Mig-23 ML premium scam?

So your $70 pixel jet should be immune to changes/balance while the tech tree ones are still susceptible to nerfs? Unreal.

It has not been 3 years. Changes were made due to findings in documentation regarding the aircraft IRL. Players report these errors, and Gaijin fixes them to make the vehicle realistic.

It is still a quite competitive 11.3 aircraft.

Lots of companies around the world do this actually.

Wasting your money and time on a lawyer for a case you will be guaranteed to lose. This is perfectly legal, and common practice among MANY companies.

They are not screwing you over. What difference would it make even? Despite being trash, they are still selling F-4JUnKs just fine, F-104S TAFs, and the “trash” MiG-23ML? That is doing just fine at the moment. Great jet even now.


I bought it during this sale and the only thing i dont like is that it can only carry 2 r24s. I just dont like the r60m. The flight perfomance has been pretty decent. It red lines at 102% thrust in level flight. It just does the usual russian thing of dumping speed in turns.

Yet people will still buy $75 premiums lol

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