Meet the “Dance of Dragons” Major Update!

Because it has thermals, standoff capability, 9Ms and an HMD? Forget the ground targets even, it would be absolutely busted against 10.3 fighters.

Got to love you lot nerfing Gripen again and basically making the J10 what Gripen should have been.

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Asking the same question:

It’s also extremely hard for me to not talk about Developer Bias, when the German 30mm MK 101 and MK 103 have extremely well documented APHE ammunition and even official ammunition belt recommendations mention them, yet they haven’t been implemented in 12 years of WT.

And the only reason I can imagine is that the Devs were afraid of them ruining ground battles.

But that can’t be it, right? Or how can planes with the NS-45 have a full belt of nothing but APHE rounds that can knock out tanks in a single shot?

With the penetration calculator those 30mm APHE rounds would have a whooping 43mm of pen and the only single engined fighter that can use them is the Fw 190 F-8, which flies like an abolute brick using them as gun pods. (Well, I guess the Ta 152 C-3 as well)

The Me 410 can get one top down attack before it runs out of energy and then your only other targets are light armored vehicles, and it’s unlikely to penetrate heavy tanks from the top, unlike the 45mm cannon.


13 losses in a row. This has never happened before. Kislyi’s patent is in effect. Not a cent more in this garbage. KD on Leclerc 2 dropped from 5 to 3. Thanks for the vegetables and bots in the team. 18% of wins. It is immediately obvious that the equalization works so that good players do not stand out from the crowd.


Thanks for making my wallet heavier. Thank you for every patch not bringing anything new. Thank you for not fixing the bugs, the graphics are at the level of 2010, the summer, especially the Soviet one, is imbalanced. In this patch, there is a bug with binoculars that look backwards, they have not wanted to fix it for 5 days already. What kind of respectful attitude towards developers can there be?) None.
A bunch of vegetables on the toptir, who bought a bag. The game has billions in revenue, but the thinking remains at the level of profiteers from the 90s. No one is going to rework the interface, the modes either. It is too difficult to make a 12x12 km Frontline, add a floating 4th point on the map, and make 5 points on large maps instead of 3. Well, it is difficult to use your brains when you do nothing for several years and get 500k a month as a senior. I’m afraid to imagine how much a team leader gets and what IQ he or his management has, if they allow their subordinates to do nothing and deceive themselves, forcing the game to stagnate. And considering the huge amount of illiquid assets from Wargaming that work in Gaijin, there are also mafia wars between departments for the right to milk the cow and rub its points in. A sad team, a sad, downgraded game with once huge potential.
I’ve been waiting for x3 experience on the roadmap and Leclerc as a premium for a year now. Never got it. While I was waiting, I pumped up 5 more branches - Britain, France, China, Italy and Israel. Even seeing that the patent was in effect, in the most difficult moments of pumping on the Brits, I didn’t break down and didn’t donate) BRAVO!!! You are a master at saving my money.
There are 85 days of premium left and I’m not going to buy it anymore. Choke on the 250 dollars that I contributed over these two years.

This should be optional, because to me it’s certainly not a quality of life improvement but rather a downgrade.

Before all the ordnance was available at a glance, easily and readily selectable, now a large part of the available ordnance is hidden and one needs to scroll through it. Please make the old style of a simple popup with all the available ordnance available again.

You can maximize the secondary weapon screen by clicking the ^ arrow on the right:
(I have seen some other people say it’s not AS maximized as before, so perhaps they could increase the maximization provided, but it is a little better than the small default view it shows.)



the maps in this game are garbage, listen to the community

Thanks, I thought that was for scrolling. It’s slightly better, though the best option in my opinion still is if they just had left it as is.

Why does Gaijin always try to change things that work perfectly fine… :/ If they want to change things, they could for example work on decompression…