Manual Load Override Nonexistant?

Im most familiar with the Russian Auto Loaders and will be speaking mostly based on my top tier experience with Russian vehicles.
Ever since the update that brought modelling of auto loaders, it has created a glaring issue.
You MUST repair ~30sec and reload (another 6-8sec). This roughly translates to a 40 sec reload depending on multiple factors in game. I do not know which auto loaders are capable of manual loading and dont wish to leak any classified documents, however there needs to be some in depth analysis.
First and foremost is why the repair is so long for the damage relative to the vehicle?
-Cant repair until fully inoperable unlike other modules
-Auto loaders do not save reload progress like manual loaders
-Auto Loaders have no manual override
-Auto Loaders do not reload faster than manual loaders
All of these factors now compound on top of each other and have created a fragile and almost useless tank, CQC especially.
The myth that it makes the tank harder to ammo rack is not true. The more accurate modelling has instead created the need for a more accurate shot. Non auto loader vehicles mechanically now have a massive upperhand due to these changes.
To be clear, I am glad they are a more in depth tank model and I support this change. I do not support the lack of fail safe and creating a more ‘fair’ statistic though. If anyone has more info as to why auto loaders have no manual override or if other nations in game have manual override and why or why not it should be added, I would love to hear more from the community.


Type90 and Type10 not exist…
Leclerc reloads by same time as abrams.

In game - jsut because it will take same time, maybe even more.

OMG… where to start…
Cannon autoloaders are very complicated mechanical systems. They have lots of precision parts that are easily damaged. Just knocking them out of alignment will make them fail. Most autoloaders have a notional back up manual mode, but its just that, notional. The crew literally have to stop fighting the tank and concentrate on manually cranking on levers and wheels.
And repairs? No. anything that actually breaks an autoloader is like a busted gun barrel. There is no way a crew can fix that while in contact. IRL, they pull back and find the mechanics to fix their s#it. Basically a critical hit means you are a “mission kill” IRL.
This is not much fun in a “simucade” game so Gaijin fudges repairs in the name of “playability”.
I’m sure others will hit your other points.


I did not forget about them! They do not run on a full auto loader system and have a relatively small ready rack. It creates some in game balance but without leaning heavily into 1 method or the other. Russian tanks will see this issue the most as they have a physical module to repair that is half of the tanks internal space.

If we were focusing on IRL events then a barrel replacement would not exist even if its ‘notional’. In game certain repairs impossible to do mid combat but they exist. This is a game and games tend to have some sort of unrealistic tendencies.

Well, irl you dont need even to damage autoloader.
Just make some bonk to hull.

Btw, in WT 20 shells is more than enough, for standart battle, for long maybe not enough, but you always can reload on point.

And who will take more than 16 shells into bomb-tanks?

i load out 18 with 1 loaded in. I agree theres no point in WT to carry any more but you cant reload on objectives until the repair is complete regardless. you would only be replinishing missing shells instead. Objective repairs do have more use now but objectives are not designed in such a way to be a place to hold within the designated area. Its a capture point and somewhat a replinish site but by no means an area to fortify

Yes, which explains its deviation from “realistic” you note above. Don’t overthink it. Just attempt to enjoy the game. That is hard enough.

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Youre absolutely right. Im mainly seeking some balancing or justification for such a hard nerf. WT is a fast paced game and little to none is designed for the more slower gameplays. We have trenches and dozer blades but they are rarely used or effective aside from being a simple road hazard. This has become a fundamental gameplay change for some nations. WT already struggles to keep a top tier player base. This is simply adding fuel to the fire on those nations

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The easiest way sould make dead autoloaders reload at the rate with a dead battery. I would think this is fair enough with a breach still operable.

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If you have to be more accurate to ammo rack, then it is harder to ammo rack. I’d say implementing a manual override with a 20 second reload rate would probably be a fine trade-off for the extra survivability.

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You can repair an autoloader an infinite amount of times, unlike a human loader. Autoloaders also aren’t affected by crew skills, which is a major benefit.

They’re fine as they are, after the module improvements.

The little gnome in the OTOMATIC is working overtime

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AcTuAlLy… Autoloaders are effected by repair skills. ;P
And no, a major drawback is that if they malfunction, you should be screwed because a jam in 120/125mm gun should be a bitch.
But… video game.

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That’s a fair point actually, I hadn’t considered that they’re affected by repair skills (which are an absolute pain to level).

Manual load override would be slower than repairing the autoloader and it loading a round in the chamber.

The reason manual override exists IRL is cause 1 minute is quicker than repairing the mechanism.

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That is completely false. But thanks for playing.

Repair: 12 - 20 seconds.
Reload: 7 seconds.
Total: 19 - 27 seconds.

Manual loading of the round: 45 minimum seconds.

This is a best case scenario and doesnt represent what the average player would be dealing with

How much do you think troubleshooting and figuring out how to repair an autoloading mechanism will take?
Spoiler: Its longer than 45 seconds, which I am sure is very optimistic for even a T-72.