Meet the Auction!

and the one who didnt win lose the money too
like thats not how auction works in real life

its an auction with casino chips which are worthless outside the casino

Just in case it wasn’t obvious - this ISN’T an auction (like Ebay). For Gaijin staff to refer to it as such is bordering on misrepresentation. Certainly under UK law. @Smin1080p_WT Any comments?

For a normal auction, you only hand over money if you bid, and then only if you win. If you don’t win, you don’t hand over any money. Simple.

For this War Thunder ‘not-auction’, you will need to hand over money to Gaijin (to have GJN Coin) BEFORE you can bid. Even if you have it in your wallet from in-game sales on the market - it is still equal to ‘real money’ that you cannot access outside of the Gaijin economy.

Irrespective of if you win or not, you cannot refund or get that money back. Gaijin have your money whether you win an auction or not.

So it ISN’T an auction. Change your article name Gaijin.


Being a PSN player I’d love this. The problem is that they’d need to share a cut with Sony and Microsoft and if anything this new gambling mechanic just shows that they won’t do pro player decisions like that if it cuts into their profits.

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Actually I’ve decided I would like to un-meet the auction.


That is a good point, if you want to bid a $100, first you have to pay them a $100 and if you don’t win, they keep the money, that is actually crazy and I doubt that is entirely legal.


I hear ya. On the other side wouldn’t Gaijin actually generate more revenue by including console players? Seems to me Gaijin is leaving a big chunk of money on the table by neglecting us console players.

So then maybe we can get them to stop before they start

̶W̶h̶y̶ ̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶g̶u̶y̶s̶ ̶l̶y̶i̶n̶g̶?̶


My response: Meet the Auction! - #653 by SilentTracker


It’s something to do with console TOS forcing Gaijin to give them a cut of any sale and third party sales are forbidden for games on their consoles.

So either Gaijin would have to give console players a markup if they want to buy GJN which is 1:1 with USD

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Your GAIJIN ACCOUNT. Which is controlled by erm… Gaijin.

Not your bank account.


I was really, really excited to see this decal when it was first discovered by the datamines. But being a PSN player I cannot get it.

This seriously needs to stop, I’m so sick and tired of watching cool decals, decprations, and even vehicle packs come and go and not being able to even purchase them if I want to because Gaijin refuses to implement stuff like this in a way that can be brought to consoles.

The devs need to knock it off, it really pisses me off when this happens.



That’s the huge flaw with this system.

I know why they did it. It sidesteps consumer protection laws, kinda sidesteps gambling laws, reduces protections for consumers in consumer law and encourages higher spending by decoupling the actual price from the price you see.

It’s scummy and predatory.

They should scrap it now before it goes on too long, but gaijin does love their sunk cost fallacy.


well pretty sure some people have alredy spent mony so its more than a test

its basically like i would run into a bank with a gun and say “its not a rubbery just a test” on the way out
attempted rubbery still counts has rubbery btw

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There are otherways they could implement this stuff in game for GE that would fit consoles TOS. It wouldn’t include the marketplace tho so gaijin wont do it.

Ok, I see your point. However, most of the users making those outrageous bids are also the ones who are pushing all the prices on the market super high. It is great to bleed more GJN from them, and thus will in the end help reduce the prices on the market. There are users with thousands of GJN that have nothing to use them on, other than buying more coupons and pumping the marketplace prices. GJN sinks are a good thing. Most people in this thread are getting way too outraged by this entire thing. If you don’t want to buy/bid, don’t. It’s really simple.

Without a mechanism to bleed these marketplace pumpers, all the prices on the market will eventually hit $2,500. For everything. Everyone should take a breath from all the hyperbole.

Out of 3.6k likes on this thread only 6 are for the original post.

Take the hint, Gaijin. Nobody wants this garbage.


Why are you guys lying?

No one is lying, you just don’t understand what is going on, that money is gone, it’s like buying a $100 of casino chips that you can never cash out.


6 people likes are probably the mods(im not gonna throw shade cuz idk)

we have so much to spend money on already so that’s just very strange to assume