Map design.. Why devs are doing this?

They are designed this way to keep player frustration and progression as low as possible, shorter matches ensures that players don’t get enough RP per match and thus, pressuring the player into getting premium. People should be calling out this predatory practice more.


Oh jesus it’s terrible at low brs over Br1ish as it is, you can also spawn camp from B main street lmao.

The maps and decisions related in this game are the worst of any title i’ve ever seen. I’d automatically leave this map, the 3 cap one is bad enough (you can’t even cross the river and will die to CAS within a few minutes on the one open field) and I encourage everyone else to leave this trash map also.

*above BR1

it’s already too small for BR2 tanks. Stop lumping WW2/cold war/etc tanks on tiny maps they were never designed for.

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WW2 tanks are fine on smaller maps. Playing certain American or some Russian tanks at longer ranges is a massive pain. City maps only become an issue once everyone has a stabilizer and high mobility.

Plus, all older maps in WT were designed for WWII/cold war tanks.

If Holland wasn’t designed for a 2.3 tank, then why is it good at those BRs?


I think the subtlety in map design is sometimes overlooked and the idea of balance is taken too literally. No one side of a map is ever going to mirror the other.

Take the new Tunisia for example. It’s easy to say that coming in as the red team you can cover the spawn area quickly and completely and stop its use and yes you can and it can appear unfair and unbalanced at first.

You can scream for its removal with rocks etc and close that bit of fun down.
However if you bother to look deep at it from both sides you can see that Blue can actually do the same but in a different way.No it is not a mirror image but it does allow the same opportunity if we bother to take the time to look.


Sorry for my terrible art work : )

So my point is that we have had some very clever maps in the past but us players weren’t clever enough to understand them so they got wiped and the quality lost and dumbed down for the stupid.

I love the old Tunisia and hope for its return but I am sure the good qualities of the new Tunisia will soon be eradicated as well due to people being too dumb to get it.

Overall I think few us take the time to really understand what the old map makers intended.We have earned the rubbish we have now with our premature complaints.


yes i support multiple spawn idea, and easter europe without bridges have a same shoe like north holland… fast battles and lot of one death leavers when opposite team take spawn camper key point(s)…battles are BORING…


Remember guys, there is nothing wrong with Gaijin map design

perfectly fun 6 minute match on this map at 12.7 GRB.
enemy team was unable to spawn 3 minutes into the match.


Even at 7.7 it’s a mess.

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If I get that kind of map I just leave.


I kid you not, on my Breda, i was shot by a Kv-1 and it chased me lol I tried to hide within the sand area and well…got gaijined and cornered. Was unable to go there and died to that Kv-1 since I couldn’t drive there and hide to repair. Didin’t notice it was red till it warned me to go back.

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I only play top tier, so got this at 12.7.
Drove 50m and peaked a hill and could see their spawn.


That is truly shocking at top tier. I have only ever played TT on a mates PC a few times and to have that map there is out of order for a game like this.
Something of an embarrassment for War Thunder. The game is showing it’s age.

I would certainly recommend playing War Thunder but not paying for it. Not now.
If you were around a few years ago you had the glory days, if you are coming into it now you missed the boat.

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