or “save my bison from being nerfed”?
let me just ask you one thing. is it a fair fight between f-5t and bison?
Bit unfair.
But, fairer fight than between MiG-21 Bison(on 13.0 if your claim is accepted.) and F-15E.
I just can’t get why you are reading things that only you want to read.
I compared Bison with MiG-29G and 2000C-S5 to prove sending Bison directly into 12.7-13.0 is unfair.
I admitted that the current bison is on perfect cherry-picking sweetspot.
It just can’t go higher due to compression issues.
as long as MiG-21 bison can’t armed with R-27ER(the soviet magic stick), it can’t be same level on those MiG-29/Su-27s.
Your theory sounds like nothing but biasing F-5T.
“it is unfair that F-5T gets ruined by MiG-21bison! That bullshit plane needs to be dealt with.”
(But it is fair that F-104J and Su-17M2 got doomed by my beloved Python 3. Because it is fun)
(While ignoring other 12.3BR jets like F-4EJ Kai, F-16A, or Mirage 2000C-S4)
Meanwhile the JH7, Mirage 2000DR-1 and RMV:
yeah, no, mig-21 is not some OP vehicle
it is not biasing. It is reality. f-5t designed for dog fight. they added the hmd for that as well. bison is more for bvr. even for dogfight, it has r73 with irccm. if it is equipped with r-60mk, i won’t post this kind of remark although bison only has r-27r. mig-23ml also have r-24r. i won’t complain with mig23. a bit of meta for mig-23 is ok to me. fyi, i have mig-23 but never play it. f-104j and su-17m2 still have flare for countermeasure. f-104 at br 10.3? it has 6 aim9p, has flare, and it runs very fast. so it is balanced, even f-5t cannot catch it unless the pilot decided to turn, then still can use flare.
many of my kill using cannon instead of python. can you countermeasure irccm with flare below 2.5km? yes, possible but 80% failed.
can you do the same with all non-IRCCM? it is very easy to be flared unless the target very close below 0.5km and very slow, then I prefer to use cannon instead.
Anyway, thank you for the comment.
MiG 21s facing Typhoons is stupid and dumb!
WYDM pal.
Both F-104J and Su-17M2 don’t have proper countermeasures.
They are forced to use rocket pods as improvised ones.
no… both have no countermeasures at all. The R-60M is a grave, constant threat to their existence.
not really, plenty of jets are close in speed here. This is not 9.3 anymore
F-5 is extremely slow for its BR (not that this makes it bad), of course it cant catch it
I can consistently, yes.
Ah yes, Mig21, a 10.X airframe all the way up at 13.0.
I dont have it, but never really feared fighting them. F-5 wins a turnfight easily, mig21 cant retain its energy in a turn.
F-5T is fine, Ive played a few games in it. Its perfectly potent at its BR. Though not as potent as the FCU with its four missiles.
The bison isnt really one of the worst threats Id even face in an F-5 with a max uptier. Things like the Mirage F1C or even the F-4S are more annoying to fight
The first one isn’t, but the rest are just absolute insanity. Idk what Gajin was smoking to move the SMT and MFs down, but I want some.
no, they are just decent aircraft at their BRs. You are presenting them to be stronger than the aircraft higher than them in BR which is just strictly untrue. I don’t support the downtiers regardless
What if I told you that the F-5C should get 6 Aim-9Ls and be lowered to 10.3?
Then I’d say it is just like your usual line of nonsense?
The funny thing is, we already have it in the game. It’s just called the Mig-21Bis and it’s in the Russian and German TTs
The Mig-21bis is 11.0 (should be 11.3), but it isn’t OP.
R-60Ms are worse than 9Ls.
I also think that you’re getting the 21MF confused with the bis.
21bis is 11.0, not 10.3, and also isn’t as strong as f5 in a dogfight
There’s too many R-60/R-60M/R-60MK Mig-21s railing me from front and behind held by too many nations to memorize them all. Either way, six high G all aspects on an airframe that’s both faster and more manuverable than the F-5 (only losing in energy retention) at a BR where it faces flareless planes in insanity.
Ok but every r-60/m carrying mig21 is just and no more than “decent” or “good” at their BR. None come anywhere near overpowered
It is not less agile than the F-5. It holds a small nose authority advantage until it hits low speed, but F-5 ratefights better, holds energy better, and does vertical loops far better
11.0?!? flareless?
downtiers exist
havent proven that yet…
I’m aware… there are only a handful of flareless jets you can see in general