 should have R-73 but also MiG-23MLD and instead of MLD we should get MiG-23P on lower BR.


IMO i would be more than happy to see more historically accure weapon loadouts on planes.


Thats because current Italy doesn’t have decent 13.0 option in ARB.

There are no points for playing ADF in current meta because it has same BR with MiG-29G, F-15A/J, M4K, JAS39A.

IMO, JAS39A should go higher BR but, it is offtopic.

Of course there where it have sense also in meaning of balance. And removing R-27ER and adding R-73 make sense.

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If i remember they have AV-8B+ on 13.0 with amraams and aim-9m


That is slow attacker…

Not sure how it is good after decompression but, someone who spammed it back then told me that it is not good as before BR changes.

Whatever, the more viable options, the better.

So even if av-8b+ is that bad, italy can get MiG-29 Sniper from Romania.

Normally getting additions like this is a bad thing as the BR increase wouldn’t be worth it (see 9L etc. suggestion for American planes like f14), but in this case its good because R60M are probably one of the absolute worst missiles in the game for every metric besides maneuverability.

I dont think we will actually see a good FM get r73s at a low BR where it isn’t forced into BVR where these missiles are just like a sidearm at that point. Gaijin only allows america to have jets that club in downtiers.

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Idea of TT (BR are for air simulator because thats only air mode which I actively play on that tiers):


  • MiG-23MLD got R-73 and R-24MR with fixed radar (currently missing some important modes on radar which improve abilities of it - same for MiG-23P).
  • MiG-29 got R-73 and R-27ER was removed.

If somebody want to know how to easily make similar TT ideas so this is good generator:


I grinded out the MLD thinking it wasn’t stuck with the horrible MTI/SRC radar and oh boy was I surprised. Meanwhile F4S has a better radar and HMD than the su27sm at 12.0. Its a travesty.

Something with an OK airframe at 12.3 with r73’s sounds too good to be true.

Look great for me

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I use R-24T all the time. With them I slaped tons of F-4S and F-14A. To be honest F-4S and F-14A have horrible radars which are really easy to notch and works only on head-on (if at all).

R24T is great, but its only good for killing unaware players, and americans can do that at 9.x BR with their navy sidewinders. Coping and using the T over R because the radar stinks isn’t great, having a good radar missle to kill someone that is aware of you is certainly an advantage over the T, but ya the radars stink.

Well. In simulator is literally almost impossible to notice R-24T from a distance of 8 km (notice that BR which I stated are for simulator). In simulator is often problem also notice R-60M from short distance. Thats why is MLD so much effective also with that radar nerf.

In my opinion, removed R-27E (R-27ER & R-27ET) and R-27E1 (R-27ER1 & R-27ET1) from MiG-29 9-12A, MiG-29 9-12B, MiG-29 9-13 and MiG-29G in next major update


2x R-60 stock instead R-60M, and 6x R-60M replace by R-73 on MiG-29 (9-13) for USSR ?


Basic R-60 are too obsolete for that BR. 2x R-60M are sufficient for stock.

In case of MiG-29G I wouldn’t remove the R-27ER/ET yet because they don’t currently have many viable options.

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All first generation MiG-29 used R-73 so i think all nations should be treat the same.