Meet the Auction!

You know when you’ve lost if you made TEC really angry lol


my reason? we dont need reasons, we need to ingnore or if we like we bid, simple to manage the problem

This is exactly the reason people dislike auctions. They are the only option a player has to get certain content.

Events? - Play, pay or hope someone put it on the market for a good price later

Modules? - Play or pay

Auctions? - Pay up, and you might not get anything because others had more money. And no we won’t refund your GJN to money either

Also this…

…Is just insensitive when this system is designed to work on inherent human fear of missing out to pressure them into making hasty decisions. You might not react that way, but the average 12-14yo player will be very much vulnerable to such marketing and develop harmful habits going forward in life.

And all of that to possibly not even get what he paid for? Then there’s GJN sitting around that can’t be used to pay anything outside of the game.


“We need to ignore”

This is specifically a test run to get player reactions, and we are on a forum meant to discuss the game, give feedback and help improve it.

It’s not even part of the existing system that “works for you”. For all you know this might devolve into less events, meaning less profit for you while at the same time making it harder and more expensive to get new vehicles you might want.
It is a change that can negatively affect what you like, so this is exactly the time to criticize it.

From a player perspective this is not a positive change at all. Gaijin is already making a good amount of profit and even if they want to increase that they can easily introduce one of many less predatory systems to make money.

Same goes for distributing and selling user made skins, they can also be made available in many less harmful ways.

Many alternative options were discussed by others and me in this topic, so ideally Gaijin would look at them and consider such options.


As I said they knew this would get a bad reaction it’s like standing on a piece of carpet then the other guy pulls it from under your feet.

If this was a good idea they would of done a pre-warning blog but no straight to day one and tell us it’s an trail run.

The statement about luck don’t even get me started on, if gaijin thinks that a problem then it’s a problem they’ve created themselves.

The only problem here is gaijin wanting to make the market more expensive and how would you do that, drain the money via auction. Which makes everything more expensive.

I can guarantee at the last min of this auction the ghost would come in and bid a ridiculous amount.


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and as for the children who play this game between the ages of 12 and 14, there must be parents who give them the money for it. Parents are responsible for giving children the power and strength not to fall into it. I would never give my child money for a computer game so that they could blow all their pocket money on a fantasy product. That is also the responsibility of the parents. Does a 12 to 14 year old really have to buy premium vehicles? That is the question, especially when you are younger you react much faster and understand things much quicker and they often have no problem shooting other people on the battlefield because they are simply better.they have skill issue because they learn faster…

Yeah, I’m just trying to tell them exactly what is wrong with their auctions, why it is wrong, and give them multiple different options for alternatives. I’ve even given them some limitations that would at least make the auctions somewhat bearable (like never auctioning anything but non-historical cosmetics), though considering past Gaijin promises that

I can see this going three ways from here:

The good ending - They care about the player base and cancel the auction. Maybe they add a different system to add user made camouflages, like weekly rotating events or a camouflage GE shop.

The somewhat bearable, but very concerning ending - They keep the auction, but promise to limit them to cosmetics only, preferably non-historical ones. This one would be fine if it wasn’t for the fact that they have broken so many promises in the past, or relied on technicalities (see their stance on top tier premiums over the years)

The bad ending - They keep auctions as they are, ignoring comments or trying to calm us down with vague, semi-off topic statements like mentioning only cosmetics but never actually denying vehicles. In this case this is a horrible direction and my hope for the game isn’t good. This might be the beginning of the actual end.


So we should allow the sale of alcohol or cigarettes to children too?

The point is they are easy to influence, and this is a system specifically designed to do that. It might not affect you, but you are not the only player in this game.

Even for your own opinion there’s nothing positive you have to say about auctions, at best you’re indifferent, yet you are arguing against people that say this affects them negatively. Why?

