Matchmaking too long despite hundred of player queuing

what’s happening?


a minute is too long, even 10-20 sec is too long because usually it instantly give me match

*10.0 ARB


Had the same problem with 5.7 ground RB.

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Servers seem to have some issues. If you check the chat or if you try to start a custom mission or whatnot, nothing works.

God Save The Hamster !

Yeah … got the same issues … 6min was my longest until now …

Yeah, queues for anything even 1.0 and assaults are either measured in minutes or you instantly drop into a game, nothing in between.


MM is indeed fucked

Star Wars gif. R2-D2 tips over, face planting into the ground.


Same here BR 11.7 realistic air. 289 waiting for battle.

Sim que is broken too. Never ever have I seen so many people in teh sim que since? Ever??!


Cant beat me sitting at over 14mins

Has anyone fed the hamster?

Hamster Vet GIF by The Secret Life Of Pets

Mebe its a kind of DDoS attack? Someone is swamping the MM server with game requests?

Maybe it’s map destruction mixed with a fallout resurgence?

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