Meet Major Update “Sons of Attila”!

Japan and Israel are basically unoffical Nato members who’s using Nato vehicles from the start, rests are the nations who wants be either part of Nato or wants to be ally with them so they can defend theirself against potential Russian threat.

As i said before if you have an option to buy something better instead of using something old or downgraded, of course you will prefer to buy better one, seems like you cant even understand this section.

And last but not least if i use your logic F-16 is also absolete since F-22-35 F15EX,Rafale and Eurofighter Typhoon flies around cause those planes are basically superior to F-16 in almost every category. Cant believe many countries wants to buy that junk, they should have chose to buy F-35 at least.

İ hope you can see how dumb your logic is with this reply.

Also next time try not to edit your post from the start, cause it makes me laugh so hard.

They are basically unofficial members of the Power Rangers too? I just named a ton of nations who have no intention of joining Nato that throw money at the F16 and their upgrades annually. Is the US putting a gun to their head? lol you probably gonna say yeah!

How many countries are dedicating the resources to upgrade or pay the Federation to upgrade the Mig29? You do not believe the Federation would do so in a heartbeat? They sure need the money. Why?

They do not have the technology, the jet is obsolete and even if they did,

It will never be on par with Chinese or US aircraft.

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I am glad I can make you smile. I am gonna go enjoy the SMT now. Its amazing still.

2 mins of Google search will show you that both Japan and Israel are the unofficial part of Nato, i suggest learn how to use internet.

Just because Usa does have better planes doesnt mean Russian planes are obsolete.

Currently Ukraine using Mig29’s against Russia and they achieved many air victories but by your Logic it shouldnt be possible since Migs are compeletly obsolete right? Not to mention Russia is trying to upgrade their Mig29’s to Mig35 but due to lack of funding its hard for them.

Mig series has reached the end of the line thats true, just like how F-16 did. Currently Usa started to using F-16’s as a drone plane in order test their armaments and you know what that means? İts basically telling us F-16 Era has come to an end.

Both planes served their role quite well and in WarThunder environment they will be more or less equal depending on which models will get added.

Real life is compeletly different however because there is no balance between countries like how we got in this game.

Also i dont take Chinese planes seriously when they basically purchase Russian designs and produce domestically with their technology.

Oh btw i forgot to tell, in 2015 Egypt and Algeria decided to buy Mig29M models.

Seems like not everyone shares your opinion about Mig29’s buddy.

Irrelevant. Unofficial means Unofficial. Not Official.

Yes, they are absolutely obsolete in the 21st century. I have undeniable evidence. The VKS has failed in establishing air superiority over a small weak nation on its border armed with second hand soviet fighters. Do you honestly think the VKS can project power globally like that of the United States and the CCP? My cheeks hurt right now from laughing.

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İmagine claiming SMT is amazing while only reedeming factor about that plane is the R73.

Man you do love hypocracy dont you?

Your cheeks hurting cause your brain cannot even understand what is reading.

İ just told you that Ukraine achieved respectable amount of Air victories against Russia while using Mig29 models, yet you keep claiming plane is obsolete.

Man you do have serious issues when it comes to accepting your mistakes.

No it has a radar that outrages western one and GJ just nerfed the ACM range of the F16. It also has the R27ET which is amazing and my main armament since patch. Have you tried using all IR missiles and the IRST?

You know the one technology that the Soviets did excel at producing?

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İt doesnt outrage Mirage2k or F-14’s radar in terms of range, you can cope harder on that part.

İ also used ET models and they are just basically T models on steroids which is not something amazing or op.

Seems like you dont even know what the definition of amazing is.

Yes and they still rather have F16s. They want to utterly sweep the VKS. Which by looking at their failure rate seems imminent.

No I think your definition of amazing is “I want everything to be insanely OP, like when the MLD was released and the R27ER”

OP is not amazing. Its Overpowered. Not what real objective players want.

Yes, using the ET will require you do more than simply lock and free kill. Its actually fun having competition. Just try it with ther IRST. Again, that is a technology the Soviets and VKS excelled with.


