“No arguments are valid because i said so.”
With such ego, I bet you browse a reddit for at least 8 hours a day.
“No arguments are valid because i said so.”
With such ego, I bet you browse a reddit for at least 8 hours a day.
As if this forum is better lol
Mig21 needs real life SPO10, as this one makes plane useless.
F14s, F4s, Mig23s, whatever has a MRAAM render Mig21 unusable.
F4F eg. doesn’t have all aspect AAMs, but it’s RWR enables it to survive 11.3 BR eg.
SPO10 doesn’t enable Mig21 to survive in BR 11.3.
This is why you don’t see Mig21 in EC.
GJ’s decisions in “balancing” the game are really beyond comprehension.
On one hand they give Soviet WW2 planes fantasy properties, but then the Mig21 (probably most popular Soviet fighter ever), doesn’t even get RL characteristics. Go figure…
Response to OP
Lmao, no.
The MiG-21bis is by no means a bad 11.0. It can compete with other 11.0s like the F-4E, MiG-23M, etc. The only thing that is straight up better is the J-7E, but even that comes with caveats of less missiles and a gun that is horribly difficult to aim with low ammo count. Stop judging planes on what they fight in a full uptier. We all know BR compression sucks, but compared to the planes at its BR, the MiG-21 is fine.
Diagnosis: skill issue.
It can’t be given better missiles because it never carried any better missiles (In unmodified form). Infact the Finnish BIS is totally wrong and ridiculous copypasta. It never carried R-60M(K), just the regular R-60. It never carried R-13M1, just the regular R-13M. It never used the double pylon for the R-60.
All that should be removed. As a bonus it could be given AIM-9P3 as FAF had that missile for the Draken and it could be carried. R-13 was carried in the Draken but I’ve never seen any evidence of AIM-9P carried in the BIS, but it was mechanically compatible. Just an idea to make the aircraft more unique.
The Finnish BIS with those modifications could go to 10.7. The all-aspect versions are fine at 11.0. We just need upwards decompression.
Youre expert on chokig on things, eh?
This has the be the single most delusional and in-denial thread I have ever seen on the forums and that’s saying something.
No, the 21bis doesn’t belong in 10.7. It is okay (as in average, fine, meh, etc. etc.), meaning that it doesn’t perform super good but it isn’t a complete struggle bus either. It can easily go toe to toe with other 11.0s if not outright counter them in a close engagement (literally any Phantom, for example). It’s actually one of the few high tier fighter’s I’d be willing to call balanced.
Your inability to perform well with it or, in my opinion, outright refusal to learn how to play it right doesn’t justify your unwarranted ramblings or straight up lies about what the 21bis can and cannot do.
If you wish to complain that the stock grind for the 21bis is impossibly frustrating, then that is a fair point. Many jets suffer such a fate.
If you wish to complain that the BRs are too compressed and that a Mig-21 shouldn’t be facing a F-16 and a Mig-29 then that is also fair, but is a complaint directed at the Falcon and Fulcrum, not at the Mig-21.
But to state that an F-104 or even a G.91Y beats it in any shape or form is wrong on so many levels I don’t even know where to begin. Even the 104S at 11.0 is helpless against the 21bis.
The MiG-21bis has absolutely NO place at a BR lower than 11.0. And your denial of that fact shows not only your lack of skill with the jet but your stubbornness to learn as well. It has been explained to you multiple times why you’re wrong. To be more fair towards you I’ll admit that the Mig-21 IS hard to learn to play.
If you wish to do better with it then you need to learn energy discipline and know your engagements. If you practice with it, you’ll see it’s a perfectly competent fighter and can even square off with F-14As if you’re smart. But reading your posts thus far, that might be a bit out of your league for now.
In short: skill issue
Blah Blah Blah, Yada Yada. You lost me when you said the F104 cant beat the mig21, despite the fact that I’ve done it 50+ times. The jet, as it stands, is worthless at 11.0. It only fights 12.0 98% of the time, and when it fights lower, thats only when it has a FIGHTING CHANCE. The platform is… ehhhh, while the BR its at makes it unviable in ANY situation. The only time its useful is against 10.0 aircraft that you only see once in a blue moon.
The Bis is in need of a buff, or at least a rebalance, since it is worse than the french tech tree
In short: You’re intellectually inept.
Cool, you beat an actual 40iq player. Congratulations. Care to fight my 21bis in your F-104A?
I accept your concession.
What concession? The one where someone flagged my post for telling the truth?
The only thing there is average stats.
Staying positive is not difficult, buddy.
When wasnt it difficult? Never.
And I’ll never be your buddy, guy!
Before you make a cope post, please consider that being unskilled does not help your case in any way :)
However i am very sorry that you are suffering from the Bad Pilot Syndrome. I am afraid i cannot cure it. We will help you live with your health condition as much as we can, but again unfortunately it will stay with you forever.
Wasn’t necessarily referencing your MiG-21bis performance here, but all of it in general.
Seeing you negative in the SK-60, F-5C and A-5C among many others hurts my head.
SK-60, a flying brick that I havent touched since before they added tracers. F-5C, yeah thats a skill issue. A-5C, a base bomber that shouldn’t be going after planes. Ofc its negative.
Go ahead and take a peek at my stats. SK-60 is by no means a brick, all it is is slow.
A-5C is an absolutely baller jet for the 10.0 meta. Please consider that i also truck bombs with it, then go for fighters.
Again, taking a bite of that nice, warm skill issue sandwich.
The Sk-60 is by ALL MEANS a brick. It has terrible retention, it cant outturn ANYTHING after the first loop, its guns have a slow velocity, and the only way you’ll be able to catch up to the enemy is in a downtier, where the enemies will be able to turn circles around you, and then catch up, since you lost all your speed trying to dodge the enemy rounds.