- Yes, great Idea
- Maybe, but it needs tweaking
- No, i’m happy with the current market
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why everybody moan about this? nobody needs to buy, it isnt a must, if somebody foolish enough to spend money on skins, its ok, gj dont use a arm on your head, its your decission to bid or not, to buy or not, to play or not…to grind or not…its a free game, if you have problems with hight tier planes prem tanks, dont play it…its so easy to find pleasure in this game…you must choose it
its pretty clear skins is just the beginning
If you can’t see how Gaijin would possibly use this system to push vehicles or as a replacement to the Marketplace, then I do not know what to tell you. Remember, they once said they would never sell top-tier premium packs yet here we are.
Sure, you don’t. But all of those coins come from somewhere. They are already paid for.
On top of that, each transaction loses 15% to Gaijin, meaning fo you want to earn 100GJN, someone needs to have paid 115GJN to make that possible.
Now add to that a bidding system that forces you to buy these coins, but doesn’t actually guarantee you can use them for your intended purpose in case you don’t win. Everyone that buys coins for the auction and doesn’t get what they wanted to buy still can’t get their money back, instead they are stuck with a currency that can’t be used outside of Gaijin owned stores and markets.
people like you make me think gaijin could ask for a kidney to play the game in the future and there would still be those 2%-10% that think “i dont need two kidneys anyway great change” or “just stop playing then its a free choice”
Well, i don’t see why Gnadentod is wrong. Your conclusion doesn’t have any connection to his message.
he heavily edited his msg
The issue is that the same benefit can be achieved in a more player friendly way.
For example putting new user skins up on the market or even a new in-game GE store each week, all in infinite numbers with fixed prices.
This is much more player friendly and doesn’t use multiple techniques designed specifically to make them feel a pressure of buying, or create artificially inflated value by limited numbers and a “competition” to pay.
Even making it a limited time event would work here, as every player within that time can buy it for a fair and equal price.
Now imagine the guy paying 100+ € on his camo in an auction, compared to the guy that paid 80, that in itself is already an awful thing to put players through.
And obviously if this is ever done for vehicles, that’s horrible. No vehicle should ever be given out as “limited numbers only for those with the certified deepest pockets” in an auction system.
While they haven’t mentioned this, they also sneakily refuse to deny it, which is concerning for the game going forward.
Such a cash grab move, just to milk money from whales…
Cant wait for the news in a few months when they add Vehicles to the Auctions.
“Hey guys we are bringing old favorites back that weren’t available for a few year outside of gambling”
or brand new event vehicles
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its a game, i only pay 20-30 euros for BP in 4-5 years after that money, i sell vehicles of BP and events tanks, with that money i buy lots of prem look how it works…warbound shop also works good…you can play free low brs until 6,7 this game makes lots of fun
look my states, i dont need skins or this little other small things
just test it, very easy to see how tanks just vanish if you are far enough away and they dont move for a while.
yes you might have the time to farm warbond
shops and market and don’t care about cosmetics but others might not have the time
basically what i tried to say here
or they add vehicles behind the auction
yes thats why i say let gj make this market for skins, its your decission to buy or not, in my case i will never buy skins on market or bid for that, skins are enough winter, summer, dessert you dont need more, also bagdes or signes or the other litte things we dont need it to play good or bad…
you don’t think the whole thing through to the end
at the beginning it’s just skins, then modules, then whole tanks ships planes and the content creator hardly sees any of it anyway, unlike what gaijin is pocketing
what about the console players and . . apart from that it’s close to gambling and that in a game for 12+
just because you don’t care or don’t use it. It does not make this system any better
i really would like to make a ww2 analogy but that would definitely get me banned or at least muted
I’m about fifty, so skins, decorators, and stickers don’t interest me. Even by SL. But what about when the vehicles is put up for auction? Or some modifications: engine, guns, etc.? Especially if they cannot be obtained any other way.
A lot of players are rightfully concerned about this. This window of opportunity should not exist.