R27ET isnt amazing or op because its basically using the same seeker you can find on R27T which prevents you to use true potential of that missile.

İf ET had improved seeker it would have been amazing, right now it just R27T on steriods which im use to that kind of performance thanks to R24T.

As you can see kiddo you dont know what the definition of amazing is and keep your advices to yourself, unlike you i know how to use my equipments.

Also unlike you i dont use op vehicles from the start and also complains how they need more buffs like you did for F-16’s back there.

What buff? The F-16 should not be nerfed in radar and GJ should model the Aim7Ms. Will it make the F16 better? Yes. But I am not for A historical nerfs.

What else can they give the SMT that is not breaking the bounds of reality? All there is left is unlocking more alpha. It will bleed speed more and you may get to point your nose a little better. But immediately stall out after and a sitting duck.

Buffs to the R73? Sure, I think they are a little sketch. Also give the R73 for the other Mig29s and the MLD. that will level the sheer number of F16s. I will only play the MLD if they gave it them.

But other than that. The SMT is excelling at everything it did in real life.

You might as well ask for a new aircraft. I also got news for you there too. the Su27 is the size of a small passenger jet. It’s going to be worst at these ranges we dogfight with F16s. Its only redeeming factor will be its long range and missile capacity. A literal Soviet Tomcat. They will probably unlock the F14As Radar for them to compete.

That is when we enter the true 4th generation of fighters. Strategic Fighters. The only strategic fighter in game is the F14. All others in game are tactical fighters.

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You dont even have slightest idea of whats goin on right now, do you?

Currently all Mig29’s models butchered in flight performance, they pull less,bleeds more energy and cant even beat Phantom in a rate fight.

Meanwhile F-16’s flight performance buffed to point where it can pull 14-15G’s which shouldnt be possible even with limits of airframe.

Also has it ever occuried to you why Gaijin nerfed Block-40 and 50’s ACM mode? Did you even consider that maybe they found additional new sources that states ACM model should be limited to 9km? However if you have evidence that proofs that both Block-40-50’s ACM mode should be 19km then go on and report it, i will support you in that case.

Aim7M doesnt underperform badly but rather 7F’s overperforms quite badly. İf Gaijin models Aim7F properly it would be trash at low alt unlike 7M.

Also who said i want Su-27 in order to fight against F-16? Mig29M model will be perfect for that job. Su-27’s rival is F-15 not F-16.

This is an absolute exaggeration. Drama. Theatre. I can out rate some F16s depending on the pilot or platform & the fuel load I have.

Additionally, the Mig29 excels in vertical performance. I really hope you are not out there 1 circling fighters. How much fuel are you going out with? The Mig29 is very sensitive to the amount of fuel you carry.

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You cant, stop claiming something you cant do.

Test results already shows how badly Mig29 family performs right now. You can ask to Mıg23 or you can test it for yourself.

Once again you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Test result LFMAO

What does it need Alpha!? More alpha will kill its rate performance. Then you said it cannot rate. Rate performance kills alpha.

You have no idea what you want! So essentially this dude is asking for more thrust, more energy retainment and more alpha. Bro is asking for the Ace Combat Mig29.

No your score is not a test result.


Right now under 700km it bleeds more energy then delta design and cannot rate unlike it did on previous patch, not to mention airframe limit is also wrong, it should be 13.5G instead of 11G.

İf you can stop acting like teenager who cant use his brain because of his hormones you will understand whats going on.

Allowing it to obtain more alpha will bleed more speed. Yes, it bleeds because it’s a High alpha fighter. It was not designed whatsoever with energy maneuverability.

That is what Mig29s and Russian aircraft do. They have high thrust to blow all of it away on post stall maneuvers and recovering from them. They are not rate fighters in the slightest.

An obsolete doctrine once again.

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Again you’re talking with empty claims.

Mig29 manual shows it has very similiar rate capabilities compare to F-16’s rate capability while it also maintains high speed agility and better one circle performance.

Cope harder Ziggo.