Meet the Auction!

I’m about fifty, so skins, decorators, and stickers don’t interest me. Even by SL. But what about when the vehicles is put up for auction? Or some modifications: engine, guns, etc.? Especially if they cannot be obtained any other way.

A lot of players are rightfully concerned about this. This window of opportunity should not exist.


Ofc it is, and got introduced not long ago. Did not happen before.

From the War Thunder wiki from 2016:

(Crew skills - WarThunder-Wiki)

To my knowledge that mechanic has always been in the game.


Every single GJN you earn is not only paid by someone, but also already less value than what was put in.

Each GJN you earn was at least 1.15GJN that someone paid for with real money, if not more depending on how many transactions it went through.

This is not an in-game currency everyone can earn by playing the game, it’s Gaijin’s own company currency that can only either be bought, or “earned” if you create the very skins they sell.
You might not pay for it, but for you to earn it someone had to pay Gaijin either with their work, or more commonly simply money.


Keen Vision - determines at what distance the player can see an enemy ground vehicle that’s under cover.

UNDER COVER - not in los, now did not render at all even in los.

Pretty sure “under cover” just means the %visibility check (as modified by distance and terrain). You could be out in the open and in LOS before and pass the check (because you were a smol bean) and not render.

What’s changed is as we get out to 4k systems for more and more people, the pop-in renders when the visibility check fails are more obvious to more people.

That under cover also means partially concealed, like only turret above hill and/or behind bushes. Otherwise there would be absolutely no reason to lvl upp the range of the keen vision if it changed the distance a target rendered in when completely behind cover, that would make no sense.

“You are now max level keen vision, so tanks you cannot see are rendered in at a further distance!”

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Now explain it to new players who give up on the game after a week, because of this stupid mechanic they will die to invisibile enemy. I’m leaving out the fact that with such large maps, these values ​​should be quadruple.

I never claimed that i think its a good mechanic, or a bad one, my personal opinion does not matter for the facts and so i will leave it out of the discussion.

Screenshot 2025-02-05 191102

Screenshot 2025-02-05 191345

Same date of the wiki: (Visibilty in War Thunder - WarThunder-Wiki)


Confirmation bias. Nothing has changed.

There are already a lot of vehicles which cost money and which only few players have obtained. Most of the players don’t buy anything, except premium, for real money. Just as the few have been buying rare vehicles, the same few would take part in auctions. I understand your logic, it makes sense. But i still don’t see in what exact way it would affect a medium player. If there would only be, for example, 60 players with some real rare (not overpowered, but simply rare) vehicles, I personally wouldn’t care. But if you are among those collectors of some rare and premium vehicles, I may understand your concern.

Gajin cannot be trusted a word they say. Even if they said now, that they don’t plan to put any vehicles there, it means nothing. Two years later, they’ll put first vehicles there and say something like “Yeah, times and plans are changing…”

While the value of 1 GJN is 1 USD/EUR, the actual cost is 1.5 USD/EUR because of this:

" Using a bank card, PayPal, Amazon Pay, Google Pay, AliPay, WeChat or Steam you can top-up the account balance with an amount not exceeding double value of all your purchases for that account within last 12 months (minus any GJN replenishment already made over last 12 months). In case of Steam replenishment, only purchases made at least one month before the replenishment date are counted."

So, in order to get 100 GJN someone had to spend 150 USD/EUR. It’s sort of a customizable bundle…

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Um, your math isn’t mathing. You might be able to make an arguemnt for $1.3 per 1 GJN (15% per sale, so if you buy to resell, the overall market cut is 30% per flip), but not $1.50/GJN.

EDIT: Additional reply from me: Meet the Auction! - #901 by SilentTracker

It’s a game of 2000+ vehicles, so chances are many players do collect at least something. I’ve hardly met any player that just didn’t care. Whether it’s for a collection, simply an interesting vehicle or even connected to a personal story (remember, it’s a game about real, historic vehicles) every player I personally met wanted at least one event vehicle.

And all this time it worked to either spend the time, or if that wasn’t available a fixed sum of money to complete the event and earn a vehicle. Buying with inconsistent market prices becomes only relevant as the third option, after already having missed two different opportunities (earn, buy) to receive the vehicle.

Now, with auctions, it immediately goes towards even more inflated prices than the market, cutting out the stages to earn a vehicle or buy it at a reasonable and fixed price. This is a system that is, from a player perspective, worse than the market itself, which is already only intended as the third “last resort” option for those that missed something.

But the prices aren’t everything that’s just “the market but worse”, since the prices are not only inflated, but you are quite literally competing with other players to pay the highest amount in a given time.

And that’s another issue, competing.

On the market limited supply makes sense, it’s the third option, meant to let players that didn’t care for a vehicle but have earned it give an additional chance to players that for one reason or another missed out. Of course a player is better off playing or GE’ing the event, but by the time the market comes into play, those options ran out.

But with auctions, supply is initially limited. The period where every player is given equal chances is taken away, in favor of a less favorable version of the previous “last ditch” option…

And all of that from Gaijin to “help content creators”, which can be done in countless other ways that bring more benefit to both players and content creators, such as in-game weekly events for camouflages (tasks skippable with GE), or a GE skin store with weekly rotations, or even just a higher number of skins per update box, or multiple boxes per update.

All of these can also give quite a bit of income to Gaijin, so for them to have picked an auction over them still just puts into perspective what prices they must be expecting to see in those auctions…


The point is that to buy 1 GJN, you have to have spent half that value (1€) on store purchases. This makes it that buying one GJN requires you to pay 1.5 € to Gaijin in total

(Had to remove “$”, because it tries to make this font)

I can’t argue with that. Makes sense. It just seems I am among those who don’t collect or fear to miss out a vehicle. From you perspective you are obviously right. The only hope for you is that they actually will not implement auctions for vehicles, which i doubt=)

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No, that only applies to those specific payment options. You can use a credit card without those terms. Brand new accounts (OR accounts that have had a charge back [recalled purchase]) will not see the above listed options, and will only be shown a much shorter list of payment options, like a credit card.

The listed payment options are a “privilege” reserved for accounts that have made store purchases, and have never had a recalled purchase. We can debate the fairness of this system, however, it does not make the math result in $1.50/GJN.


Cant wait to see R2Y2 behind a paywall.


yes thats correct, somebody must pay with real cash, but the workers and servers must be payed, you can choose if you need at all cost this special vehicle, plane, ship,decal etc… you can choose if you grind with playing or you pay the modules with GE…its complety your decission how you manage this game, how much time you wanna invest, how much real money you will invest…i know the problem, that somebody can not controll his self…because he is addicted to gambling…but gj is not guilty that you spend your money or time for this game… i can play t35-57 or panzer IV G or fly spitfires for free, i can grind it with no money, i can play it with no money, but if i want special tanks, planes high br etc… i need cash or i trade my event or BP vehicles on market place, its a fair trading…in my case the system works for me…in 4-5 years of playing i had nearly the prem vehicles that i want…

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I already proposed many different systems to sell user skins (which Gaijin states to be their intention) that are as profitable but less predatory.

You haven’t given me one reason why auctions should be chosen over simply selling camos. Sure, the prices may be lower, but they would be sold in higher numbers to make up for that.