Max points for Useful Actions is . . . bugged

200 points = 54% reward

400 points = 75% reward

600 points = 86% reward

800 points = 90% reward

1050+ points = 92% reward

Yeah, we’re actually losing 10-12% EVERY game since it’s impossible to get 100% of the reward. On every plane.

Link to the spreadsheet is in the bug report…



Thanks for documenting the bug this well


great work! hope this gets fixed ASAP


Who could ve excpeted mod response to mock it lol. “Its almost impossible to get the last 8% and you can cry about it” Maybe fix your shitty stat cards then so its not promising something we cant get?
He also pulling shit about activity without explaining it and says you are doing same stuff all over again. When clearly games you played have different playstyles and activity.
No wonder why he is such a hated mod lmao.
I find it incredible someone said that playing 10 different types of planes and getting max 92,09% activity no matter what is not an issue and is to be excepted. Its definitely not impossible in air rb with slower stuff like B-29 or attacker to get 100%. No idea why its capped at 92,09% with so many tries even tho your F4E game clearly shows average 97% activity so you would expect some 15 minutes periods to be at least 92,1%.


From his response he doesnt even know how useful action is calculated in sim battles or more likely he doesnt even know what it is.


What about time ? With 600 points and 7.5 minutes, do we get 43% (half of 86%) or we get less ?

For the time instead of logaritmic it seems exponential

86% assumes you land.

You would get 80% of the 43% since you miss the 20% bonus.

So that’s why I get premium levels of RP when I get 3+ kills.

a plane of the same BR is 600 points… after 2 kills you should land and wait for your popup for max rewards…

3+ is a waste of time…

Ahh, wasn’t paying attention this was sim, still applies though.

I have gotten a 100% 3 hour game before… with zero deaths.

The reward was the same… 92%

Trickzzter is not a sim player…

All I can think of rn: