Map Rotation

Is it normal that I always only get the same 5 maps filled? Because when I look at how many there are I ask myself where they all are because I’ve never seen 60% of the entire maps?


Map rotation is broken since years ago. Both Forums are filled with similar complains but for Gaijin every related with maps is instant ignored for some reason.

P.D: I cant wait for Gaijin dude saying he dont suffer this problem and map rotation is perfectly fine and is just because he dont play the game.


The community doesnt like this, the community doesnt like that, they want this, they want that etc etc
Majority do not know what they want or fail to comprehend the wider picture/impact of their desired requests.

What you are addressing is a direct result of the above ^ and yes, it is an issue.

But I guarnatee you - There will be people complaining about the same 5 maps - yet they were the same people complaing about map x,y and z.
They will be the same people complaining about map size.
Same people banning multiple maps.
Same people who J-out when they dont like the map.
Then sit there sometime down the line asking “why only 4 maps?”

So it doesn’t help if I like or dislike maps?


I wouldn’t call it complaining, just confused because I would like to see other maps :D

I wasn’t referring to you buddy.

Ok then it was my mistake :D

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I think it’s a shame that liking and disliking doesn’t work

Well, it tells Gaijing which map you like and doesn’t like. But that’s it.

So you can see it more like a survey, which isn’t a survey?

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One of the theories for this is that each server loads different maps in order to improve the efficiency and decrease strain on servers. I usually select multiple servers, and in my experience it has worked. But the problems with Gaijin’s lack of good maps and the overabundance of CQC maps still exist.

The map rotation for sure is not “random”, and for sure not “even”. I tested it in February last year, (no map banned, always stayed to the end, around 250 battles i think) amd there were maps that did show up zero times (ground zero), or only once or twice, whereas maps like seversk got spammed all the time. (I think over 20 battles)
This is not random.

Then i tried with a randomizer app, and the maps were still not even, but they were random and somewhat even. (5 times were the most times a map was off from the average). If war thunder map rotation was this way, it would be somewhat OK, as this is random.

Then i tried to code an “even” matchmaker in C++. The program randomizes the maps, and after a certain time it checks which maps were played the least often, and increases their chansce of appearance. Also i added a function that ensures that no maps repeat back to back. And this produced a map rotation that is “even” and “random”. It was not even that hard, i am an mechatronics engineer and no programmer, so a gaijin programmer could write a better map rotator in 1 hour.

But the current map rotation, i habe the feeling, that it ARTIFICIALLY increases some maps appearance (Seversk for example). I hate that. If i get 3 times seversk i quit ground and play air, sorry. And i cant ban seversk either because i have shit sweden on ban, and that is never ever going to get unbanned.