Meet Major Update “Sons of Attila”!

Still waiting.

because germany has enough damn vehicles


I’m fricken annoyed by this crap. No explanation, no reason why the change. Typical stupid gaijin… 1 step forward, 2 steps back. What the crap am I playing now? CIS… gender? LMFAO ffs

Hey, gaijin: ISJ!
Yeah, go figure this one out, geniuses.

I was like 30,000 RP from unlocking Rank V Japanese. Cannot grind anything else, unless I buy ALL the ships at Rank IV. Now they have moved my spaded IJN Sendai to Rank III and IJN Ikoma from Rank V to Rank IV. As a result, now I have 105,000 RP to unlock Rank V. For the US I was grinding the last 4 battleships. As luck has it, now they are Rank VI, they COST MORE and the lineup I used to grind is now inefficient for this task. Feel bad for people who purchased USS Des Moines (THE ONLY BR 6.3 ship at Rank IV), as this is 6.3 premium ship pretty much cannot research BR 6.7-7.0 because of the 2 Rank research penalty. Where are all these discounts? All I see is increased RP costs all over the place, as I have lower BR ships already researched. How about them component upgrades cost? Parts and FPE for ships never got lowered. What a joke.

Woot SPAAG dishes fold again, but they broke Gepard A2, if you take 4 stock belts, you have two 40 shell belts, instead of the 640 and 40, which will later be APDS. but easy work around bring two belts and voila full primary ammo.

Crew replenishment is still starting randomly instead of the 12 o clock position.

and as mentioned GF folder vehicles were halved in RP research everything else stayed the same:

  • end of line mod RP cost still top tier level;
  • purchase, crew slot, expert qualification still between 2M-2.5M Sl;
  • Mod purchase costs still high at T6-7;

PS: not a fan of the life time repair cost, which means full repair after around 5 min, so this will promote YOLO with Premiums, in combination with no SL loss unless TK, will play heavily into the hands of the ODL crowd. less to lose and even more to gain.

Don’t get me wrong this also helps me in stock grind, if i meet a quick defeat, but i always spawn 3 times in GFAB unless cap overrun with very little tickets left.

the first change help me a lot losing 14k Sl with IDF 9.3 stock line up was getting old. the latest one helps me keep in the black even more, but i have a sinking feeling that people will “abuse” this to the fullest extend.

Skill issue to me honestly just start flying and destroy it.

Yesterday you could have waited a long time.
At some point it’s over for the day.
The Lynx was presented at Eurosatury in 2016 and it was only in 2020 that Hungary decided to put the tank into service.
It is generally considered a further development of the Puma.
It was not built exclusively for Hungary.
You have internet and a browser, you have to use it yourself, I’m not your mom!

They nerfed the New F16s acm lock range to 9km… Why? so the SMT has a better chance at first shot capability with its R27ERs?

lol The F16s do not even have radar supported HMS & the Aim7M is still not modelled…

very interesting.


Both planes has similiar acm modes now (10km for 29 in this case).

Lets not forget how Mig-29’s flight model is butchered right now and F-16’s dominates every single fight.

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So mig29 has 1km further AND twice as fast missile, but that is somehow similar??


İ said similiar acm modes not similiar missiles and besides acm mode usually becomes useful in furballs where enemies spotted, if you wanna lock onto someone that is far then 10km you better use your radar in that case.

Soon we’ll have ARH missiles so the ACM modes will be useless anyway

Everyone welcome to the “Sons of Lag” major update!

similar? 9km is not similar to 10km. There is 1km advantage Yes, or No?

Lets not forget everyone. The soviets failed at radar technology. At the end of the day, that is a Mig23 radar sitting in every mig29 in game. You can dress a pig up and put lipstick on it. it will always be a pig.

Why would the most advance F16s in game be limited to 9km and the older models still retain 19km?

The aim7M is not even modelled. Nor does the F16 have radar HMS support! We get R27ERs and ETs bro. if you are getting butchered. I do not know what to tell you.

Yes the F16 butchers Mig29s, because that is reality. No Mig29 has the digitally designed unstable airframe with powerful flyby wiring like the F16. It will always outperform Mig29s in energy management and sustained turn rate. All mig29s are good for is dumping all their speed and so they can get their nose around and shoot a missile at something.

What do you think Mig29s are supposed to do? Match the smaller, computer enhanced, high G pulling design of the F16? The Mig29 can barely pull 9Gs and not lose control irl. The F16s can maintain Gs for much longer than humanely possible and is only limited to it because they do not want to kill the pilot and shorten the service life of the airframe. So what if the mig29 is missing alpha. You are still going to fall out of the sky dumping all your energy.

You are going to start seeing the real deficits of soviet technology in aviation. GJ will be forced give USSR/federation their newest models and best missiles and not model western missiles and radars to compete.

Wait… They already do that.


Do you know what a scan rate is?

Lmao calm your so called Nato bias buddy.

First of all if you think that 1km will save your life or make a difference then you must have serious skill issues about how to use your radar modes.

Second, you keep complaining how Russians doesnt know how to build radar systems without any knowledge, makes me laugh quite hard tbh.

İn real life F-16 doesnt butcher Mig29 in visiual range, in fact Mig29 slaps hard because of its agility and deadly R73 combo, in rate fight both planes performs similiar but F-16 still has better results by marginal while Mig29 destroys F-16’s in high speed combats.

Now lets check the ingame performance, currently all Mig29’s models butchered in terms flight performance and it is so bad that even Phantom can out rate any Mig29. İt bleeds energy like a delta and unlike other models SMT doesnt regain its energy in time because of extra weight, also current G-limit is only 11 now.

Now lets check the F-16 performance, with new uptade all F-16 models gained ability to pull harder then 12G’s while having superior energy retention, not to mention they have access to Aim-9M which performs amazing and last but not least they got better radars which performs similiar to SMT’s one.

At this point only advantage SMT has is the R27ER which became kinda a worse because of new RWR changes, basically no more long range easy kills or surprising factor and yet you’re still crying and demanding more buffs to F-16’s.

Seems like bein ultranationalist makes you blind more then ever.

NATO bias? my top jets are the Mig29 and MLD… Its just reality I am sorry.

That is a mig23 radar sitting in the Mig29 yes. Not a new design.

Even countries fighting in wars right now rather buy F16s and wait for the training a whole year than keep using FREE mig29s… Its over with. The Mig29 is obsolete. The F16 will still be a relevant combat aircraft for years to come.


You mean countries who either part of Nato or wants to be part of Nato buddy? Nice try but try harder. Those countries wants to buy new F-16 models instead of using heavily downgraded Mig29 models because who wouldnt want to get better equipments for their Arsenal? This so called west is superior in every category Logic is quite funny i must say.

Also last time i checked SMT’s radar wasnt the same one you can find on Mig23 but suit yourself up.

Um Korea, Japan, Israel, Switzerland, Bahrain, Egypt, Chile, Indonesia, Iraq, Pakistan, Thailand, Venezuela, Singnapore, Oman, Morocco, Jordan?.. the list goes on for countries that prefer F16s over Mig29s and are not in Nato…

I am so sorry. Nobody wants Mig29s over F16s. Absolutely no one. How is this even an argument? Even Russia is not upgrading their Mig29s for how long? With no intention of doing so. They even know. Obsolete.

The CHINESE do not want Mig29s. They don’t even want russian Su35s but instead make far better advanced variants… There is nothing the Federation can offer that is better or more desired than Chinese and US aircraft.

Am I China biased now too?