- Yes
- No
The Me-210 was intended to supplement and even replace the Bf-110 with an aircraft of much higher performance. It was far more aerodynamic than the Bf-110 allowing it to reach much higher speeds and included features such as a bomb bay in the nose for reduced drag and advanced remote controlled defensive turrets. However, it was far from living up to these expectations and when the first prototype took to the skies in 1939 it suffered from serious aerodynamic issues. Oscillations were common and stability was poor but the worst part were the serious stall issues. Several attempts to remedy these problems such as shifting from twin to single rudder were attempted but had little effect. Out of the 1000 ordered only 90 were complete with 320 incomplete airframes put into storage. The failure of the Me-210 forced Germany to restart production of the Bf-110 which was obsolete at this point in the war and the Me-210 would only return with serious revision years later as the Me-410.
One of the attempts to salvage the Me-210 was the Me-210C which included newer more powerful DB 605 engines as well as lengthening the fuselage by 92cm. Hungarian authorities were satisfied with this revision as a safer alternative to their risky and expensive turboprop powered RMI X/H and so bought the license to produce the aircraft with the deal that 2 out of every 3 produced would go to the luftwaffe. The specific changes made were having DB605B engines, new wings with a sweep back of 4 degrees, and a simplification of the complex armor scheme removing many of the bottom plates. These changes made the Me-210Ca-1 a much better aircraft which served successfully until the end of the war.

The Hungarians required an aircraft capable of defeating allied bombers from outside the range of their guns and undertook a few projects to equip the Me-210Ca-1 with such a capability. The first of these was to equip the planes with launchers for 15cm Nebelwerfer rockets under the wings. These triple pods were draggy and so were able to be jettisoned after launch.
This was not seen as enough by the engineers so after the rockets had been successfully tested it was decided to include an option for a 40mm 39M bofors autocannon in the front bomb bay. This weapon was loaded by the radio operator/gunner and projected to have a maximum range of 1200m. However, the factory was bombed after only 3 planes had been equipped leading to the end of that program.

Engines: 2x DB605B
At 2300 RPM provides 1075 HP, at 2800 RPM provides 1475 HP, with MW50 methanol-water injection, it could provide 1650 HP
Maximum speed at height: 560km/h at 5000 meters
wingspan: 16,4 meters
height: 3,4 meters
length: 12,96 meters
structural weight: 5400-6400 kgs
maximum take-off weight: 8200-9400 kgs
wing area: 36,2 m2
service ceiling: 10500m
maximum useful loadability: 1600 kgs
maximum bombload: 1000 kgs (with maximum fuel load)
2x Nose mounted Mg 151/20 autocannons
2x Nose mounted 7.92 mm MG 17 machine guns
2x 13mm Mg 131 machine guns in defensive barbettes
1x 40mm 39M autocannon in nose bomb bay
6x 15cm Nebelwerfer rockets in 2 pods of 3 each under wing
Up to 1000kg of bombs in various configurations

