Meet Major Update “Sons of Attila”!

Why are my aircraft spawning in with minimum fuel when I chose otherwise?


Does cockpit lighting work for anyone?

For me the lights only work on the ground, as soon as I take off, the cockpit lights go dark. When I land they’re back on again…

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I knew that gaijin would fool us again… same procedure as every year Miss Sophy

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Same but I also have another very interesting bug, my throttles climbs to WEP and just stays there, there’s no way to land or avoid an overheat.

I said Rank, not BR

Doesn’t make the Situation any better, but thanks, my bad.

Man for a major update you guys are proud to show off, you are still hiding from the steam comments, opinions, and reviews. Its almost like you guys are afraid of anything that isn’t stroking the dev’s ego. Back to locked discussion posts on steam. Why even put out update blogs on the platform if you are just going to lock criticism?

This update ain’t it, and YOU GUYS KNOW IT.

So, what are you guys doing to fix it?


its total bullshit cause teh RP changes to vehicles being halfed dont mean shit anymore so now nothing has changed, this mad me not want to buy a tank premium now when i was planning to during the sales, it aint worth buying one now since the changes. TT vehicles got hit the worst with this as well, gajin literally lied to us cause nothing really changed at making it easier, not to mention making peoplle who spaded the F-16A ADFbeing forced to research teh F-16A early. WATCH GAJIN WILL HIDE THIS MESSAGE CAUSE THEY HATE WHEN THEY GET CALLED OUT! THE WILL PROBABLY TRY TO SILENCE THIS ISSUE NOT TO MENTION THE MID MAP AI ARE MOR ACCURATE

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Not just cheap might i add just cold, feeling less and mobile game quality, like this was one of the things that sets war thunder apart from you average world of tanks game or other games and now they just removed all of them for this quiet disappointing might i add.

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Gaijin please revert this sound changes you did :

  • All tanks sounds the same now it was perfect before when you could distinguish tank by its engine sound
  • Helicopters are super silent so you have no idea they are above you
  • Crew voices are like they are using walkie talkie for 80`s , super annoying as well.

The Vidar is to overpowered for BR 7.7 !!
Nightvision device lvl2 and Laserrangefinder on BR 7.7,it’s a joke.
For example,the British Shot Kal Tank is going from 8.3 to 8.7 (now on 9.0) because he got a laser rangefinder.

I’m not too sure it just says the series 3 engines have more thrust.

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This update is nice.
It brings the Russian wonders to light 😜
it works!

I Love the PSO, had the same Bug a 2 Weeks


  1. Problem
  • Spawn Protection → sucks, because nothing has changed!
    On all maps, it’s easy to kill the other team at spawn.

2nd problem

  • 2 minutes after the start of the round there are no more tank battles, then 60% of the players are only in the air and you are back to the first problem.
    It’s not fun to play because there are too many aircraft in the battles and it’s just annoying because the spawn points for aircraft are too cheap.

That’s such a stupid answer because it’s clearly OP. Every youtube video you watch it just kills stuff in 1 shot when aimed right. It’s an 8.7 tank.

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I couldn’t even tell that i was going against a Tiger 2 because the train sound is gone. And once i didn’t knew it was a Leo 1 because it also sound completly different.

its definately one of the better update in recents years, lots of good quality of life changes, not only the economy/research changes.

i still think the folding with BR’s in mind is a bit off, so is the rank placement because BR’s change often enough.

especially annoying though are things like putting the US, british, USSR and german 3.7/4.0 lineups at rank 2 with the argument that “rank 3 should be at least 4.7”, yet we got Japan, Italy, China, France and Sweden with some very strong 3.7/4.0 lineups that are all still rank 3.
and since you havent changed the event/battlepass/daily task requirements so that rank 2’s can do them too(which the community has been asking for for years now), this is a bad and very inconsistent change.

other then that, the usual critic of not enough BR decompression still applies, especially for things like 8.0-10.0 air RB.

oh and the vidar, sitting at 7.7 with a laser rangerfinder, thermals, a 7.8 seconds reload rate and 35mm or armor all around… WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS BALANCED GAIJIN? its not that hard to balance a new vehicle, one could get the impression you do these things on purpose really.

so overall, a mixed bag of an update, even though this time its a mix with more good then bad stuff.

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Built and tested in Germany FOR HUNGARY. There is a big difference but nice try lying.

Built and tested in Germany for Export, not exclusive for Hungary.

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So explain why Hungary is the only one using it.

🤦🏻‍♂️ rly?