Meet the Auction!

Your GAIJIN ACCOUNT. Which is controlled by erm… Gaijin.

Not your bank account.


I was really, really excited to see this decal when it was first discovered by the datamines. But being a PSN player I cannot get it.

This seriously needs to stop, I’m so sick and tired of watching cool decals, decprations, and even vehicle packs come and go and not being able to even purchase them if I want to because Gaijin refuses to implement stuff like this in a way that can be brought to consoles.

The devs need to knock it off, it really pisses me off when this happens.



That’s the huge flaw with this system.

I know why they did it. It sidesteps consumer protection laws, kinda sidesteps gambling laws, reduces protections for consumers in consumer law and encourages higher spending by decoupling the actual price from the price you see.

It’s scummy and predatory.

They should scrap it now before it goes on too long, but gaijin does love their sunk cost fallacy.


well pretty sure some people have alredy spent mony so its more than a test

its basically like i would run into a bank with a gun and say “its not a rubbery just a test” on the way out
attempted rubbery still counts has rubbery btw

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There are otherways they could implement this stuff in game for GE that would fit consoles TOS. It wouldn’t include the marketplace tho so gaijin wont do it.

Ok, I see your point. However, most of the users making those outrageous bids are also the ones who are pushing all the prices on the market super high. It is great to bleed more GJN from them, and thus will in the end help reduce the prices on the market. There are users with thousands of GJN that have nothing to use them on, other than buying more coupons and pumping the marketplace prices. GJN sinks are a good thing. Most people in this thread are getting way too outraged by this entire thing. If you don’t want to buy/bid, don’t. It’s really simple.

Without a mechanism to bleed these marketplace pumpers, all the prices on the market will eventually hit $2,500. For everything. Everyone should take a breath from all the hyperbole.

Out of 3.6k likes on this thread only 6 are for the original post.

Take the hint, Gaijin. Nobody wants this garbage.


Why are you guys lying?

No one is lying, you just don’t understand what is going on, that money is gone, it’s like buying a $100 of casino chips that you can never cash out.


6 people likes are probably the mods(im not gonna throw shade cuz idk)

we have so much to spend money on already so that’s just very strange to assume

I already replied.

@meki98 are you guys reading the new posts? I already replied.

If you don’t want to buy/bid, don’t. It’s really simple.

Yeah it’s simple, just content you can never have that is locked behind another paywall, just like event vehicles, just like battlepass vehicles, just like premium vehicles, just like warbond vehicles, the list goes on and on.

Then make GJN skins FOR SALE at fixed prices. That way you can chose to spend money on a thing, know exactly how much that thing is worth and make your choice. Simple retail transactions similar to purchasing a premium, premium time, etc. No shadowy stuff, no uncertainty, everyone is happy and clear about what they are and are not getting.

This is totally the wrong way to go about it - hence the negative reaction.


You completely ignored my point about the marketplace pumpers. Please, offer another idea to bleed them of GJN.

Do you guys all like the prices on the marketplace? You do realize that the people doing that are only ever going to accumulate more GJN, and will never run out at this point. Something has to be done. No one is forcing you to participate in the auctions. Common, use some common sense here.

I have not seen any reasonable posts in here, just name calling and hyperbole. It wont change anything if everyone is just screaming into the sky.

I also think the marketplace is a daft idea - but replacing it or supplanting it with another bad idea isn’t going to help is it?

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Except if anything these bids will just create more GJN from new buyers. Then people who already have GJN will keep it if they lose and the people who win will just make a profit from selling it again if they’re that motivated to be whales

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and the auction are just making it worse because they can actually make those dudes richer by proving coupons which can be sold for even higher prices

billionaires exist in our current economy and they don’t lose it just becouse there is more expensive stuff to buy

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Ok, then try and think of ways to actually bleed GJN out of the market.

Well, I don’t really have a strong opinion one way or the other on the market. I missed a lot of vehicles over the years, and I appreciate having the option to pick some of them up now. However, I am not happy with the prices on the market, most are vastly inflated due to coupon flippers.

New/different ideas are great, but like I keep saying, simply complaining and name calling isn’t going to solve anything.


Tax the rich lol? Maybe the cut needs to be increased on the market? And/or maybe make the tax higher for resellers? Idk.

I understand that everyone is angry, but still: how is this auction thing worse than the boxes/cases we already have, which, in opposite of the auction system, IS actually a literal gambling? I believe you might all be a little overreacting. Most of the player base wont be using this new system, just like they don’t use the Gaijin market. No offense to anyone.

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(Fwiw to everyone reading my other comments, I will not be putting a single GJN into the auction system. Even as I argue that I don’t think it is horrible.)