And the game is possibly heading towards a direction where future players can’t “win” the system anymore like you did. Do you want that for other players?


interesting take he has that the content creators will get the outrage for creating a skin that’s pretty much impossible to get

so in the end gaijin wins an all corners and everyone else just suffers
so this starts to feel like the worst thing war-thunder has ever gotten in the amount of negatives compered to positives

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When I was that age I was more than capable of mowing the lawn for my neighbors and spending that money on whatever gift card Gaijin accepts to buy whatever I want.

Just because you say it’s a parents job to monitor children’s decisions doesn’t meant that’s always possible. Think of a guy selling alcohol just outside school grounds. Parents could just “not give the kids money so they can’t buy it”, but what really should be done is to hold the guy accountable for trying to sell alcohol to kids.

And this here is not about if they need it. People don’t buy what they need, they buy what they want, and especially kids. Now imagine “cool new tank” and even more so “cool new rare tank that none of my friends have”, that is exactly what a 12-14yo would buy.

Now the only thing keeping them from doing that is that they might now afford the price, but here’s the thing with auctions, the price starts low. So they buy 5€, but they are outbid, then it becomes 10, 20, 30, all the way up to the point they run out of money, and chances are they don’t even win the auction.

So they didn’t buy anything, do they get their money back?

Nope, they now have converted all of their money into GJN that are worthless outside of Gaijin distributed stores.


the bad ending is the end

it would really show how they think about the player base and no one will ever take them seriously wen they say “they listen” or “care about the players/community”

and gaijin becomes Ubisoft number 2
you know Ubisoft? were the company name itself scares away costumers. and they fail every sale target

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every few weeks we have events, every 3 months we have BP, we also have the boxes to get coupons to sell stuff
the seeling or trading will not stop in future, everybody has the chance to get it, know the game and how it works to get fast 45.000 pts or 125 to get the coupon to sell it…its liberal, learn and play

all this action by gaijin to create an obvious way to make money with 0% effort, it’s all the fault of the community that always invents something to defend actions that are extremely negative for the game, that only thinks about itself and not about the game in general
When I commented that gaijin was going back to doing the same thing as before, they said no, that they even released a roadmap to prove that they want to improve the game, but we are still there with a game full of bugs, top tier vehicles with bug reports ignored, vehicles in certain BRs are dead because they are so bad and others are so broken.
I’ve been playing this game for 10 years and I don’t want to see it decline like this, but unfortunately the company itself makes me think that maybe I should give up on the game and move on to something else since for every 1 right thing they do, they get 5 things wrong.


see there are so many ways already to monetize skins so this mess here is totally unnecessary


balancing and technical stuff can be tricky but this auction is just bad and only provides negatives (except short therm revenue for gaijin)

also the solution is easy. pretty much anything else at this point is better even trowing those skins on the market for 50 bucks each

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In the past they took greater care in placing vehicles in the game as accurately as possible, nowadays some vehicles come out as if they were placeholders only to be fixed later.
I don’t even need to comment on the premium issue, there are nations out there without premium vehicles in tier 7, while every update comes with premium vehicles rank 6 or 7 for the USA and USSR
We also cannot forget with constant nerfs in the battlepass, that we went from rank 5 vehicles to rank 4 only, from 4 vehicles to 3 and now there are only 2 and a box of low rank vehicles with previous BP


i think gj market biding its a good test, survival of the fitest, who will bid or who is self disciplined…when i was 13-14 my friends use drugs and smoke cigaretes, i didnt do it, because of my strong personality to say no…same thing today with this game

New vehicles have always been Broken
The 7.7 Centurion used to be 6.7 maybe even lower

The ebr with the long 75 with autoloader used to be 4.7 or even 4.3 its 6.7 now

The Sherman Jumbo used to be 4.7 maybe even lower

It wasn’t my time but videos of the is3-t10m era suggests the only thing being able to kill them
We’re other is3-t10m given Russian bias was much Stronger back then

And apds was completely useless and even if it did pen it did only turn the Crew yellow


And you want others to end up like your friends?

Not everything can be prevented, but here we have a chance.

And again, why argue for auctions? What reason do you have to like auctions? You seem to be unaffected, so it would make sense if you didn’t care, but why would you want it? What do these auctions do for you?