Matchmaker is absolute crap

I don’t see the point in moving up ranks with tanks the way matchmaker currently works.

When I finally bough a 7.0 tank (say… Tiger II (H) ) i end up with modern 8.0 tanks as opponents, and die easily to their modern weapons. My “thick” armor means abolutely nothing.

Then I get some better vehicles in the Swedish group (7.7, 7.3, 7.0) and I get matched up against… 8.7 enemies that as before, finish me off no problem.

The only difference is… it cost me a LOT more to repair my tanks.

matchmaker is a joke that disproportionately uptiers me by a full BR. I should be uptiered 50% of the time and downtiered 50% of the time. 50% of the time my 7.7 garage should be facing 6.7-7.7 enemies. That is not even close to happening.

Might as well stick with 3.3 - 6.0 BRs and forget about upgrading because it certainly is NOT worth the effort.


Fixating on it, will make you think you see it more, and it’ll make you have trouble in this manner.

This is why I say about how the negative dwellers who hold on to problems, and barricade themselves to not have to accept any other option, are actually bad in this community.


So expressing my opinion on something I think is broken is “bad for the community”?

  1. How is pointing out issues bad?
  2. I don’t “think I see it” - I do see it. I get uptiered far more often than the 50% of the time I should be. And it’s by a full BR more often than the 1-in-3 times a full BR should appear when an uptier occurs.

Feel free to ignore my takes on this if they somehow offend you. But rest assured it is happening.


Technically I didn’t refer directly to you, but if you want to take it that way, you can…

If you post thread after thread, complaining about various random ‘bugs’ or ‘tactics’ constantly making out the game is the issue for anything and everything, and anything that doesn’t work directly to your wanted outcome is declared as a bug without checking the slightest, or that ‘teams’ are the problem, that BRs and upteirs are so regular that you ‘can’t play the game’ yet do, and if I could end up going to grab a random replay and find you demoralizing the team, or TKing your teammates when you’ve been making a thread complaining about how bad teams are, then maybe you do qualify for that.

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I also look at the MM with consideration for the gap that is between .3 and .7… .3 has less upteirs than .7 I find, and I feel that it’s because there is more between 3 and 7, and with your 0 upteir, that’d just be the same concept.

And overall, it’s just a number, it doesn’t define the outcome of the match, what is defining it is your instant ‘OMG UPTEIR!!! GGGRRRRRRRR’ from the outset.

And all of this, is contageous… Say it in chat, or even better, hit all, and it’ll be a guaranteed steamrolling.

Skill issue.


That would only occur if there was an equal number of vehicles at every BR.

But there isn’t.

Some vehicles are more popular, for whatever reasons, so there are more vehicles at those BR’s, and your assumption falls over.

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“It’s just a number” is so disingenuous it’s laughable.

My 7.3 garage ended up facing 8.3 far more than the averages said it should.
Then graduating to 7.7… the gap is pumped to 8.7.
So it really doesn’t matter if I upgrade - I still face enemies with a significant technical advantage.

It’s not though, it’s a mindset, and you fixating on those numbers thinking that it defines the outcome of the match in every way possible, feeding the ODLs and insta-quitters, then you’re causing yourself trouble.

You’re not psychic.

What ‘averages’ are you throwing out though, and why have you ended up checking the BRs of every vehicle in a match rather than actually paying attention to the game itself?

You’re focusing on the upteir constantly, no matter what, because every BR, you’re going to end up possibly facing the upper end, but you are making out it’s a certainty.

You’re already at a morale disadvantage, and that in itself leads to you being hesitant, or fretful, and that’d make more of a problem than their ‘technical’ advantage.

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Doesnt matter the BR - those were example.
7.0… end up vs 8.0
7.3… end up vs 8.3
7.7… end up vs 8.7

No idea what will ahppen at 8.0 because I don’t really plan on playing that BR.

The best You an do is to find a B.R. where You have the most fun with no matter the uptiers/downtiers and stick to it.

Game is designed to make You want to have “better” things, so You will constantly grind.


Clearly not true since in those examples you mention 8.0 has ended playing 7.0, 8.3 is vs 7.3, and 8.7 is vs 7.7.

You have successfully proven yourself wrong - indeed every post by anyone who says “I am always up-tiered at every BR” always shows someone getting down-tiered

There always are bad br and good br. You can’t love it only when you win.

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Well, then play 8.3 and enjoy clubbing the 7.3s… :-)

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Quote the part where I say “always”?

Pretty sure I said “more often than I should” and “disproportionately”.

3.3 - 3.7 it is…
Been uptiered to 4.7 regularly but the difference has not been as noticeable as when I play 7.0 and get uptiered to 8.0.

Something you probably don’t know is that if there is -let’s say- a 6.7 player that got into a 7.7 match, only 25% of players in that match are allowed to be 7.7. So there is always going to be less players enjoying full downtier than not.
Also I bet most of your matches aren’t full uptiers but rather sligh ones (+0.3/0.4 or + 0.6/0.7) and that is how the matchmaker is supposed to work. That’s the fairest system, that way most players face tanks around their own BR.

Btw when being uptiered you have the benefit of getting more score points per action than players that got downtierd

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Its a br thing and what he says is true, some br you get more uptier frequency than downtier, some 80% of the matches is partial uptier so you will have a much easier time, there was time my entire day was mostly full downtier, 160sp for heavy tanks, it were clearly influence by the popularity of said br and during sales will influence the player count on certain vehicles, example, my 9.3 experience is mostly seeing 10.3, still semi fair if we take teams into consideration that everybody has a equal amount of strong/weak vehicles, unless some shithead waste a slot and use M22 at 9.3 thus he is not going to contribute to the power factor to the team, during sales my 9.3 has start seeing 150sp like 7 out of 10 matches, mostly when facing Germany as here is a surge of the number of TURM III so the match put me against it, the KDR of my T-64 during that short time has increased by 1, which is mostly me killing vehicles of lesser abilities.

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Cool story bro, but I’ll maintain my points that I have made because the entire premise of people spewing the negativity is to wind people up in debate and shout down on everyone.

The game isn’t the problem, often it’s the players complaining about what got them killed and not being aware that they shouldn’t be as confident as they are being, and expecting to be ‘top dog’.

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I won’t even play in a full downtier any longer. Where is the challenge?