Meet Major Update “Sons of Attila”!

Its really feels cheap, cold and dead compared to what they were before, therefore i would say that the change is not really a good one in my opinion either. I also agree with some of your other points as well.

Skærmbillede (120)
So pretty big difference


I really like the audio updates I must say, its a surprising winner for me among new stuff from this patch!:)

I’d love to “Meet Major Update “Sons of Attila”!”… unfortunately, the game isn’t working on PS5 anymore since the update… forwarding for news…

Can’t they really put 3 airports per side and spread all these people across the map so that the battles don’t last 1.5 minutes after they see each other? It’s just unbelievably stupid when these two masses clash and at one moment 50 rockets are fired within 1 minute and a draw takes place which team will win. clicking 3 keys alternately by 30 people for 1 minute of gameplay… To be honest, there is more brain in the arcade than in ARB now


Soviet IS-7 and PT-76-57 went up in rank which good 👍 But why Turm III and Ru 251 still there with literally NO lineups of same rank 💀!? Did you forget to rise them too 😱?

Will we ever see more piston fighters being added anytime soon? Really love rank 4 piston fighters.

How does gaijin mess up so bad, that only Russian tanks have no engine sound
Everyone else has sound but not the Russian tanks
Gotta love the “non-bias”

i mean for one day could yall go without fucking shit up??

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The new clouds definitely need tweaking, how the hell your supposed to land when the runway looks like this in Pyrenees? At least activate the runway lights on overcast weather to give some guidance.


It seems to be intentional as one of my reports got closed which aimed to fix the names of the pods and “officially” give them higher resolutions. Reason it got closed was that they already had high resolutions, which I knew but thought was a bug.

Most likely the developers modelled it as the Litening AT pod but did not create a new seperate pod for it and reused the Litening II one. Same goes for the F-16D Barak II, same high resolution probably to model Litening III.

Why doesn’t the MiG-29SMT have the upgraded RD-33 Series 3 Engines? It retains the same engines found on the 12.0 MiG-29.

The F-16C gets an upgraded engine. No one is talking about this either. Am I wrong?


Totally trash
This update ruins the game at all. Cheap “mobile game”-like stat cards instead of “old photos”. Too expensive premium vehicles. Unplayable graphics. Randomly changed controls.
Return me my WT back!!!


Indeed, they remove the more historical looking Images but the 3 German Tanks are crossing the Line, what hypocrisy.

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Wait what? IS-7 is not 8.3 anymore?! It felt very okay to me on that BR.

I almost had HMS Invincible researched.
And now that I was almost there, I’m graciously forgiven the last 20% of RP… and will now have to research 120 000 points MORE than I had left just to buy it, because you put two ships in front of it.

Usually, you allow a grace period where players can follow the old branch for a short time after the patch. I really hope this is remedied in a hotfix, because otherwise I really can’t be bothered with trying to get into naval EC anymore.

no shell pens under 1m of water
it doesn’t happen at all anymore
before we could see battleships at the bottom of the hull line, but now it only stops at the waterline
And to make panties
You can shoot 50 times in the same place, it won’t make a dent
Not even a little hole
If it fits, there must be a hole
And the worst part is that it’s on a destroyed compartment
AND the HE is useless and cannot make any breach (88kg TNT)
The mechanics are broken as …

I’m using alaska and nevada


The tech tree resuffiling created a situation where rank 5 American F-84F gets an airspawn but not the rank 6 F-84F’s in other tech trees.

Shouldn’t the attacker/bomber/strike aircraft airspawn changed to BR based (<9.3?) like the attack drones in GRB or give subsonic’s airspawn regardless of the tier? After all the the reason for the removal of rank VI+ airspawn was the supersonic strike aircraft like MIG-27 abusing it to rush airfield.

Another thing that should be considered in order to improve realism in Air RB, is to introduce different SL modifiers for actions based plane class in order to incentivise realistic use of planes instead of everybody rushing to arcadish 5min PVP furball.

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Thank you for another update!
Almost everything seems fine at first glance.
One thing I find a bit funny is the way the trees move (due to the wind). To me it looks quite unnatural (too jerky).

Another thing you should consider is the appearance of the tactical map. You change it often and a lot. The map used to be shaded. Now it looks like an oil painting (in different colors for different types of vegetation). Maybe you should consider the appearance of a real topographic map, with vegetation and contours marked (because not only the vegetation but also the shape of the terrain is of great importance, especially since the battlefield is often modified by you).

Hate the update.

I got shafted on a number of vehicle reclassifications. Had some Rank III air vehicles get moved to rank II. I had researched them specifically to have rank III vehicles in order to complete rank III quests. Now I can’t do it.

This blows.


What is this new “CIS” server?
What is this new “NA” server? Why am I forced to choose NA and EU servers at the same time?
What happened to US server?

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