NS-45 45mm APHE - Where did it come from?

So any idea where this supposed APHE shell came from?

The NS-45 was practically a modified NS-37 cannon, necking up the 37mm cartridge to 45mm to fit a 45mm shell.

The HE round was a ~1.1kg shell that was taken from the production of Naval 45mm cannons and was significantly ligher than the 45mm HE round found on 45mm tank and AT guns (~2.1kg).

On a side note:
The NS-37 produces roughly 294KJ of muzzle energy with its 37mm AP-T shell.
The NS-45 produces roughly 324KJ of muzzle energy with it’s 45mm HE-T shell.

The point of the NS-45 was simply to deliver a more powerful HE round with a single shot.
So in theory the NS-45 was the superior cannon but of course the much greater recoil made it also more difficult to mount in aircraft, thus limiting it’s use.
Hence we see the development of the lighter N-37, that simply makes up the power difference with higher RoF.

Likewise a 1.43kg AP shell, used by tank and AT guns, would have resulted in immense recoil and rather poor muzzle velocity, considering that the ~1.1kg HE round only produced 780m/s.

So where did that 45mm APHE round come from?
It’s certainly possible to shorten the tank AP round and reduce the weight but to me it seems unlike that they would produce a shell that was only used by the NS-45 cannon, at least not during war times.

I can imagine that maybe after the war when more experiments were carried out with the guns, they would have modified stockpiles of 45mm APHE ammo to reduce their weight.

Anyone has any idea how we come to the NS-45 using a 1.1kg APHE round?


I don’t know where to look for anymore or where devs would have dug this up. It’s not mentioned in either WT forum, WT bug reporting site or any gun related forums I could think of.

“Autocannon, Anthony G. Williams, 17.2.2023, ISBN 1785009206”
This book has excessive data about autocannons and their ammunation. For 45x186 it mentions just a single service used round, which was either HE-T-SD or HEI-T-SD. A tungsten core AP round was also tested, but no pictures of it remain.

Then there are some Soviet documents around the internet, which mention HEI-T and a subcaliber AP. Obviously a tungsten core subcaliber AP round at that point would be an APCR.


NS-45 ammunation
NS-45 HE

It is extremely difficult to believe there existed another round which has not reached literature or internet. Either they should give us the source or we have another years long “try to prove X did not exist” ahead of us.


Considering the cannon shook the aircraft it was placed in too much for serious use i very much doubt a solid shot round could have been fired from it, let alone an aphe round… But gaijin need to have their low/mid tier russian cas to have usable cannons so who are we to judge.

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Actual fake rounds to artificially buff soviet mid-tier CAS, making it hellishly oppressive to play against… Because of course…




Could you fully translate please , if possible. also was the round ever made or was it planned?

Right. There are several blueprints of German aircraft rounds that were probably never used operationally.

Maybe it existed but caused problems that wouldn’t allow it to be used, etc, or like you said was planned at one point but never realised.

There is also no data so it’s practically useless.

Also no date. Maybe the Tu-1 could have used it but not the Yak-9K or TIS MA.

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This is from the document on state tests of the NS-45 and Sh-45 guns from december 1943. According to the results of firing, the APCR penetrated a 40mm plate at an angle of 20 degrees at a distance of 600 m in 100% of cases, APHE in 66.6%.

AP-T (APHE-T) on the right


I don’t think you understand how massive 45mm is…

It’s 2.5 mm wider on each side, and I don’t know how much longer of a round, but the early BOFORS L/70 round had a total mass of .9kg.

HE filler equivalently can be more depending on the type of explosive filler as well.

I absolutely agree with you!

What a plane with fantastic performance. The turn time and rate of climb are better than the light Japanese with machine guns. Yak9k with a tank gun, automatic loader and ammunition. Ahaha seriously!?? At the same time, the gun fires 45mm shells like an AK47 assault rifle. I believe I believe that this was invented in the 40s. In my opinion, they are very sucking up to the USSR

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AP-T doesn’t make it into APHE though.

There’s also this:
2024-09-16 21_51_56-Window

So an APCR round was tested for the NS-37 but it was never introduced.

Same story here. Just because it was tested, doesn’t mean it lead to anything, other then some data about its performance.

They might have considered that the performance of the 45mm AP-T wasn’t good enough or it wasn’t worth producing it, since it would be specficially produced just for a single weapon that wasn’t even used in large numbers.

The 45mm HEI-T was already in production as Naval ammunition and 37mm ammunition was identical to the the AA guns, so no big change required.

Since the NS-45 never lead to much other then some experiements, it’s pretty likely that neither AP-T nor APCR was ever used in combat.

So what? The projectiles were not in single quantities and were tested. So they can be introduced into the game.

You have made a lot of unfounded assumptions, but you cannot prove them with anything.

My main problem with the gun is its acuracy, there is no way in hell a 45mm in a small fighter would be that acurate. Especially considering how inaccurate the 57mm on the mosquito is and how quickly it overheats… Nerf the spread dependent on the plane and i think it would be in a far better spot as it would then make the small magazines actually a hindrance.

Well, can you?

What you provided doesn’t prove anything other than that the rounds were tested.

I guess the same can be said about US 75mm APCR, but by that logic we can also have German 20mm Mineshell X with 25g explosive filler. Or how about 30mm APHE that was actually used in combat?

It’s just incredible biased to add these APHE rounds to the game, when they were never used in that way.
This wasn’t a balance decision like US 75mm APCR and it’s just going to make Ground Battle CAS more annoying.

A Yak-9K or TIS MA isn’t a Hs 129 that gets 13 shots and flies like a boat.

Not to mention the audacity to give them a 1mm fuze sensitivity, so they never overpenetrate any armor.

And because Mods and Devs are inherently biased they will just pull the “proof it wasn’t like that” card, when their source was “I made it the F up”.

What else do I have to prove? Look at the topic title “NS-45 45mm APHE - Where did it come from?”. I think you got the answer to your question.

This has nothing to do with the rounds used by the gun and can be filed as a separate bug report.

Unless I’m mistaken. Neither document says it’s an APHE shell.


Guess what? I don’t speak Russian.
What’s written there that would imply it’s APHE?

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