Meet the “Dance of Dragons” Major Update!

such a sad update, not even the RP bonus

my bad i guess, i stand corrected.
it just… compared to what i’ve seen on the internet of the jf17 cockpit, mainly from dcs, it feels like most of the reflector glass is like hidden away behind MCP, and knowing already that stuff like a10 literally is like miles off, i thought for sure it was a bad placement, but i guess its just a weird feeling im getting.


War Thunder doesn’t like angling down the head [neither does DCS for that matter].

It’s easier in WT air sim with HOTAS where you can bring up your head then angle down a bit with controls, something I can’t do in DCS cause it doesn’t change the zero position.

Not as much visibility as in DCS, but more than enough.
Unlike the A-10…

i use trackir so its literally impossible to manually move my camera, unless i do it in opentrack, and you know, i also kinda find it quite useless since you cannot really adjust your hud in the game

but anyway, i found something even funnier about this update!

F-16A (Belgium) Received STOCK JDAMS, and on the test drive, you cannot even drop them!

but like seriously, are we supposed to get a camera for jdams to guide them, but code fucks up? or did someone by mistake applied the JDAM to A and AM at the same time?

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M48s with the old transmission also can’t neutral steer currently.


Another major update and sounds are rubbish once again. Do the community a favor and reassign whoever your sound engineers are to another project or department.

I agree that it’s frustrating, but it’s more useful and effective to be constructive instead of insulting. Cheers.
Also fwiw, I am a trained sound engineer, and have worked on projects with coding devs. It really is never just a “simple” fix. Tbh, imo, the devs here are not “that” slow. And it is almost always worse to be fast and loose with fixes. You end up breaking more while “fixing” the issue.
Best thing we can do is make reports, post here on the forums, and keep reminding them of ongoing/already reported issues. They are humans too, being belittled and demeaned doesn’t help get things done any faster in my experience.

Constructive criticism? Why do they need to change them with every update? Other than adding sounds for new vehicles or new effects, what valid reason do they have to be constantly tinkering with every sound effect, direction, etc.

Right now, from a ground player perspective, the sound is just everywhere. You can’t tell where anything is, whether it’s on the ground or in the air. Worked fine prior to this update. This isn’t the first time they’ve made changes and it’s caused issues in the game.

For the ground forces crew speech that was adjusted. The sound engineers can do so much better. Inside the tank their voices should echo within the turret and so close to each other. Outside the tank it should be radio chatter style voice.

My feedback on the tank sights; lazy attempt . I mean that respectfully. You could’ve just implemented the sights authentically to each tank but that was too much more and was left for the players to finish the job.

Sure the customization to each their own is great and all, but he developers could’ve easily done this on their own. To me it’s just the lazy work that bothers me.

But it’s all right now
I learned my lesson well
You see, ya can’t please everyone
So ya got to please yourself

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Shocking? No. It’s exactly how you would expect them to be pricing it. They go after the whales who are not afraid to waste some cash. If anything, you hope pricing that high will make people stop and think and not buy the vehicle - since many that will are not experienced enough and don’t have a line-up to support it. If anything it should be priced even higher, since low-levels in premiums make the game worse for everyone. Now to be serious - China is too fun to need a high tier premium like that to grind it out. Just get to the key vehicles like WZ305, AFT09, etc, and enjoy playing through the tree. Don’t try skip it. Pick up the Khalid when it is 50% off in the future (takes a few patch cycles for new premiums to get the discount).

Thank you for this update which, given the number of packs sold, cushions the developments of the game. Another whole series of premiums which are absolutely not up to their BR (not counting the obvious advantages which are supposed to be hidden but so visible in game), just a little extra effort and you will have completely transformed the game into “pay to play”.

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For only £35 …yeah sure : )

Where skin crate?

No, you are totally right. Don’t let some forum troll sway you. Alvis is a known local troll. I had to unblock him to see what he is up to this time.

Look at your screenshots. Top one is looking from below the dashboard, on your bottom screen from DCS you clearly see top of the dashboard, like it’s supposed to be.

The misaligned view is the reason why Chinese HUD’s are obstructed with that annoying notch. That’s because you are supposed to look at the HUD from the top. Not from the front, not from the bottom. Pilots are not 130cm midgets. This notch is totally obstructing the bombing point.

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Exactly, all those fun low and mid tier vehicles, that are odd and unique, or just funky. I’d take more early and mid cold war stuff over more modern stuff any day. T1E1 90mm is one of the two vehicles I care about this update, along with the Finnish KV-1 (Just sad it’s a premium).

So hey, any chance they’re gonna fix the marketplace camos that broke when they updated the M41 models? Cause they’re all screwed up now and it’s honestly annoying. No More Dreadnought or Daisy Mae and such.


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Cause it doesnt have 9Ms

You have the answer in your question … starting by prem and finishing by ium

example :
leopard 2a4 123 10.3 vs ZTZ99-ii 10.7 :
speed forward/back : 69/31 vs 65/5 (back speed is a real issue)
thermal imager : yes vs yes
laser range finder : yes vs yes
reload : 7.8 to 6s (ace) vs 7.1 autoloader → 6 vs 7.1 (1.1s difference is a big issue)
guidance : -9/20 vs -6/14 (guidance is a big issue)
turret rotation : 40°/s (ace) vs 30°s (another important issue)
apfsds and Armour : doesn’t matter, both can pierce each other everywhere
adding leopard has better mobility