"Matchmaker is absolute crap" - you are so wrong!

I came here after some time, and after some soooo BAD battles, after 9pm PST (I quote time as that plays a role in online team games).

The topic under quotes is about “uptier” or whatever - and I say it is so wrong to think how upper or lower tanks are the decision makers in the/any game.

It is about the skill (read “a way of thinking”).

I am fairly new to this game, but came from WoT Blitz (over 10 years there), and I can only say that it is not about MM, but about how you play as a team.

Here, TEAM = WIN. Play together, go together, think “zones” and no problem.


sometimes I am amazed how good my team is - they form a strong frontline that rushes through the map meter by meter with cross firing the enemies and that guarantees victory.

But then there are teams that stay in one point near the capture point, all die and lose to enemy force that starts to spawn kill


Yeah you’re absolutely right. Every person complaining that they get up tiered into unfair match ups just need to get better at the game. No one just wants to play a fair game against contemporary vehicles. It’s all about the uphill struggle of facing off against modern MBT’s in your early cold war rust bucket.

and then actually winning. Recently my friend on Tiger I who I got uptiered to 8.7 got three early MBTs

No one said you can’t win in up tiered games, it happens regularly. No one said you can’t kill higher BR vehicles, it happens regularly. I don’t quit up tiered matches, I play them through and often win. But I rarely enjoy them because they are inherently unfair.

What I don’t like is players telling other players that them not enjoying the game because of up tiers is not really an issue because you manage to enjoy it. Telling them they should just get good and it will magically get more fun. You aren’t contributing to the discussion. You are actively insulting another player for voicing their dissatisfaction with a known issue.

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If you’re faced with something different, try playing it different…

You don’t have to be out the front doing everything, you have artillery and communications.

Just saying, I didn’t say that in that other thread, but you were quick enough to try push that.

They are not psychic, you don’t need to be out the front, you don’t have to get all the kills. So many other roles to play in the game, you don’t have to be the main character all the time, if even at all.

oh, that previous message was ironic? I thought you were supporting ±1.0 BR fork for the sake of skillfully outplaying people with better tech