MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details

igla was not buffed its still the same like pre patch problem is not many people used it on helicopters and now that is on spaa people just realise that igla had that lol

ha, fair enough.

The other manpads are still missing their correct overload though

Here a better translation:

Reduction of the close distance kill zone is achieved by automatically giving the missile the required angles of anticipation and elevation, which is provided by the control scheme on the initial section, which is part of the UVK, and the gunpowder control engine installed in the steering compartment of the missile. The gunpowder control engine provides gas-dynamic turning of the missile after its departure from the tube to the required angles of preemptive elevation according to signals from the control scheme at the initial section of the flight.

Source (p.85)

@Lolman345 I guess this is the work of this “correction engine”.

I’m just glad this is getting the attention it needs.

Oh no, nerf immediately)





Looks more like the fins directing the missile while the gas generator is instead incurring spin, as the exhaust present stops before the missile clears the tube, would not be able to make the missile yaw or angle as long as it is in the tube but would be able to incur rotation.

Not to mention the exhaust is coming out of two opposing sides in equal volume even though the fins are already deflected, to incur yaw it would require the fins and exhaust to be expelled only from one side.

However, throughout the entire clip the fins are at full deflection once the missile is clear of the tube which would cause the missile to turn once it cleared the tube.

In the end, every other MANPADS should be turning the moment it exits the tube as well, however all of them, except the Igla currently have a guidance lockout for a short period.

Edit : even after looking through the video a few times now, the missile frankly does not even look like it is turning off axis much if at all from the actual launcher, with the rear dropping and thats about it, as you can see the tube facing the same exact direction post launch as where the missile is currently pointing, with the missile just superelevating a bit and thats about it.


The missile itself is only about 6 ish degrees off bore which would be easily attainable by the fins deflection alone.

Compare this to how the Igla is in game, deflecting 25 to 35 degrees off bore after close range targets, well, its vastly different performance.



You guys need to make a bug report and let’s all support it. Let’s see how gaijin responds.

2° AoA 🙃

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Gaijin and rolling airframes in a nutshell :
-No we don’t believe western primary sources that the mistral and stinger can pull more Gs than the igla because it’s not possible comium copium
-Also gaijin : we believe the igla can pull instantaneous high G turn at launch before the motor actually fires and without any system that physically allows it to do so

This is bias at best, and borderline stupid at worse

Also can we talked about the mistral being « 16Gs » but with its AOA not updated so it actually can’t reach 16G lol


The fact that the Russians have the best ww2 era battleship/battlecruiser in the game despite never completing a true battleship since the days of the tsar should tell you everything you need to know about their priorities.


You are either high if you think the battle cruiser Kronstadt is better than scharnhorst.

Or you don’t play naval.

Scharnhorst is literally the best ship in the entire game. It is extremely overpowered. Agreed upon by a huge majority of the naval player base.


Me spawns in any non top tier Russian ship sees Scharnhorst day ruined

Hey, guys. I want to report the 9M39 erroneously having a proxy fuse (it didn’t have one IRL, the later improved version does, the Igla-S). I have only found one source for it so far.

Page 14 of the book (16 of the PDF) states that the Igla-S has a proxy fuse unlike its predecessor:

Anybody here have more sources on this? I remember seeing a PDF of the 9M39 employment manual floating around somewhere, but I can’t seem to find it.


This one?

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damn, that was quick, thx

aight, here it is

Iglas been like this always, it would be unusable if it didn’t have that with a caged seeker. Although weird they gave the shilka m ancient base igla instead of igla s. Verba might be too much

wow very interesting

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ATAS and FIM-92E don’t get proxy fuze at all. Also, Igla gets the thrust-vectoring auto lead on firing which wholly compensates for the caged seeker.