Mid tier br decompression

Hello recently Ive been playing ground rb 7.7 with USSR (IS4 IS3) and 7.0 USA (T29, A2D, M46Tiger) and ooooh boy let me tell u the difference: USA at that BR is godly, I would say that 75% of the games are downtier to 6.7-6.0 due to the fact that not many countries have a 7.0 lineup and even uptiers are mostly to 7.7 very rarely 8.0 like 5 % of the games.
On the other hand USSR 7.7 feels almost unplayable, 65% of the games Ive played are FULL uptiers, u spawn in ur good old is4 and first thing u see is a t55amd1 (laser rangefinder, stabilizer, apfsds 330mm of pen) and things u face are similar with fully stabilizer turrets, 90% of the vehicles u face have HEAT-FS, or APDS that can go through your only advantage (ur super armour) than whats the point of playing a vehicle like that, YES in full downtiers u dominate its almost unfair but still there are few vehicles at 6.7 that also have HEAT. I feel like super heavies like maus, IS4s IS3s (cant think of any other rn) do not have a place in this game since in even full downtiers there are A LOT of things that can just easily go through their front armor like butter.

My suggestion is that beyond 7.7 there should be a huge gap to like 9.0 that u can NOT face anything beyond that. (every 8.0 vehicle would be moved to 9.0 and 8.3 to 9.3 and so on)
lets say 7.7 maus would be the “mid tier TOPDOG” like toptier tanks do not face anything past 12.0 YET these 7.7 vehicles could not as well. idk if u get me but facing a TURM3 in your IS3 seems a BIT unfair


Most of the time I’ve played the IS-4M alone were downtier matches. Since some recent additions, battle rating 8.7 is not the best spot for majority of full downtier matches as it used to be, due to the decompression, the battle rating 9.0 is more likely to have full downtier matches than uptiers.

IS-4M has some crazy troll armor that some times you can simply block projectiles or have enough armor to not be pierced by it, specially the chassis, the turret is easier. IS-3 however is a paper thin heavy, I really don’t like it even if it’s at a lower battle rating of 7.3.

I find it that before the latest decompression, 7.7 was at its peak, with a very high % of full downtiers into 6.7’s making the 7.7’s lineups monsters in the game (Maus, IS-4/6, Somuas, Surbaissé).

Now its different, 8.7’s are the “top-dogs” of most games, with very small full uptiers into 9.7’s, ocasional 9.3’s and some 9.0’s matches.

With that being said, I am having tons of fun playing 8.7 Russia atm, one of the most fun BR’s given the current “meta” but I do agree that there’s still a lot of work needed in decompression terms.


However I think the decompression still needs to start from the top, I loved playing 10.3 games a lot and now 10.3 is having the same effect as 7.7 games, its mostly full uptiers into 11.3 matches. (Not that the 10.3 vehicles can’t deal with the 11.3 lineups but it being mostly every game is frustrating.)

Unless I am playing 9.3 then I get matched into 10.3 games :P

Sadly Gaijin in the last BRs changes said us a clear “dont care a sh…t mid/low ranks” .

I feel u at 11.3 cuz I have like 350 games with the type90 Fuji and 1100 kills on that thing and I can agree that 70% of the games were full downtiers to clueless 10.3 russian mains xdd

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A gap splution can work, but it can’t be to the point where 7.7 can’t even be uptiered at all. It would create another black whole BR which would make anything between 6.7 and 7.3 unplayable

0.3 BR gap would be enough. 7.7 tanks could still be uptiered, just not to the current 8.7s

Yea can relate, i probably cussed you out before. Justice for the 10.3 players!

yeah i see a lot of mbt 70s and kpz 70s when playing 10.3

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it happens, 1 br uptiers happen alot especially for 6.7 players.

Really the whole 7.0 + region needs a 0.3 br decompression.

I already started a post to try to get rid of this problem

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That’s because of the 7.7 premiums, it’s all based around the premiums.

Your suggestion is not for solved problems just convert Soviets in even most OP nation.

sigh is that so? If that is the case why did I nerf USSR vehicles?

Your take is so outlandish. I nerfed the 2s38, and others that your clearly skipped. I based every tank br decisions off of their effectiveness and efficiency

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