Mig 23ml premium

nerfed the mig23ml ? it’s only with 12 flars, radar without the MTI option, only when aiming down, and what sense does it make ? You pay a bill on a premium plane so maybe they’ll nerf the plane, if it’s a bug ok, fix it, because if it’s not
It was the worst money I’ve ever spent in my life.

for the radar it’s not a bug it’s written in the devblog. personally i find this is a non sense coz MTI is the best for target at alt and i have never launched a missle while going full down in 200+ games.
Btw currently searching a way to desactivate it and i’d be happy if someone knows how to.
have a good day

MTI only functions with ground clutter and thus now can only function in look-down in war thunder

This is working as intended and is realistic

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(in the game) mti used to work at any angle. Just had a switch of mode depending the alt. Also im not expecting the game to be realistic and it has shown us a plenty of time it isn’t. Im not against a more realistic game but doing this kind of thing after everybody sent 70eu is kinda borderlne. Also if it was realistic i wouldnt crush the mirage 2k in term of speed, realism is slightly easy to say in this case.
Btw it’s more annoyig than else since the missle wont go for the chaff as if it still was on mti
edit : looks like i wrote some crap for speed of mig but other example are still availible

I agree they should have fixed this 3 years ago when the MiG-23s were introduced and fighting F-4Es

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